Become a Governor: Elections 2024
Could you be one of our next cohort of governors? 
We need people to fill vacancies on our Council of Governors. We're looking for people interested in helping us on our journey of improvement and transformation.
You could play a vital and active role in making sure that GMMH improves lives and supports optimistic futures of those we provide care and services for across Greater Manchester.
This webpage tells you more about the role of the Council and what to do if you would like to stand for election. There are no formal qualifications or experiences required but an interest in mental health services and the lived experience of service users and carers would help you in the role. Skills for reading reports and participating in formal meetings would also be useful – but are not essential as we can help and support you develop these skills.
We have 11 seats up for election. We are looking for people from Bolton, City of Manchester, Salford, Wigan, as well as in the Service User and Carer Constituency to represent the views and interests of GMMH’s members, service users, carers, and colleagues. We are also looking for governors from the Staff Constituencies of Nursing and Social Care.
Constituency and Class | Number of Seats |
Public – Bolton | 1 |
Public – City of Manchester | 2 |
Public – Salford | 1 |
Public - Wigan | 2 |
Service User and Carer | 3 |
Staff – Nursing | 1 |
Staff – Social Care | 1 |
If you would like to stand for election, you can find details of how to request a nomination form below. Whether you decide to stand for election or not we hope that when the time comes you will use your vote to make sure our Council has the best possible support from members of the Trust.
The role of the Council in our Trust
The Council's work has a legal basis with key elements that must be delivered – but the Council is also actively looking for innovative ways to fulfil these duties and obligations. Would you like to be a part of helping the Council plan for its successful and effective future?
The Council has two main roles:
- To consider the performance of the Board and to ask the Non-Executive Directors to explain the actions and decisions of the Board.
- To represent the views and interests of GMMH’s members, service users and carers, staff and the wider public for the Board to consider in its decision-making.
Newly elected governors will help the Council explore how it can be even more effective – adding value to our journey of improvement and change.
The work of the council is carried out at formal meetings, held on a regular basis across the year. More information about the Council’s role can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions under 2024 resources.
We are keen to support nominations from a wide and diverse range of candidates, so support is available to help you take on this role if you are successful in the election.
It is important to emphasise that the role of Council is fundamentally different from that of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for the running of the Trust and for the strategic leadership of the whole organisation. The Council is part of the governance structure which scrutinises the Board’s performance and it supports active engagement with members and the public.
Can I stand for election?
To be able to stand for election you must:
- Be a member of the Trust in the constituency for which you wish to be elected.
- Be 16 years or older
- Agree to carry out your duties if elected as a Governor
- Have read the eligibility criteria that will be sent to you with the nomination pack and made sure that none of them apply to you
- Complete and return your nomination form, election statement and photo by 5pm on Friday 24 May 2024.
You can become a member of the Trust by registering online at, emailing or calling 0161 938 4748. Becoming a member is a great way to learn about more opportunities to get involved with the Trust and help to challenge stigma and discrimination. It also means you get to vote for who you want to represent you on the Council of Governors.
How can I become a Governor?
There are four simple steps to take to become a Governor:
1. Make sure you are eligible
Read the ‘Can I stand for election?’ above to check if you would be able to stand for election.
2. Check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on this webpage
This will give you a better idea of what the role entails.
3. Complete a nomination form
If you would like to stand for election, register and complete your nomination online at or contact the election administrator (UK Engage) to get a pack by post.
All the contact details you need are on this webpage.
We must receive your completed form by 5pm on Friday 24 May 2024.
4. Stand for election
Then you’ve done all you can! All Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust members in your constituency will be sent a ballot paper to vote in their constituency and have about three weeks to complete and return their ballot papers.
The result will be announced shortly after the election closes and all candidates will be told of the outcome.