Achieve services in Bolton
Achieve Bolton Case Management and Clinical Treatment Service |
Beacon House |
01204 483 090 |
Case Management and Harm reduction services are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. |
Achieve Bolton Psychosocial Intervention Team |
MHIST 1st Floor |
01204 483 090 |
Psychosocial Intervention Team are available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. |
Achieve Bolton, Salford and Trafford Assertive Outreach |
0161 871 2623 |
Useful links
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Cocaine Anonymous
- Adfam
- DrugScope UK DrugWatch
- Helping Hand (Cost of Living support near you)
- Al-Anon UK
- Breaking Free Online (UK)
- Alcohol Change UK
- Try Dry® app
- UK Smart Recovery
- Narcotics Anonymous in the United Kingdom (UKNA)
- Re-Solv: UK's solvent abuse charity
- Chemsafe Space
- Release
- WEDINOS - Welsh Emerging Drugs and Identification of Novel Substances Project
- Greater Manchester GM Trends
- Addiction Family Support
- The Northern Sexual Health
- Sexual & Reproductive Health - Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
- Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH)
- Crystal Meth Anonymous UK