Young Persons
We have healthcare teams at secure children’s homes in St Helen’s and Salford. The homes house young men and women, aged between 11 and 18 years old admitted under custodial and welfare grounds, presenting with complex and multiple difficulties.
Our healthcare team includes psychiatry, psychology, mental and physical health nurses, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, transitions workers, substance misuse, visiting GP, optician and dentist. The service is psychologically lead, and trauma informed, working to the principles of the SECURE Stairs framework, a national strategy to empower those working directly with these young people day-in and day-out, to create collaborative working across partnership agencies, to be formulation driven and trauma informed.
The healthcare team provide consultation, training, reflective practice, and clinical supervision for residential staff, and managers in the homes. Specialist assessments, formulations and interventions are also provided directly with the young people, and information from these is used to help relevant organisations understand and work with the needs of the young people.
Collaborative working is seen as key to seamless care, and smooth transitions in and out of the services. The healthcare team are experienced and motivated to work with all relevant agencies to ensure the best possible care for each and every young person who arrives in the homes. Families and carers of the young people are included in their journey through the homes, where appropriate, and the healthcare team maintain contact and work with all the systems around the individual young person.
The aims of the healthcare team in the secure children’s homes are:
- To improve access to healthcare for young people who may not access this in the community.
- To put the needs of the young person at the centre of their care.
- To work collaboratively with the agencies and systems around the young person.
- To build a psychologically lead, developmentally focused, and trauma informed culture.