Information Sharing Form for Carers
If you would like to share information with GMMH staff about the person you care for, please complete the carers information sharing form. We also have a Easy Read Information sharing form for carers.
Who is this form for?
This form is for carers who provide regular unpaid practical or emotional support to an adult who has a mental health or substance misuse problem or is living with a disability. As a carer you may be looking after your partner, a relative, friend or neighbour. This could be either in your own home or elsewhere. A carer may be of any age and may be a young person providing assistance to a parent or another person.
What is this form for?
This form is for carers to share information with us about the person they care for. We will use this information to shape the decisions we make about the future care and treatment of our patients and service users. By providing us with your views we can get to know more about carers and take their needs into account when planning and delivering services.
What happens when this form is completed?
We will add your details to our electronic clinical information system and, if appropriate, this information will be shared with the clinical team of the person you care.
Who else will see or know the information in this form?
We may need to disclose this information with appropriate agencies if there is a risk to the person you care for or another person. We will inform you if we are disclosing your information and provide you with the necessary support.
If you have agreed for information to be shared with the person you care for, this will happen in the course of a discussion, assessment or review of your needs and the needs of the person you care for. If you do not want us to share your information, please say so on the form.
Access to Records
Under the Data Protection Act, 1998 you are entitled to know what personal social care information GMMH holds about you. Please see the Your information and how we use it page for guidance.