Chapman Barker Unit

At the Chapman Barker Unit, we support adults over the age of 18 who have an alcohol and/or drug dependence and who require a medically managed admission to our 36 bed inpatient unit.

We provide holistic care during detoxes by using medical, therapeutic, and psychological methods of treatment, ensuring patients are involved with their recovery care plans and encouraging input from their families and carers.


Our Team

The Chapman Barker Unit’s multi disciplinary team are committed to supporting patients through their recovery to ensure best possible patient outcomes.

The team includes 24/7 nursing support comprising of Registered Mental Nurses, Support Workers, Registered General Nurses, Addiction Psychiatry Consultants, Ward-based Medical and Psychiatric Doctors, a Psychosocial Intervention Team, a Social Worker and Physiotherapist. Out of hours support is available from the Hospital At Night Team to ensure medical issues are addressed 24 hours a day.


Admission Pathways

The unit has two admission pathways.

Planned admissions are patients who have worked with their community teams towards completing a detox, have complex issues with substances and co-existing mental and physical health concerns.

The second pathway is the Radar pathway via a referral from a Greater Manchester A&E. Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust is home to UK’s first Rapid Access Detoxification Alcohol hospital which is a bespoke 7 day programme.

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust