Prison healthcare,Suicide & Self Harm

PrisScope: Self-harm in men's prisons

Calling for participants until

28 Feb 2025

Participant type

Age: 18+,Looking For: People living in prison,Study Type: Group,Study Type: In Person,Study Type: Interview,Study Type: Surveys


The purpose of this study is to gather information about self-harm in prison and to understand your views on interventions (treatments or help) that may be helpful. The aim is to help develop future interventions for men who self-harm in prison.


What is the study about? What are you trying to find out?

The purpose of this study is to gather information about self-harm in prison and to understand your views on interventions (treatments or help) that may be helpful. The aim is to help develop future interventions for men who self-harm in prison.

What does taking part involve?

Male Prisoners: If you agree to take part, you will be invited to be interviewed by a member of the research team from the University of Manchester. The interview will last around 60 minutes. During the interview you will be asked to discuss your own experiences of self-harm and the types of interventions that may be helpful. The interviews will be audio-recorded. The audio-recording will then by typed out so we can look at the information you provide.

We will also ask you to complete a short demographic questionnaire. This questionnaire includes optional questions on ethnicity, sex and gender identity. If you agree to take part in the research, we will send a letter to healthcare. We will send a letter to the mental health team, if you are under their care. We will also tell your personal officer. This is to let them know that you are taking part in the research in case you need extra support. It is fine to change your mind and decide not to be interviewed.

Prison staff:

  • a focus group with 5-8 other participants. In the group you will be asked to discuss your thoughts on self-harm and interventions for men who self-harm in prison.
  • a 1:1 interview (either face to face,online or on the telephone). We will discuss your thoughts on self-harm and interventions for men who self-harm in prison.
  • a structured telephone or online interview with you to discuss the current interventions, processes and resources that are used with men who self-harm in prison. The interview will be conducted by an experienced researcher from The University of Manchester. We will also ask you to share documents which describe any treatments offered in your prison, if possible.

We will also ask you to complete a short demographic questionnaire. This questionnaire includes optional questions on ethnicity, sex and gender identity.

Who is it for?

This study is looking for:

  • male who have personal experience of self-harm in prison.
  • Prison staff who work with male prisoners who self-harm.

Why is it important? 

We can’t promise that the study will help you directly, but we hope that the research results may help us to understand how best to help people that feel suicidal in prison.

How can I find out more?

You can find out more information about taking part in this study by downloading the key documents at the top of this page.

If you are interested in taking part in this study, or have questions for the research team, click the button below to email us:

Email the research team


As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust