1. Our Services

    1. Urgent mental health support
    2. Referral Information for professionals
      1. Services in Bolton
      2. Services in Salford
        1. Helping Service Users in a Crisis
        2. Early Intervention Services
        3. Community Mental Health Teams in Salford
      3. Services in Trafford
        1. Early Intervention Team
        2. Memory Assessment and Treatment Service
        3. Older Adults Community Mental Health Team and Dementia Service
      4. Services in Manchester
        1. Community Mental Health Teams in Manchester
        2. Helping a Service User in Crisis
        3. Early Intervention Services in Manchester
        4. Memory Services in Manchester
        5. Older Adult Services in Manchester
        6. Frequently Asked Questions
      5. Services in Wigan
        1. Specialist Community Mental Health Team
        2. Older Adult Community Mental Health Teams
        3. Mental Health Urgent Response Team
        4. Building Attachments and Bonds Support
        5. Mental Health Link Workers
        6. Wigan and Bolton Young People’s Eating Disorder Service (CEDS)
    3. Services by Location
      1. Services in Bolton
      2. Services in Salford
      3. Services in Trafford
      4. Services in Manchester
      5. Services in Wigan
    4. Advanced Search
    5. Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care
    6. Child and Adolescent Services
      1. CAMHS Services in Bolton
        1. For Young People
        2. Bolton Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
        3. Friends, Family and Carers
        4. Professionals
      2. CAMHS Services in Wigan
        1. Wigan CAMHS Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
        2. Eating Disorder Service for Young People
        3. School Link Team
      3. Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - North West (FCAMHS - NW)
      4. Gardener Unit
      5. Junction 17
    7. Addiction Services
      1. Achieve Recovery Services
        1. Achieve Bolton
        2. Achieve Bury
        3. Achieve Salford
        4. Achieve Trafford
        5. Achieve Harm Reduction
        6. Achieve Young Persons Service
        7. Drug and Alcohol Services Surveys
        8. Helpful links and resources
      2. Chapman Barker Unit
        1. RADAR
      3. Dual Diagnosis
    8. Community Services
      1. Wigan Adult ADHD Service
      2. Autism Spectrum Conditions Support Team
      3. Assessment Service
      4. Asylum Seeker Mental Health Service
      5. Best Choices
        1. Best Choices Learning Disability Services
        2. Best Choices Mental Health Services
      6. Community Mental Health Teams
        1. Specialist Community Mental Health Team
        2. Community Mental Health Teams in Bolton
        3. Community Mental Health Teams in Trafford
        4. Community Mental Health Teams in Manchester
        5. Community Mental Health Teams in Salford
      7. Inclusion Service
      8. Living Well
      9. Mental Health Link Workers
      10. Homeless Services
        1. Housing First Dual Diagnosis Team
        2. Rough Sleeper Drug and Alcohol Team
        3. Rough Sleepers Initiative Team
        4. Salford Homeless Dual Diagnosis Team
      11. Recovery Team 
      12. Trafford Extended Service
    9. Crisis Care Services
      1. Bluesci at Night
      2. No. 93 Crisis Cafe
      3. Rapid Response Team
      4. 136 suite
      5. Home Based Treatment Services
        1. Home Based Treatment in Trafford
        2. Home Based Treatment in Manchester
        3. Home Based Treatment in Wigan
        4. Salford Home Based Treatment Team
      6. Mental Health Liaison
        1. Mental Health Liaison Services in Wigan
        2. Mental Health Liaison Services in Manchester
    10. Deaf Mental Health
      1. John Denmark Unit
    11. Early Intervention Services
      1. Early Intervention Services in Bolton
      2. Early Intervention Services in Manchester
      3. Early Intervention Services in Wigan
      4. Early Intervention Services in Salford
      5. Early Intervention Services in Trafford
      6. EDIT
    12. Forensic Services
      1. Medium Secure Services
      2. Pre-discharge Recovery Wards
      3. Low Secure Services
      4. SCFT Service
    13. Health and Justice Services
      1. Primary Care Mental Health Treatment Requirement Service (MHTR)
      2. GM Liaison and Diversion Service
      3. Mental Health Tactical Advice Service
      4. Health Services
      5. Health and Justice Community Services
      6. Health and Justice Young Persons Service
      7. Prisons
    14. Inpatient Services
      1. North View
      2. Atherleigh Park
      3. Housing advice service
      4. Citywide treatment suites
      5. Laureate house
      6. Park House
        1. SAFIRE unit
      7. Meadowbrook unit
        1. Mental health review team
      8. The Woodlands
      9. Rivington Unit and Willow Outpatients
      10. Moorside unit
      11. Maple House
    15. Memory and Dementia Services
      1. Admiral Nurses
      2. Care Home Liaison Team 
      3. Memory Assessment Services
        1. Memory Assessment Services in Wigan
        2. For GPs
      4. Memory Clinics
      5. Memory Skills Groups
      6. Reach Beyond and Open Doors Project
        1. Dementia Research
        2. Groups and Support
          1. Early Onset Dementia Dining Club
          2. Open Doors Support Groups
        3. Living with Dementia
    16. Mother and Baby Services
      1. Andersen Ward
      2. Building Attachments and Bonds Support
      3. Perinatal Trauma and Loss Service (PETALS)
      4. Perinatal Community Services
      5. Perinatal Talking Therapies
    17. Library and Knowledge Services
      1. Service Changes
      2. Library Services
      3. Library Membership
      4. Library Catalogue
      5. Training
      6. E-Resources and External Links
      7. OpenAthens
      8. Library and Knowledge Service Contact Details
      9. Keeping Up to Date
    18. Older Adult Services
      1. The Therapy Hub
      2. Older Adult Community Teams
        1. Older Adult Community Mental Health Teams in Wigan
      3. Older Adult Inpatient Services
      4. Salford Older Adult Primary Care Psychological Therapies Service
    19. Psychological Services
      1. Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Service
        1. Pre-assessment support
      2. Clinical Psychology in Cardiology 
      3. Chronic Pain Management Service
      4. Eating Disorder Services
        1. Young People's Eating Disorder Service
      5. Learning Disability Service
      6. Living with Fatigue and Pain Service in Manchester
      7. Post-COVID Syndrome Service
      8. Psychosexual Services
        1. Tackling pain and difficulty with penetrative sex
      9. Talking Therapies
      10. Specialist Psychotherapy Services
        1. Manchester Specialist Psychotherapy Service
        2. Salford Specialist Psychotherapy Services
        3. Trafford Psychotherapy Services
        4. Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy
      11. Military Veterans Services
    20. Rehabilitation Services
      1. Anson Road
      2. Bramley Street
      3. Braeburn House
    21. Specialist Services
      1. The Greater Manchester Universities Student Mental Health Service
    22. Talking Therapies
      1. Wigan Talking Therapies
      2. Bolton Talking Therapies
      3. Manchester Talking Therapies
        1. Employment Adviser Service
        2. Mindfulness-Based Therapy Groups
        3. Pregnancy and Early Childhood within Talking Therapies
          1. Pregnancy and Early Childhood Resources
      4. Salford Talking Therapies
        1. Pregnancy and Early Childhood within Salford Talking Therapies
      5. Trafford Talking Therapies
        1. Further Information
        2. Trafford Primary Care Mental Health and Wellbeing Service
        3. Pregnancy and Early Childhood within Trafford Talking Therapies
          1. Local Support Services
    23. Wellbeing Services
      1. Recovery Pathways
        1. Sashiko Project
        2. Enchantment of the Everyday Exhibition
        3. Arts for Good Health
        4. Benchmark
          1. Benchmark Commissioned Work
        5. Green Wellbeing
        6. Individual Placements and Support Service
        7. Studio One
        8. Start
      2. No. 93 Wellbeing Centre
  2. About Us

    1. Who we are
      1. Our Board of Directors
        1. Board Meetings
      2. Our Council of Governors
        1. Council of Governors Meetings
        2. Our Governor Constituencies
        3. Meet your Governors
        4. Governor Elections
          1. Governor Elections 2023
          2. Recent Govenor Elections
        5. Annual Members' Meeting
      3. Standards, Statements and Declarations
        1. Publication of expenditure over £25,000
        2. Privacy notices
          1. How the NHS and care services use your information
          2. GDPR in research
          3. Information for employees
          4. Your information and how we use it
          5. Summary care records
        3. Declarations of interest
        4. Statements and declarations
        5. Our standards
          1. Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
          2. Care Quality Commission (CQC)
          3. Safe staffing
      4. Join Us
        1. Become a Member
        2. Become a Governor
      5. Incidents and investigations
      6. Accessibility
      7. Equality and Diversity
        1. Advancing Equity and Inclusion Strategy
        2. Patient Carer Race Equity Framework (PCREF)
        3. Equality Reports
        4. Equality Delivery System 2 grading
          1. Age
          2. Disability
          3. Gender Reassignment
          4. Marriage and Civil Partnership
          5. Pregnancy and Maternity
          6. Race
          7. Religion and Belief
          8. Sex
          9. Sexual Orientation
      8. Staff Support Networks
        1. Disability Network
        2. BAME Network
        3. LGBT+ Network
      9. Publications
      10. Trust Strategies
      11. Awards and accreditations
    2. Freedom of Information
      1. Data Protection Impact Assessments
      2. Disclosure Log
      3. Information Governance Policies
      4. How to make an FOI request
    3. News and Events
      1. Latest News
      2. Upcoming Events
      3. Media Centre
        1. Press Releases
      4. Coronavirus Information
        1. Latest Updates and Guidance
          1. Guidance for Service Users
          2. COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
          3. National Guidance
          4. Guidance in Alternative Formats
    4. Transformation plans
      1. Our Improvement Plan
      2. Improving North Manchester
        1. Why we have developed a new inpatient hospital
        2. Look Around the New Development
        3. Follow our Progress at North View
          1. Journey So Far
        4. News and Updates
        5. Staff and Service User Quotes
        6. Share your Views
      3. Transforming Community Mental Health Together
      4. Lead Provider Collaborative for Greater Manchester Adult Secure Services
  3. Service users and carers

    1. Get involved
      1. Join our Engagement Database
      2. Membership and Governors
      3. Patient Stories
      4. Recovery Academy
        1. About the Academy
        2. Accredited Courses
        3. Bespoke Training Packages
        4. Free Educational Resources
        5. Course Prospectus
        6. Sign-up to our Newsletter
      5. Volunteering
      6. Share your views about our services
    2. Carers, Family and Friends
      1. Carer booklets, leaflets and more
      2. Carers assessments
      3. Carers charter
      4. Local carer groups
        1. Bolton Carer Groups
        2. Bury Carer Groups
        3. Manchester Carer Groups
        4. Salford Carer Groups
        5. Trafford Carer Groups
      5. The Triangle of Care
    3. Helpful information
      1. Information for Professionals
      2. Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018
      3. Advocacy Support Services
      4. Food banks in Greater Manchester
      5. Find out more about your medication
      6. Health and Wellbeing
        1. Wellbeing for Everyone
        2. Pregnancy and New Parents
        3. Young People and Children
      7. Raise a safeguarding concern
      8. More helpful tools and information
      9. Subject Access Requests
      10. Suicide prevention
        1. Are you thinking about ending your life?
        2. Are you worried about someone ending their life?
        3. Support for those bereaved
      11. Self Help Resources
        1. Self Harm
        2. Long-Covid
        3. Behavioural Activation
        4. 5 Ways to Wellbeing
        5. Unhelpful thinking
        6. Addiction
        7. Anxiety
        8. Depression
        9. Hearing Voices
        10. Suicide
        11. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
        12. Sleep
        13. Worry
      12. Your information and how we use it
      13. Your video appointment with us
    4. Service User and Carer Engagement
      1. Charity
      2. Clinical Transformation
      3. Prestwich Green Health Walk
      4. Roles for service users and carers
    5. Visiting GMMH
      1. Car parking
      2. Choosing GMMH for your care
      3. Coming to hospital
        1. Care Programme Approach
      4. Facilities
      5. Smokefree
      6. Virtual Tours
        1. CAMHS Services Prestwich
          1. CAMHS Activities
          2. CAMHS Engagement
        2. Adult Inpatient Services Prestwich
          1. Therapeutic Activities
          2. Engagement
      7. Visiting someone in our care
  4. Research & Innovation

    1. Active Studies Finder
    2. Get Involved
      1. Get involved as a service user, carer or loved one
      2. Public Patient Involvement
      3. Get involved as GMMH staff
    3. About Us
      1. Innovation
      2. Meet the Team
      3. Our Research Units
        1. ADePT
        2. C-TRU
        3. EDI-RU
        4. GM.Digital
        5. GMDRC
        6. JUICE
        7. MHNRU
        8. PRIME RU
        9. PRU
        10. SSRU
    4. Resources
      1. Researcher Resources
        1. Carrying Out Research
          1. Applications
          2. Legislation and Guidance
