Pre-assessment support

The pre-assessment support resources are for people who may be autistic or have neurodivergent needs and are awaiting assessment.  The resources can be useful for individuals, significant others and professionals who are supporting individuals with neurodivergent needs.


Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways. There is no "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and these differences are not viewed as deficits.

Reasonable adjustments

The Equality Act 2010 says changes or adjustments should be made to ensure that a disabled person is not disadvantaged in their job. Even if you don’t have a diagnosis yet, some employers may be helpful in making reasonable adjustments for you. The following links are tips for disclosing your diagnosis and help with reasonable adjustments.

Employers must make reasonable adjustments to make sure workers with disabilities, or physical or mental health conditions, are not substantially disadvantaged within their work setting.

Quiet times in local supermarkets and cinemas

  • Asda: 14:00-15:00 Monday to Thursday
  • Grande Arcade (Wigan): 9-10am Monday, Wednesday and Friday 
  • Spinning Gate Shopping Centre (Leigh): Music free Mondays 9-5:30pm

Wellbeing and emotional health

Finding ways to support our well being and emotional health is important. Below are some resources which can assist with this. 

Mental health support

  • NHS 111 - if you are experiencing a mental health crisis or something that makes you feel severely unsafe, distressed, or worried about your mental health, you can now contact your local crisis service by calling NHS 111 and selecting the mental health option (option 2).
  • Samaritans - call 116 123 (freephone) if you need to talk to someone urgently about how you are feeling. You can also email  or visit the Samaritans website.
  • The Mental Health Support Hub - a safe, supportive environment for you to access during your time of distress. It is open seven days a week from 3.30pm to 11pm at the Lea Baker Café at Atherleigh Park, Atherleigh Way, Leigh.
  • Shout text service - to obtain support, text the word ‘SHOUT’ to 85258
  • Papyrus (Hopeline UK) - call 0800 068 4141 or text 07860 039967
  • CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) - call 0800 58 58 58, live chat online or WhatsApp. Open from 5pm – midnight every day. Can be used by those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts, carers who are concerned for others or those bereaved by suicide.
  • Routine mental health support - for routine mental health support, contact your GP.

Practical skills support

Practical support and strategies can be helpful for managing everyday stressors.

Carers information

  • Carers assessment information - Wigan and Leigh Carers Centre offers information and guidance on carers assessments. 
  • Wigan Parent Carer Forum (WPCF) - an independent group of parent/carers of children and young people who have special educational needs and disability (SEND) and live in Wigan Borough. They work with Wigan Council to reflect the needs of parent carers. Please visit the Wigan Parent Carer Forum website or the Wigan Parent Carer Forum Facebook for more information. If you wish to contact them then call on 01942 939668 or email
  • Support for carers - help and advice if you look after others on the Wigan Council website
  • Helping someone else - it can be really worrying when someone you care about is going through a difficult time. Mind have advice to help you support other people - and to look after your own wellbeing too.
  • Social care assessment - refer someone for an assessment of their social care needs by calling 01942 828777 or completing an online form: Refer someone for an assessment of care and support. If you have safeguarding concerns for a young person or child, contact the children’s central duty team on 01942 828300. If you have safeguarding concerns about a young person or vulnerable adult contact the adult central duty team on 01942 828777.
  • Family Hubs - operate as a network of services within your neighbourhood to provide accessible and connected services and support to all families.

Professionals (working with neurodiverse individuals)

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust