FOI Disclosure Log July 2021 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log July 2021

FOI requests released in July 2021
FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI Response D10099 - Job descriptions for Band 2 and 3 matched to National Role Profiles.pdf [pdf] 148KB 29.07.2021 Job descriptions for Band 2 and 3 matched to National Role Profiles FOI Response D10099 - Answer Sheet.xlsx [xlsx] 15KB N/A
FOI Response D10098 - Temporary Staff Management.pdf [pdf] 153KB 28.07.2021 Temporary Staff Management N/A N/A
FOI Response D10100 - Remote Training.pdf [pdf] 172KB 28.07.2021 Remote Training N/A N/A
FOI Response D10070 - Suppliers of soft facilities.pdf [pdf] 151KB 27.07.2021 Suppliers of Soft Facilities N/A N/A
FOI Response D10091 - Adult mental health accommodation statuses.pdf [pdf] 193KB 26.07.2021 Adult Mental Health accommodation status FOI Response D10091.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB N/A
FOI Response D10092 - NHS Overseas Visitors.pdf [pdf] 150KB 26.07.2021 NHS Overseas Visitors N/A N/A
FOI Response D10089 - ICT Expenditure.pdf [pdf] 144KB 23.07.2021 ICT Expenditure FOI Response D10089.xlsx [xlsx] 13KB N/A
FOI Response D10090 - SIRO Contact.pdf [pdf] 185KB 23.07.2021 SIRO Contact N/A N/A
FOI Response D10085 - Monies to Stonewall.pdf [pdf] 232KB 21.07.2021 Monies to Stonewall N/A N/A
FOI Response D10087 - Digital Dictation & Voice Recognition System Query.pdf [pdf] 149KB 21.07.2021 Digital Dictation & Voice Recognition System Query N/A N/A
FOI Response D10088 - Outsourced services and technology systems .pdf [pdf] 143KB 21.07.2021 Outsourced services and technology systems FOI Response D10088.xlsx [xlsx] 14KB N/A
FOI Response D10084 - Hospital Acquired Infections.pdf [pdf] 155KB  20.07.2021 Hospital Acquired Infections IPC ANNUAL REPORT 2020.pdf [pdf] 535KB N/A
FOI Response D10033 - Request for Adobe.pdf [pdf] 240KB 19.07.2021 Requst for Adobe N/A N/A
FOI Response D10076 - Covid vaccinations offered to prisoners.pdf [pdf] 148KB 19.07.2021 Covid Vaccinations offered to prisoners N/A N/A
FOI Response D10077 - E-Rostering.pdf [pdf] 155KB 19.07.2021 E-Rostering N/A N/A
FOI Response D10078 - Artificial intelligence (AI) in the NHS.pdf [pdf] 146KB 19.07.2021 Artificial Intelligence N/A N/A
FOI Response D10079 - Trust Digital Transformation Plans.pdf [pdf] 156KB 19.07.2021 Trust Digital Transformation Plans N/A N/A
FOI Response D10081 - Niche report at GMMHFT.pdf [pdf] 147KB 19.07.2021 Niche Report N/A N/A
FOI Response D10075 - Covid Data & PCR Cycle Rates.pdf [pdf] 147KB 16.07.2021 Covid Data & PCR Cycle Rates N/A N/A
FOI Response D10025 - Car Leasing, Grey Fleet and Salary Sacrifice Schemes.pdf [pdf] 161KB 15.07.2021 Car Leasing, Grey Fleet and Salary Sacrifice Schemes N/A N/A
FOI Response D10072 - Waiting Times for admissions.pdf [pdf] 149KB 15.07.2021 Wiating Times for admissions N/A N/A
FOI Response D10073 - Inpatients Hospital Leave.pdf [pdf] 158KB 15.07.2021 Inpatients Hospital Leave N/A N/A
FOI Response D10074 - Disinfection Systems.pdf [pdf] 160KB 15.07.2021 Disinfection Systems N/A N/A
FOI Response D10061 - Number of people detained on a section 136 of the Mental Health Act .pdf [pdf] 183KB 14.07.2021 Number of people detained on a Section 136 of the MH Act N/A N/A
FOI Response D10071 - Permanent Drs Vacancies.pdf [pdf] 185KB 14.07.2021 Permanent Drs Vacancies N/A N/A
FOI Response D10064 - CAMHS Mental Health Referral data.pdf [pdf] 150KB 13.07.2021 CAMHS Mental Health Referral data N/A N/A
FOI Response D10068 - HR and Pyroll Software.pdf [pdf] 147KB 13.07.2021 HR & Payroll Software N/A N/A
FOI Response D10069 - Facilities Management Services.pdf [pdf] 168KB 13.07.2021 Facilities Management Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D10066 - Process for drug formulary inclusion.pdf [pdf] 182KB 12.07.2021 Process for Drug Formulary Inclusion N/A N/A
FOI Response D10063 - Patients brought to A&E by ambulance with a presenting complaint related to mental health.pdf [pdf] 143KB 9.07.2021 Patients brought to A&E by ambulance with a presenting complaint related to MH N/A N/A
FOI Response D10059 - Days lost due to sickness or unplanned absence.pdf [pdf] 179KB 08.07.2021 Days lost due to sickness or unplanned absence FOI D10059 - Absence Totals.xlsx [xlsx] 2MB N/A
FOI Response D10062 - PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests .pdf [pdf] 178KB 08.07.2021 PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests N/A N/A
FOI Response D10058 - Retirement Applications recevied from staff.pdf [pdf] 170KB 07.07.2021 Retirement Applications from Staff N/A N/A
FOI Response D10055 - Devices connected to the Trust’s IT network.pdf [pdf] 188KB 06.07.2021 Devices connected to the Trust's IT network N/A N/A
FOI Response D10057 - Agency Nursing.pdf [pdf] 144KB 06.07.2021 Agency Nursing N/A N/A
FOI Response D10052 - Follow up to D10009 - A&E Referrals for children.pdf [pdf] 143KB 05.07.2021 A&E Referrals for children N/A N/A
FOI Response D10056 - Imaging Equipment used in the Trust.pdf [pdf] 190KB 05.07.2021 Imaging Equipment used in the Trust N/A N/A
FOI Response D10049 - Supply of Agency Staff.pdf [pdf] 171KB 02.07.2021 Supply of Agency Staff N/A N/A
FOI Response D10054 - Payments to Stonewall.pdf [pdf] 144KB 01.07.2021 Payments to Stonewall N/A N/A


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