Supporting new Dads and Partners during COVID | Building Attachments and Bonds Support Blog

Supporting new Dads and Partners during COVID

Becoming a new Dad / Parent is an exciting and at times a worrying stage for many. We recognise that current restrictions related to COVID mean that it is likely you will be unable to have a presence during important moments during pregnancy. Many Dad’s and Partners are recognising that this is impacting on their connection with their baby.


Ways to bond with your unborn baby

  • Talk to the baby –from 18 weeks pregnant your baby will be able to hear you. If you talk to baby regularly they will begin to recognise your voice. Play the baby your favourite music, tell them about your favourite football club, read a book to them. The baby at birth will recognise your voice
  • Feel for your babies movement –did you know you will normally feel movements between 20-24 of pregnancy
  • Download an app to help you understand your babies development throughout the pregnancy
  • Talk about names for your baby
  • Prepare the room for your baby
  • Talk about your fears to your partner and family – ie I worry I wont be a good dad / will I afford the baby
  • Ask if your partner can video record the screen at scans to share with you


It is normal to feel overwhelmed at times throughout pregnancy and after the birth of your baby. After the birth many parents describe not feeling an overwhelming sense of joy and not feeling an immediate connection, this is perfectly normal.


Ways to bond with your baby after birth

  • Where possible, have skin to skin contact as soon after the birth as you can. Remember your baby will recognise your voice, they now will also get to know your smell and heartbeat which will continue to soothe them in their early years
  • Where you can’t have contact on the ward video call regularly and ask your partner to share pictures and videos of your baby
  • Continue regular skin to skin contact, cuddles and talking to your baby once they return home
  • Bath your baby frequently or massage baby as touch releases floods of the “happy” hormone Oxytocin
  • Be involved in feeding your baby, whether this is supporting your partner if they are breastfeeding or giving a baby a bottle



Please contact our service on 01942 764 448 for advice or support or visit our website for further information

Visit , they also have a Facebook page (Dad Matters UK) with helpful advice and support

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust

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