FOI Disclosure Log December 2019 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log December 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Addtional Attachements Cost
FOI Requests Released in December 2019
D9438 - Clincal Trial Results Reporting.pdf [pdf] 206KB 05/12/2019 Clinical Trial Results Reporting N/A N/A
D9440 - Agency Hours and Spend 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 150KB 05/12/2019 Agency Hours and Spend 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9435 - IT Service Management.pdf [pdf] 146KB 05/12/2019 IT Service Management N/A N/A
D9448 - Mobile Phone Contracts.pdf [pdf] 193KB 05/12/2019 Mobile Phone Contracts N/A N/A
D9452 - CAMHS Out of Area Placements.pdf [pdf] 154KB 05/12/2019 CAMHS Out of Area Placements N/A N/A
D9453 - Director Contact Details.pdf [pdf] 147KB 05/12/2019 Director Contact Details N/A N/A
D9454 - Data Protection Officer.pdf [pdf] 144KB 05/12/2019 Data Protection Officer N/A N/A
D9456 - Eating Disorder Services.pdf[pdf] 149KB 05/12/2019 Eating Disorder Services N/A N/A
D9461 - STP and Collaborative Bank.pdf [pdf] 146KB 05/12/2019 STP and Collaborative Bank N/A N/A
D9462 - Master Vendor Provider.pdf [pdf] 145KB 05/12/2019 Master Vendor Provider N/A N/A
D9463 - Insourcing Clinical Services.pdf [pdf] 166KB 05/12/2019 Insourcing Clinical Services N/A N/A
D9450 - EPR and IT.pdf [pdf] 193KB 06/12/2019 EPR and IT N/A N/A
D9466 - Use of Staff Personal Devices.pdf [pdf] 145KB 06/12/2019 Use of Staff Personal Devices N/A N/A
D9469 - Vitamin K Dosing.pdf [pdf] 185KB 06/12/2019 Vitamin K Dosing N/A N/A
D9465 - Concerns re Doctors under Maintaining High Professional Standards (MHPS).pdf [pdf] 192KB 10/12/2019 Concerns re Doctors under MHPS N/A N/A
FOI Response Cost inpatient beds - Bolton.pdf [pdf] 308KB 10/12/2019 Cost Inpatient Beds - Bolton N/A N/A
FOI Response Addiction in Prisons.pdf [pdf] 765KB 12/12/2019 Addiction in Prisons N/A N/A
FOI Response Section 117 Aftercare.pdf [pdf] 309KB 12/12/2019 Section 17 Aftercare N/A N/A
FOI Response HPV Fogging and UVC.pdf [pdf] 384KB 12/12/2019 HPV Fogging and UVC

Bunzel Clorox Total 360 Info Sheet (002).pdf [pdf] 6MB

Fogging Efficacy Data Summary Report - Total 360 Disinfectant Clean.._ (002).pdf [pdf] 136KB

FOI Response Windows 10.pdf [pdf] 306KB 16/12/2019 Windows 10 N/A N/A
FOI Response sexual assults-incidents.pdf [pdf] 307KB 18/12/2019 Sexual Assults-Incidents N/A N/A
FOI Response Hand Hygiene.pdf [pdf] 353KB 20/12/2019 Hand Hygiene N/A N/A
FOI Response Services for Cancer Patients.pdf [pdf] 310KB 20/12/2019 Services for Cancer Patients N/A N/A
FOI Response Liaison Psychiatry Referral Policy.pdf [pdf] 331KB 20/12/2019 Liaison Psychiatry Referral Policy

GMMH MHLS Standard Operating Procedure for Manchester and Trafford.pdf [pdf] 1MB

GMMH MHLS Standard Operating Procedure for Salford.pdf [pdf] 2MB

FOI Response Suicides.pdf [pdf] 313KB 20/12/2019 Suicides N/A N/A
FOI Response Rostering-Scheduling.pdf [pdf] 310KB 20/12/2019 Rostering Scheduling N/A N/A
FOI Response Maternity Care Appointments.pdf[pdf] 308KB 20/12/2019 Maternity Care Appointments N/A N/A


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