        2. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Guidance Documents
        3. Recording Recruitment in GMMH
        4. Communications Resources and Guidance
        5. Useful links and online training
      2. GDPR in Research
      3. Performance in Initiating and Delivering Research
    5. News and Events
      1. News & Events
      2. Events
        1. Research into Practice webinar series
      3. Published Research
    6. Get in touch
  5. Jobs

    1. Vacancies
      1. Administrative Services
      2. Allied Health Professions
      3. Apprenticeships
      4. Directors
      5. Health Care Sciences
      6. Medical and Dental
      7. Nursing and Midwifery
      8. Psychological Professions
      9. Support Services
      10. Join Our Bank
    2. Careers by Location
      1. Bolton
        1. Bolton Urgent Care
        2. Bolton Community Mental Health Careers
      2. Wigan and Leigh
    3. Careers by Profession
      1. Mental Health Nursing
        1. Return to Practice Nursing Programmes
      2. Return to Practice for AHPs
      3. International Nurse Recruitment
    4. Careers by Services
      1. Liaison and Diversion Careers
      2. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Careers
      3. A&E Liaison Mental Health
      4. Specialist Perinatal Careers
      5. Health and Justice Careers
      6. Addictions Division Careers
    5. Recruitment Events
    6. Resources
      1. Recruitment FAQ's
        1. Contact the Recruitment Team
      2. Referral Information for Professionals
      3. Training
        1. Recovery Academy
        2. Psychological Therapies Training Centre
          1. About Us - Meet the Team
          2. Child and Young Peoples Postgraduate Training Programmes
            1. Postgraduate Certificate in Working With the 0-2 Age Group Pathway
            2. Children and Young Peoples Wellbeing Practitioner Postgraduate Diploma
            3. CYP CBT Pathway - Postgraduate Diploma
            4. Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) Postgraduate Diploma
            5. Masters Level Clinical Training in Systemic Family and Couple Psychotherapy
            6. Interpersonal Therapy with Adolescents Pathway - Postgraduate Certificate
            7. Learning Disability & Autism Pathway - Postgraduate Certificate
            8. Senior Wellbeing Practitioner (SWP) Postgraduate Diploma
            9. Parenting Training for Conduct Disorders Pathway - Postgraduate Diploma
            10. CYP Supervision Skills - Postgraduate Certificate
            11. Systemic Family Practice Pathway Postgraduate Diploma
          3. Adult Postgraduate Training Programmes
            1. Advanced Applications of CBT for Personality Difficulties - Top-up CBTpd Training - Postgraduate Certificate
            2. Advanced Applications of CBT for Psychosis & Bipolar Disorder - Top-up CBT Training - Postgraduate Certificate
            3. CBT for Personality Difficulties Pathway - Postgraduate Diploma in CBT
            4. CBT for Psychosis & Bipolar Disorders Pathway - Postgraduate Diploma in CBT
            5. CBT in the Context of Long Term Distressing and Persistent Health Conditions
            6. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy NHS Talking Therapies: Anxiety & Depression
          4. Credit Bearing and CPD Training Courses (Adult & CYP)
            1. Core Training (Psychiatry) Introductory CBT Course
            2. Foundation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Continuing Professional Development Unit
            3. Supervision for CBT, CBTp and CBTpd – 5-day CPD course
            4. Leading Transformation and Change in CYP Mental Health Services - Continued Professional Development (CPD):
          5. Frequently Asked Questions
        3. Medical Education
          1. Events
            1. Approved Clinician Refresher
            2. Approved Clinician Induction
            3. Educational / Clinical Supervisor Events
            4. SAS Events
            5. Section 12 Induction
            6. Other Courses
          2. Induction
          3. Undergraduate Medical Students
        4. Occupational Development and Training Team
          1. Health and Wellbeing
          2. Practice and Delivery Skills
          3. Substance Misuse Training
          4. Course List
      4. Shared Care Protocol M/C
      5. Staff Networks
    7. Work for GMMH
      1. Benefits
      2. Tips for Applying and Interviewing
      3. Living and Working in Greater Manchester
    8. Latest News
  6. Contact Us

    1. Contact Us
    2. Contact us via sign language
    3. Freedom of Information
      1. How to make an FOI request
    4. Get Involved
    5. Media Centre
    6. Raise a concern or a complaint
As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust