Arts for Good Health

‘You can’t use up creativity; the more you use, the more you have.’  Maya Angelou.

Did you know that being creative is good for your mental health?  Are you or do you have clients who are interested to learn how to use creativity to boost health and wellbeing?

Did you know that being creative is good for your mental health?  Are you or do you have clients who are interested to learn how to use creativity to boost health and wellbeing?

‘Arts for Good Health’ courses are run by the Recovery Pathways service. These are a variety of short courses designed for access to further parts of the community and have their own programme. These can be used as an introduction to our core service or as part of a move on plan. We encourage referrals from services and self-referrals.  flowers

Courses run for around three to eight weeks at differing venues across the city, with group sizes ranging from six to 12 participants depending on the venue. 

Places are limited and reserved on a first come first served basis.  All materials are provided free of charge.

“Talking with people and sharing ideas has been really helpful to me; I’ve made new friends and recaptured my self-belief.”

These are a variety of short courses designed for access to further parts of the community and have their own programme, which you can view here: Arts for Good Health Spring Programme 2025.pdf [pdf] 4MB

These can be used as an introduction to our core service or as part of a move on plan. We encourage referrals from services and self-referrals from people who meet the following criteria:

  • People over the age of 18
  • Manchester resident
  • Need to be able to independently access the venue
  • Both Trust and non-Trust service users who are interested in benefitting their wellbeing using creative activity
  • CPA not required

Please send all completed referral forms to Please specify which Arts for Good Health course you are interested in.

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust