Clinical Transformation
Clinical Transformation
Find out how we became a Trust for the Greater Manchester area.
View Clinical Transformation page
Improving mental health in North Manchester
Improving mental health in North Manchester
Find out how we're improving mental health services in North Manchester and how you can get involved.
Prestwich Green Health Walk
Prestwich Green Health Walk
Find out about our green well-being walk around the grounds of our Prestwich site.
Raise a concern or a complaint
Raise a concern or a complaint
Find out how our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints teams can help you.
Roles for Service Users and Carers
Roles for Service Users and Carers
Find out about the paid roles available to service users and carers across our services.
Transforming community mental health together
Transforming community mental health together
Find out about our plans for transforming community mental health by listening to carers and those with lived experience.