FOI Disclosure Log August 2019 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log August 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in August 2019
D9332 - Digital Dictation, EMPA and Voice Recording Software.pdf [pdf] 189KB 30.08.19 Digital Dictation, EPMA and Voice Recording Software N/A N/A
D9327 - Complaints about Staff 2010-19.pdf [pdf] 156KB 29.08.19 Complaints about Staff 2010-19 N/A N/A
D9334 - Incidents re Mixed Sex Wards and Areas 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 156KB 29.08.19 Incidents re Mixed Sex Wards and Areas 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9335 - CAMHS and IAPT referral criteria.pdf [pdf] 146KB 29.08.19 CAMHS and IAPT referral criteria FOI D9335 IAPT service inclusion criteria - division wide v1.1.pdf [pdf] 181KB N/A
D9339 - Rostering Software.pdf [pdf] 147KB 29.08.19 Rostering Software N/A N/A
D9344 - Private Patients.pdf [pdf] 144KB 29.08.19 Private Patients N/A N/A
D9348 - Legal Spend for Inquests.pdf [pdf] 148KB 29.08.19 Legal Spend for Inquests N/A N/A
D9325 - Medical Devices.pdf [pdf] 151KB 27.08.19 Medical Devices  N/A N/A
D9326 - BMI for Eating Disorder Service Users.pdf [pdf] 183KB 27.08.19 BMI for Eating Disorder Service Users N/A N/A
D9328 - Staff Disciplined for Inappropriate Access to Records.pdf [pdf] 147KB 27.08.19 Staff Disciplined for Inappropriate Access to Records N/A N/A
D9324 - Zholia Alemi.pdf [pdf] 146KB 21.08.19 Zholia Alemi N/A N/A
D9316 - CAMHS Referrals 2013-19.pdf [pdf] 224KB 19.08.19 CAMHS Referrals 2013-19 N/A N/A
D9318 - Assaults in Inpatient Facilities 1990-2019.pdf [pdf] 148KB 19.08.19 Assaults in Inpatient Facilities FOI D9318 spreadsheet.xlsx [xlsx] 34KB N/A
D9320 - Staffing Levels 1999-2019.pdf[pdf] 146KB 19.08.19 Staffing Levels 1999-2019 N/A N/A
D9330 - Trust Policies re Advocacy under Mental Health Act.pdf [pdf] 186KB 19.08.19 Trust Policies re Advocacy Under Mental Health Act FOI D9330 Being Open Policy 2017.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9330 Care Programme Approach Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 752KB FOI D9330 Consent to Treatment Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9330 MHA Hospital Managers Policy 2017.pdf [pdf] 830KB FOI D9330 MCA & DoLS Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9330 Section 17 (Leave of Absence) Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 797KB FOI D9330 Patient Rights Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 830KB FOI D9330 SU & Carer Engagement Policy 2017.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9330 Customer Care Policy 2017.pdf [pdf] 2MB N/A
D9333 - Structured English Language Reference (SELR) and Medical Training Initiative (MTI).pdf [pdf] 144KB 19.08.19 Structured English Language Reference (SELR) and Medical Training Initiative (MTI) N/A N/A
D9336 - Director of Estates and Facilities.pdf [pdf] 142KB 19.08.19 Director of Estates and Facilities N/A N/A
D9337 - Operating Theatres.pdf [pdf] 190KB 19.08.19 Operating Theatres N/A N/A
D9338 - Executive Directors.pdf [pdf] 146KB 19.08.19 Executive Directors N/A N/A
D9340 - Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration.pdf [pdf] 145KB 19.08.19 Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration N/A N/A
D9341 - Bank and Agency Spend 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 153KB 19.08.19 Bank and Agency Spend 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9308 - IT Department Strategy and Structure.pdf [pdf] 145KB 09.08.19 IT Department, Strategy and Structure GMMH IMT Structure Jul19.pdf [pdf] 78KB N/A
D9314 - NHS Charges for Non-EEA Residents.pdf[pdf] 146KB 09.08.19 NHS Charges for Non-EEA Residents N/A N/A
D9322 - Private Patient Income.pdf [pdf] 149KB 09.08.19 Private Patient Income N/A N/A
D9257-2 - Patient Rights Policy.pdf [pdf] 178KB 09.08.19 Patient Rights Policy FOI D957-2 Patient Rights Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 830KB N/A
D9319 - Learning Management System.pdf [pdf] 150KB 06.08.19 Learning Management System N/A N/A
D9309 - Community Treatment Orders 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 146KB 01.08.19 Community Treatment Orders 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9312 - Domestic Violence and Abuse.pdf [pdf] 143KB 01.08.19 Domestic Violence and Abuse D9312 FOI Questions re DVA spreadsheet.pdf [pdf] 160KB N/A


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