No. 93 Wellbeing Centre

Supporting health and wellbeing in North Manchester

No. 93 Wellbeing Centre has been at the heart of Harpurhey for many years and is an important place for the whole community.

Photos of No.93

Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) has invested into the centre, so that it lasts for generations to come.

  • The community hub provides a drop-in Monday— Friday from 10am -3pm.
  • We host many different free groups and activities to support adult's mental health and wellbeing
  • If you are interested in running a wellbeing course or event, please talk to us about booking a room or


  • The GMMH Crisis Cafe team are based at No.93, Monday-Friday from 8pm -1am and on Saturdays & Sundays from 3pm-1am.
  • Email:
  • Call 0777801 238 or 0161 271 0339, phone lines are staffed from 6.30pm onwards and 3pm during the weekend. Please phone ahead before dropping in. 
  •   The 24/7 NHS free phone Helpline number is 0800 953 0285. 

Wellbeing Groups

No 93 Wellbeing Groups
Group and Details Poster

Free trips to RHS Bridgewater Gardens

Wednesday 7th & 14th May

leave at 10am, back around 2.15pm



Yoga Classes (free)

Mats are provided

10 -11am


Yoga Classes 10 -11am


Garden Guardians

Wellbeing Wednesdays, 10.30am - 12noon

We would like your help with keeping our green space in good condition for all to enjoy. 

Just turn up or contact or 07501 489212 for more information.



The Beautiful Minds — Embracing Ageing

Movie sessions for seniors

Tuesday 29th April


Relaxation room

A summary of the Cycle & walking opportunities and free exercise classes at No. 93  poster


Relaxation Class

Every Wednesday from 2.30 — 3.30pm

Relaxation room 


Call 0161 271 0908 or email for more information

Relaxation Class Every Wednesday from 2.30 — 3.30pm Relaxation room  Drop-in Call 0161 271 0908 or email for more information

SICK! Mental Health Arts Programme



Friday 14th MARCH 10:30 - 12:00/12:30 CHAT  - at No. 93, 93 Church Ln, Harpurhey, M9 5BG.

 Friday 21st MARCH 10:30 -12:30 GO & SEE - at Whitworth Art Gallery

 Friday 28th MARCH 10:30 - 12:30 CREATE  - at No. 93, 93 Church Ln, Harpurhey, M9 5BG

 To find out more, arrange a chat about SMASH! or book a free spot, send an email to: or call / text 07949 546135.





Bingo session - free but cheap & cheerful prizes!

Every Wednesday 1.30pm and Fridays at 1pm in the Cafe

For more info, please

contact No.93's reception on

0161 271 0908 or 


Crisis Café at No. 93

An out of hours friendly and supportive community space open to anyone in Manchester, Bolton, Salford and Trafford, experiencing a mental health crisis.

Where to find us: No 93 Harpurhey Wellbeing Centre, 93 Church Lane, Manchester, M9 5BG

Opening times: Monday to Friday, 8pm to 1am (inc. Bank holidays), Saturday and Sunday, 3pm to 1am.

Contact: or call 07778012838 or 0161 271 0339. Please phone ahead before dropping in.

Crisis Cafe


Arts Class

Mondays from 1pm—3pm art room at No 93. Wellbeing Centre.

Call to book a place, as places are very popular!

Tel: 0161 271 0908 Email:

art class

Bike Library Sessions

Borrow a bike for FREE every Monday 10am - 2pm or by appointment.

ID/documentation required: Proof of address, plus photo ID

Please help us by donating any unused bikes. Our mechanics will refurbish and repair your donated bike and offer it on loan or sell at an affordable price in the local commuity.

Visit on Wednesdays at 12pm for a local bike ride and gain more confidence riding a bike.

Contact: or call 0784 592 5000 or 0161 271 0908

Follow on twitter @harpurheymostonbikelibrary

Poster with images of people repairing or using bicycles. Information about Bike library sessions available as text on main page

Gentle Circuits

Learn how to exercise safely from standing up. Boost your energy and reduce joint stiffness while meeting new people and having a bit of fun too.

Every Thursday at 10am at No 93 Wellbeing Centre.

For more info, call 0161 205 0118 or text 07504 831 651

Gentle Circuits exercise class

Harpurhey - Homelessness Prevention Hub

0161 219 6577

FREE advice, help and support with:

  • domestic violence and relationship issues
  • feeding yourself or your family
  • heating your home
  • understanding beneftis and paying your rent
  • debt issues and paying bills

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am - 4.30pm

Harpurhey Homelessness hub poster

Mindful Mums

Peer to peer support group aimed at mums with children under 5, focussed around mental health and wellbeing.

Every Friday 9.30 - 11am at No 93  Wellbeing Centre


For more info, contact Lauren on 07774523221 or email

mindful mums group poster

Music Appreciation Group

Each participant chooses music and we listen to each other's choices respectfully. Listening to music together can be very therapeutic, it's fantastic for our wellbeing and helps us connect with each other.

Every Tuesday 2.30 - 3.30pm

For more info, please contact reception on 0161 271 0908

Music Appreciation Group

North View Construction Skills Training Centre

On-site North View Construction Skills Centre

  • Traineeships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Work Experience
  • Trade Skills
  • Certificated Training


North View Dev, IHP Project Office, Central Drive, Crumpsall, M8 5RL

0161 549 8777

North View Construction Skills Training Centre poster

Seated Exercise & Dance Classes

Learn how to exercise safely from a chair. Boost your energy and reduce joint stiffness while meeting new people and having a bit of fun too.

Every Monday at 11.30am at No 93 Wellbeing centre

For more information phone 0161 205 0118 or 07504 831 651

Seated exercise class

No. 93 Café and Kitchen

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust