FOI Disclosure Log February 2019 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log February 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in February 2019
D9123 - SAR since GDPR 25.05.18.pdf [pdf] 144KB 26.02.19 Subject Access Requests since GDPR 25.05.18 N/A N/A
D9123 Internal Review - SAR since GDPR.pdf [pdf] 96KB 18.03.19 Internal Review of D9123 - Subject Access Requests since GDPR 25.05.18 N/A N/A
D9141 - Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.pdf [pdf] 144KB 26.02.19 Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism N/A N/A
D9117 - Thefts from Patients 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 147KB 22.02.19 Thefts From Patients 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9120 - IAPT Referral, Treatment, Recovery, Staff, 2015-18.pdf [pdf] 152KB 22.02.19 IAPT Referral, Treatment, Recovery, Staff 2015-18 N/A N/A
D9121 - Specialist Service Business Manager Job Description.pdf [pdf] 142KB 22.02.19 Specialist Service Business Manager Job Description Business Manager JD&PS.pdf [pdf] 175KB N/A
D9135 - Promotional Nappies.pdf [pdf] 145KB 22.02.19 Promotional Nappies N/A N/A
D9139 - Anaesthetic Agents.pdf [pdf] 143KB 22.02.19 Anaesthetic Agents N/A N/A
D9104 - Rostering Software.pdf [pdf] 143KB 19.02.19 Rostering Software D9104 Rostering FOI Questions.pdf [pdf] 72KB N/A
D9110 - Sexual Harassment Investigations 2013-18.pdf [pdf] 148KB 19.02.19 Sexual Harassment Investigations 2013-18 N/A N/A
D9111 - Wifi.pdf [pdf] 224KB 19.02.19 Wifi N/A N/A
D9115 - Children Smoking Cessation Treatments 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 153KB 19.02.19 Children Smoking Cessation Treatments 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9118 - Rehab Bed Types and Length of Stay.pdf[pdf] 199KB 19.02.19 Rehab Bed Types and Length of Stay  N/A N/A
D9119 - Prevention of Future Deaths Report 2016.pdf [pdf] 181KB 19.02.19 Prevention of Future Deaths Report 2016 N/A N/A
D9124 - Standard Aseptic Technique.pdf [pdf] 230KB 19.02.19 Standard Aseptic Technique N/A N/A
D9125 - Internet Gaming Addiction.pdf [pdf] 146KB 19.02.19 Internet Gaming Addiction N/A N/A
D9126 - Electronic Patient Record System (EPR).pdf[pdf] 152KB 19.02.19 Electronic Patient Record System (EPR) N/A N/A
D9127 - Companies Currently Providing Services.pdf [pdf] 160KB 19.02.19 Companies Currently Providing Services N/A N/A
D9129 - Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.pdf [pdf] 143KB 19.02.19 Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism N/A N/A
D9112 - Brexit Risk.pdf [pdf] 179KB 15.02.19 Brexit Risk N/A N/A
D9116 - Gas and Electricity Spend 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 144KB 15.02.19 Gas and Electricity Spend 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9097 - Docman Contract Details.pdf [pdf] 179KB 14.02.19 Docman Contract Details N/A N/A
D9100 - Data Breaches 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 144KB 14.02.19 Data Breaches 2014-18 Incident, Accident and Near Miss Policy.pdf [pdf] 2MB N/A
D9114 - New Nursing Associates Programme.pdf [pdf] 184KB 14.02.19 New Nursing Associates Programme N/A N/A
D9090 - Grievances by Trust Staff 2013-18.pdf [pdf] 163KB 12.02.19 Grievances by Trust Staff 2013-18 N/A N/A
D9094 - Service Developments re Autism and ADHD services.pdf [pdf] 151KB 12.02.19 Service Developments re Autism and ADHD Services N/A N/A
D9096 - Recruitment and Agency 2018.pdf[pdf] 202KB 08.02.19 Recruitment and Agency 2018 D9096 Q25-28 Agency spend.pdf[pdf] 89KB N/A
D9098 - Number of Volunteers and Employees.pdf[pdf] 146KB 08.02.19 Number of Volunteers and Employees N/A N/A
D9101 - Current Unfilled Vacancies.pdf [pdf] 150KB 07.02.19 Current Unfilled Vacancies N/A N/A
D9105 - EU Exit Preparation.pdf [pdf] 183KB 07.02.19 EU Exit Preparation N/A N/A
D9106 - Transactions over £25,000 Feb-Mar 2018.pdf [pdf] 143KB 07.02.19 Transactions over £25,000 Feb-Mar 2018 D9106 February 2018.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB D9106 March 2018.xlsx [xlsx] 17KB N/A
D9107 - Procurement transactions.pdf [pdf] 177KB 07.02.19 Procurement Transactions N/A N/A
D9108 - NHS Pension Scheme.pdf [pdf] 180KB 07.02.19 NHS Pension Scheme N/A N/A
D9109 - Computer Assisted Facilities Management System.pdf [pdf] 182KB 07.02.19 Computer Assisted Facilities Managment System N/A N/A
D9113 - Asthma.pdf [pdf] 186KB 07.02.19 Asthma N/A N/A
D9085 - Hospital Managers Appointment Processes.pdf [pdf] 183KB 04.02.19 Hospital Managers Appointment Processes D9085 Hospital Managers T&C letter.pdf [pdf] 285KB D9085 MHA Hospital Managers Policy.pdf [pdf] 826KB N/A
D9087 - Locum Agency Spend 2017-18 and Clinical Streaming in A&E.pdf [pdf] 146KB 04.02.19 Locum Agency Spend 2017-18 and Clinical Streaming in A&E N/A N/A
D9088 - Income Tax Assessments.pdf [pdf] 228KB 04.02.19 Income Tax Assessments N/A N/A
D9092 - AHP Agency Spend 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 195KB 04.02.19 AHP Agency Spend 2017-18 N/A N/A
D9095 - Transactions over £25,000 Jul-Dec 2018.pdf [pdf] 187KB 04.02.19 Transactions over £25,000 Jul-Dec 2018 N/A N/A
D9099 - Junior Doctors On Call Accommodation.pdf [pdf] 144KB 04.02.19 Junior Doctors On Call Accommodation N/A N/A
D9102 - Mental Health Support for Parents.pdf[pdf] 145KB 04.02.19 Mental Health Support For Parents N/A N/A
D9103 - Genetic Tests.pdf[pdf] 143KB 04.02.19 Genetic Tests N/A N/A


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