FOI Disclosure Log June 2019 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log June 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in June 2019
D9247 - Patient Homicides.pdf [pdf] 175KB 28.06.19 Patient Homicides N/A N/A
D9271 - Telephone Maintenence Contract.pdf [pdf] 183KB 28.06.19 Telephone Maintenance Contract N/A N/A
D9261 GMMH managed hospitals.pdf [pdf] 147KB 27.06.19 GMMH managed hospitals N/A N/A
D9268 Clinical Divisions Structure.pdf [pdf] 174KB 27.06.19 Clinical Divisions Structure FOI D9268 Medical Leadership Structure - March 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9268 Operations Directorate Structure - V12 - June 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB N/A
D9270 - Interpreting Services.pdf [pdf] 151KB 27.06.19 Interpreting Services N/A N/A
D9253 Stop Smoking Services.pdf [pdf] 186KB 25.06.19 Stop Smoking Services FOI D9253 GMMH Smoke Free Policy V1.pdf[pdf] 1MB N/A
D9254 - Adult Eating Disorder Services.pdf [pdf] 148KB 25.06.19 Adult Eating Disorder Services FOI D9254 - Inclusion criteria.pdf [pdf] 21KB N/A
D9262 - Prison Prescribing.pdf [pdf] 141KB 25.06.19 Prison Prescribing N/A N/A
D9269 - Specialist Stroke Unit.pdf [pdf] 140KB 25.06.19 Specialist Stroke Unit N/A N/A
D9274 - Community Equipment Service.pdf [pdf] 181KB 25.06.19 Community Equipment Service N/A N/A
D9238 - International Recruitment Budget.pdf [pdf] 144KB 24.06.19 International Recruitment Budget N/A N/A
D9243 - Operating Budget.pdf [pdf] 151KB 24.06.19 Operating Budget FOI D9243 GMMH Performance Board Report March 2019.pdf [pdf] 2MB N/A
D9256 - Vacant Land.pdf [pdf] 132KB 20.06.19 Vacant Land N/A N/A
D9236 - Bank and Agency Spend.pdf [pdf] 161KB 19.06.19 Bank and Agency Spend Admin/Clerical  N/A N/A
D9251 Contracts Register.pdf [pdf] 180KB 19.06.19 Contract Register FOI D9251 Contract Register spreadsheet.pdf [pdf] 80KB N/A
D9252 - Spend over £25k.pdf [pdf] 174KB 19.06.19 Spend over £25,000 N/A N/A
D9260 - Leadership Roles.pdf [pdf] 223KB 19.06.19 Leadership Roles N/A N/A
D9245 - Prevent Referrals.pdf [pdf] 187KB 18.06.19 Prevent Referrals N/A N/A
D9228 - IT Infrastructure.pdf [pdf] 132KB 17.06.19 IT Infrastructure FOI D9228 IT infrastructure spreadsheet.pdf [pdf] 160KB N/A
D9230 - Legal Representation Spend for Inquests.pdf [pdf] 149KB 17.06.19 Legal Representation Spend for Inquests N/A N/A
D9233 - Counter Fraud Staff.pdf [pdf] 143KB 17.06.19 Counter Fraud Staff N/A N/A
D9246 - Interpreting Services.pdf [pdf] 144KB 17.06.19 Interpreting Services N/A N/A
D9248 - Medical Devices.pdf [pdf] 180KB 17.06.19 Medical Devices N/A N/A
D9249 - Body Dysmorphia.pdf [pdf] 132KB 17.06.19 Body Dysmorphia N/A N/A
D9250 - Overseas Visitors.pdf [pdf] 141KB 17.06.19 Overseas Visitors N/A N/A
D9229 - Healthcare Security Management.pdf [pdf] 143KB 13.06.19 Healthcare Security Management N/A N/A
D9227 - Mental Health Act Section 3 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 152KB 13.06.19 Mental Health Act Section 3 2014-18 N/A N/A
D9231 - Cleaning Methods.pdf [pdf] 152KB 13.06.19 Cleaning Methods N/A N/A
D9241 - Estates Assets and Strategy.pdf [pdf] 166KB 13.06.19 Estates Assets and Strategy N/A N/A
D9255 - Web Filtering Solution.pdf [pdf] 158KB 13.06.19 Web Filtering Solution N/A N/A
D9257 - Mental Health Act 1983.pdf [pdf] 183KB 13.06.19 Mental Health Act 1983 N/A N/A
D9219 - IAPT Performance Targets.pdf [pdf] 191KB 10.06.19 IAPT Performance Targets N/A N/A
D9221 - Internet Sex Addiction.pdf [pdf] 181KB 10.06.19 Internet Sex Addiction N/A N/A
D9235 - Car Parking Management.pdf [pdf] 184KB 10.06.19 Car Parking Management D9235 Car Parking Spreadsheet.xlsx [xlsx] 17KB N/A
D9237 - IAPT Couples Therapy.pdf [pdf] 183KB 10.06.19 IAPT Couples Therapy N/A N/A
D9239 - CCTV Maintenance and Support Contract.pdf [pdf] 188KB 10.06.19 CCTV Maintenance and Support Contract N/A N/A
D9240 - Glaucoma Treatment.pdf [pdf] 158KB 10.06.19 Glaucoma Treatment N/A N/A
D9242 - NHS Pension Scheme.pdf [pdf] 179KB 10.06.19 NHS Pension Scheme N/A N/A
D9244 - Appointment Cancellations 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 149KB 10.06.19 Appointment Cancellations 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9224 - Telephone Maintenance Contract.pdf [pdf] 226KB 05.06.19 Telephone Maintenance Contract N/A N/A


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