Raise a concern or a complaint
We are always trying to improve our services, which is why we believe it’s important to listen to your views.
By telling us about your experiences of the care we provide – positive and negative – we can change things for the better. If you would like to make a complaint, share a concern, or give us a compliment, we’re here to support you.
Valuing and respecting your views
You have the right to raise any complaints, concerns or comments you may have about our services. In return, we will take your views seriously, investigate issues you raise, and give you a timely, full reply.
We understand that sharing your views can feel like a difficult or stressful thing to do, which is why we have dedicated teams to help you.
Service users are welcome to ask others to share their views for them if they don’t feel able to do so themselves. However, please be assured that you will not be treated differently if you reach out to us.
How we can help
If you think something isn't quite right, it's often worth discussing your issue with a relevant member of staff or their manager. For example, ward managers will usually be able to deal with problems in our services more quickly than our helplines. However, we appreciate this may not be the best option for you every time.
You can contact one of our dedicated teams for support:
- If you have a concern, or you would like some advice, contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Team
- If you would like to make a complaint, contact our Complaints Team.
To register a complaint or concern, please fill in the below form: