FOI Disclosure Log January 2019 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log January 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in January 2019
D9062 - Bullying and Harassment Cases 2013-18.pdf [pdf] 392KB 25.01.19 Bullying and Harassment Cases 2013-18 N/A N/A
D9077 - Waiting Lists for Appointments.pdf [pdf] 302KB 25.01.19 Waiting Lists for Appointments N/A N/A
D9082 - Agency Pharmacy Spend 2018.pdf [pdf] 373KB 25.01.19 Agency Pharmacy Spend 2018 N/A N/A
D9083 - Compensation Claims 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 329KB 25.01.19 Compensation Claims 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9089 - Income Tax HMRC Letter.pdf [pdf] 393KB 25.01.19 Income Tax HMRC Letter N/A N/A
D9064 - Anorexia Patient Admissions 2014-18.pdf[pdf] 312KB 23.01.19 Anorexia Patient Admissions 2014-18 N/A N/A
D9070 - Serious Ligature Incidents 2015-18.pdf[pdf] 323KB 23.01.19 Serious Ligature Incidents 2015-18 N/A N/A
D9075 - Antenatal information.pdf [pdf] 397KB 23.01.19 Antenatal Information N/A N/A
D9086 - Vending Machine Income 2015-17.pdf [pdf] 302KB 23.01.19 Vending Machine Income N/A N/A
D9093 - Digital Dictation and Transcription Contracts.pdf [pdf] 364KB 23.01.19 Digital Dictation and Transcription Contracts N/A N/A
D9073 - Confidentiality.pdf [pdf] 406KB 21.01.19 Confidentiality Confidentiality Audit questions 2018.pdf [pdf] 270KB Confidentiality Audit Report 2018 blank.pdf [pdf] 156KB N/A
D9084 - Dermatology.pdf [pdf] 301KB 21.01.19 Dermatology N/A N/A
D9078 - EU Settlement Scheme.pdf[pdf] 471KB 14.01.19 EU Settlement Scheme N/A N/A
D9079 - Intensive Eating Disorder Outpatient Treatment.pdf [pdf] 456KB 14.01.19 Intensive Eating Disorder Outpatient Treatment N/A N/A
D9080 - Genital Operations.pdf [pdf] 376KB 14.01.19 Genital Operations N/A N/A
D9081 - Spider Bites.pdf [pdf] 301KB 14.01.19 Spider Bites N/A N/A
D9055 - Requests to Use Trust Data for Commercial or Research.pdf [pdf] 398KB 11.01.19 Requests to Use Trust Data for Commercial or Research Intellectual Property policy.pdf [pdf] 617KB N/A
D9072 - Unexpected Patient Deaths 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 303KB 11.01.19 Unexpected Patient Deaths 2017-18 N/A N/A
D9074 - Storage of Employee Records.pdf [pdf] 316KB 11.01.19 Storage of Employee Records N/A N/A
D9076 - Car Parking.pdf [pdf] 314KB 11.01.19 Car Parking N/A N/A
D9054 - Children Autism Waiting Time.pdf [pdf] 325KB 08.01.19 Children Autism Waiting Times Autism Diagnosis Pathway Guidance.pdf [pdf] 1MB Autism Diagnosis Pathway V5.pdf [pdf] 502KB N/A
D9069 - Staffing Structure of Voluntary Services Department.pdf [pdf] 303KB 08.01.19 Staffing Structure of Voluntary Services Department N/A N/A
D9063 - Printing Services.pdf [pdf] 315KB 04.01.19 Printing Services N/A N/A
D9067 - Cable Ties Used For Waste.pdf [pdf] 303KB 04.01.19 Cable Ties Used For Waster N/A N/A
D9071 - Settled Status Fees.pdf [pdf] 301KB 04.01.19 Settled Status Fees N/A N/A
D9058 - Staff with no Sickness Absence in 10 years.pdf[pdf] 300KB 03.01.19 Staff With No Sickness Absence in 10 years N/A N/A
D9061 - Cardiac Physiologists.pdf [pdf] 300KB 03.01.19 Cardiac Psychologists N/A N/A
D9065 - Children Sectioned under MHA 1983 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 305KB 03.01.19 Children Sectioned under MHA 1983 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9066 - Roles within IT Department.pdf[pdf] 305KB 03.01.19 Roles Within IT Department N/A N/A
D9068 - Mortuary Fridges.pdf [pdf] 300KB 03.01.19 Mortuary Fridges N/A N/A
D9057 - Clinical Systems Details and Contract Dates.pdf[pdf] 387KB 02.01.19 Clinical Systems Details and Contract Dates N/A N/A


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