FOI Disclosure Log August 2024 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log August 2024

FOI Requests released in August 2024
FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI Response.- D11714- Chief Nurse Information.pdf [pdf] 216KB 01.08.2024 Chief Nurse Information N/A N/A
D11711- ICS Spend EHRS.pdf[pdf] 202KB 01.08.2024 ICS Spend EHRS N/A N/A
FOI Response D11473 - NMC Referrals .pdf [pdf] 210KB 05.08.2024 NMC Referrals N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11305 - PICU Unit.pdf [pdf] 311KB 05.08.2024 PICU Unit N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11688- Staffing on Acute MH and HD Rehab Wards .pdf[pdf] 229KB 06.08.2024 Staffing on Acute MH and HD Rehab Wards N/A N/A
D11627- Insourcing in the Last 5 Years.pdf [pdf] 203KB 06.08.2024 Insourcing in the last 5 years N/A N/A
FOI Response- Overseas Recruitment Agencies.doc- D11626.pdf [pdf] 225KB 06.08.2024 Overseas Recruitment N/A N/A
FOI Response - D11673- Seclusion and Physical Intervention Policies Request.pdf [pdf] 200KB 07.08.2024 Seclusion and Physical Intervention Policies Request D11673 CL20 EqIA Seclusion and Long Term Segregation Policy.pdf [pdf] 154KB D11673-CL20 Seclusion and Long Term Segregation Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB D11673-RM08 EqIA Physical Intervention Policy.pdf [pdf] 166KB D11673-RM08 Physical Intervention Policy.pdf [pdf] 702KB N/A
FOI Response D11639 - Temporary Staffing Information.pdf [pdf] 242KB 07.08.2024 Temporary Staffing Information N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11505- CAMHS Referral.pdf [pdf] 328KB 08.08.2024 CAMHS Referral N/A N/A
FOI Response.- D11712- Electronic Document Management System (EDMS).pdf [pdf] 205KB 13.08.2024 Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) N/A N/A
FOI Response D11701- Pschiatric Inpatient Suicides.pdf [pdf] 222KB 13.08.2024 Psychiatric Inpatient Suicides N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11583- Achieve Recovery Services.pdf [pdf] 196KB 13.08.2024 Achieve Recovery Services D11583 Trafford Achieve Questionnaire_complete.pdf [pdf] 374KB N/A
FOI Response- D11543- Children Being Treated for Eating Disorders.pdf [pdf] 204KB 13.08.2024 Children being treated for Eating Disorders N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11720- International Recruitment.pdf [pdf] 229KB 14.08.2024 International Recruitment N/A N/A
FOI Response-D11715 Electronic Patient Record Systems.pdf [pdf] 247KB 14.08.2024 Electronic Patient Record Systems N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11682.Intensive Support Services for CYP.pdf [pdf] 247KB 14.08.2024 Intensive Support Services for CYP N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11496- Number of People held under S2 MHA.pdf [pdf] 240KB 15.08.2024 Number of people held under S2 MHA D11496- Standard Operating Procedure for UK Safety Pod.pdf [pdf] 465KB CL20 Seclusion and Long Term Segregation Policy.pdf- D11496.pdf [pdf] 1MB N/A
FOI Response D11731- Scanning & Diagnostic Equipment in Hospitals.pdf [pdf] 205KB 19.08.2024 Scanning & Diagnostic Equipment in Hospitals N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11734- Staff Employed Outside the UK.pdf [pdf] 205KB 20.08.2024 Staff Employed outside the UK N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11723- Performance Based Contracts.pdf [pdf] 258KB 20.08.2024 Performance Based Contracts N/A N/A
FOI Response-D11717- Dress Uniform Policy.pdf [pdf] 192KB 20.08.2024 Dress Uniform Policy CL44 Dress Standard Policy.pdf [pdf] 834KB N/A
FOI Response- D11737- Mental Health Act Assessments.pdf [pdf] 216KB 21.08.2024 Mental Health Act Assessments N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11697- Employees Accused of Child Sex Abuse.pdf [pdf] 210KB 21.08.2024 Employees Accused of Child Sex Abuse N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11747- CETR Lead with ICB.pdf [pdf] 203KB 22.08.2024 CETR Lead with the ICB N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11733- Recruitment Solutions.pdf [pdf] 195KB 22.08.2024 Recruitment Solutions N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11705- Occupied Beds Days.pdf [pdf] 234KB 22.08.2024 Occupied Bed Days N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11700- Finance Software System.pdf [pdf] 222KB 22.08.2024 Finance Software System N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11487- Death in Mental Health Units.pdf [pdf] 222KB 21.08.2024 Deaths in Mental Health Units N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11749- Project Directory Park House.pdf [pdf] 207KB 27.08.2024 Project Directory Park House/North View FOI Response D11749 - GMMH North View - Project Directory. V2. docx.pdf [pdf] 271KB N/A
FOI Response- D11722- Project Directory.pdf [pdf] 205KB 27.08.2024 Project Directory Park House/North View FOI Response D11722 - GMMH North View - Project Directory. V2. docx.pdf [pdf] 271KB N/A
FOI Response D11752 - Clinical Temporary Nursing Agency Recruitment.pdf [pdf] 216KB 28.08.2024 Clinical Temporary Nursing Agency Recruitment N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11748- Complementary and Alternative Medicine.pdf [pdf] 235KB 28.08.2024 Complementary and Alternative Medicine N/A N/A
FOI Response- D11746- Uniform Policy.pdf [pdf] 221KB 28.08.2024 Uniform Policy N/A N/A
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