FOI Disclosure Log March 2019 FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost FOI requests released in March 2019 D9160 - Digital Apps for Employee Wellbeing.pdf [pdf] 187KB 29.03.19 Digital Apps for Employee Wellbeing N/A N/A D9161 - Deaths of Patients with Learning Disability 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 148KB 29.03.19 Deaths of Patients with Learning Disabilities 2016-19 N/A N/A D9166 - Locked Rehab Wards 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 149KB 29.03.19 Locked Rehab Wards 2014-18 N/A N/A D9168 - Remote Patient Monitoring System.pdf [pdf] 183KB 29.03.19 Remote Patient Monitoring System N/A N/A D9170 - Out of Area Placements from Norfolk and Suffolk NHS FT.pdf [pdf] 184KB 29.03.19 Out of Area Placements from Norfolk and Suffolk NHS FT N/A N/A D9177 - Body Worn Armour.pdf [pdf] 142KB 29.03.19 Body Worn Armour N/A N/A D9179 - Right to Buy Scheme.pdf [pdf] 142KB 29.03.19 Right to Buy Scheme N/A N/A D9152 - Telephony.pdf [pdf] 189KB 26.03.19 Telephony N/A N/A D9172 - S132 Information for Children.pdf [pdf] 152KB 26.03.19 Section 132 Information for Children Informal Patient .pdf [pdf] 201KB Patients Admitted to Hospital from the Courts – Rights to Appeal.pdf [pdf] 123KB Patient Rights - Section 132.pdf [pdf] 72KB Section 2.pdf [pdf] 73KB Section 3.pdf [pdf] 75KB Section 4.pdf [pdf] 73KB Section 5-4.pdf [pdf] 102KB Section 5-2.pdf [pdf] 102KB Section 36.pdf [pdf] 66KB Section 37.pdf [pdf] 75KB Section 37-41.pdf [pdf] 72KB Section 38.pdf [pdf] 66KB Section 35.pdf [pdf] 98KB N/A D9174 - Agency Nurse Spend 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 160KB 26.03.19 Agency Nurse Spend 2016-19 N/A N/A D9143 - CAMHS Waiting Times.pdf [pdf] 157KB 22.03.19 CAMHS Waiting Times N/A N/A D9153 - Haematology.pdf [pdf] 296KB 22.03.19 Haematology N/A N/A D9163 - Service User Engagement and Volunteering Policies.pdf [pdf] 171KB 22.03.19 Service User Engagement and Volunteering Policies SU & Carer Engagement Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB Volunteering Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB N/A D9169 - Assaults on Staff 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 193KB 22.03.19 Assaults on Staff 2017-19 N/A N/A D9140 - CAMHS Waiting Times 2018.pdf [pdf] 149KB 20.03.19 CAMHS Waiting Times 2018 N/A N/A D9144 - Psychotherapists and Counsellors 2012-19.pdf [pdf] 157KB 20.03.19 Psychotherapists and Counsellors 2012-19 N/A N/A D9155 - Interpreting Services.pdf [pdf] 144KB 20.03.19 Interpreting Services N/A N/A D9162 - PEPPOL.pdf [pdf] 184KB 20.03.19 PEPPOL N/A N/A D9130 - Foods Containing Nitrates.pdf [pdf] 148KB 18.03.19 Foods Containing Nitrates Apetito cured meat nitrate statement_FINAL.pdf [pdf] 92KB Bidfoods Nitrates List.xlsx [xlsx] 73KB Tiffin Nitrates List.xlsx [xlsx] 14KB N/A D9142 - Independent Mental Health Advocates.pdf [pdf] 151KB 18.03.19 Independent Mental Health Advocates CTO Part 2 Patients.doc [doc] 66KB CTO Part 3 patients.doc [doc] 66KB CTO recall.doc [doc] 56KB CTO revokation.doc [doc] 62KB CTO revokation section 3.doc [doc] 62KB ECT leaflet.doc [doc] 52KB Guardianship G37.doc [doc] 56KB Guardianship G7.doc [doc] 55KB Informal Patient .pdf [pdf] 201KB Patients Admitted to Hospital from the Courts – Rights to Appeal.pdf [pdf] 123KB Patient Rights - Section 132.pdf [pdf] 72KB Section 2.pdf [pdf] 73KB Section 3.pdf [pdf] 75KB Section 4.pdf [pdf] 73KB Section 5-2.pdf [pdf] 102KB Section 5-4.pdf [pdf] 102KB Section 35.pdf [pdf] 98KB Section 36.pdf [pdf] 66KB Section 37.pdf [pdf] 75KB Section 37 notional.doc [doc] 57KB Section 37-41.pdf [pdf] 72KB Section 38.pdf [pdf] 66KB Section 47.doc [doc] 58KB Section 47-49.doc [doc] 58KB Section 45A.doc [doc] 58KB Section 48.doc [doc] 64KB Section 136.doc [doc] 56KB Section 135.doc [doc] 56KB N/A D9148 - Maternity Services.pdf [pdf] 231KB 15.03.19 Maternity Services N/A N/A D9146 Autism Assessment times.pdf [pdf] 378KB 12.03.19 Autism Assessment Times N/A N/A D9149 - Social Work Workforce.pdf [pdf] 389KB 12.03.19 Social Work Workforce N/A N/A D9154 Diabetic Nurses.pdf [pdf] 309KB 12.03.19 Diabetic Nurses N/A N/A D9138 - Cyber Security.pdf [pdf] 194KB 08.03.19 Cyber Security N/A N/A D9145 - Depression and Anxiety Waiting Lists 2014-19.pdf [pdf] 146KB 08.03.19 Depression and Anxiety Waiting Lists 2014-19 N/A N/A D9150 - Patient Transport.pdf[pdf] 180KB 08.03.19 Patient Transport N/A N/A D9132 - Procurement of Telecoms and IT Services.pdf[pdf] 145KB 07.03.19 Procurement of Telecoms and IT Services N/A N/A D9151 - Transactions over £25,000.pdf [pdf] 178KB 07.03.19 Transactions Over £25,000 N/A N/A D9128 - Overseas Visitor charges.pdf [pdf] 146KB 06.03.19 Overseas Visitor Charges N/A N/A D9134 - Agency Nursing Shifts Nov18-Jan19.pdf [pdf] 186KB 06.03.19 Agency Nursing Shifts Nov18-Jan19 N/A N/A D9136 - Bowel Care.pdf [pdf] 184KB 04.03.19 Bowel Care N/A N/A D9122 - HR and Finance Software Contract.pdf [pdf] 236KB 01.03.19 HR and Finance Software Contract N/A N/A D9131 - Consultant Recruitment 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 157KB 01.03.19 Consultant Recruitment 2016-18 N/A N/A D9133 - Policies re Gender, Trauma and Abuse.pdf [pdf] 212KB 01.03.19 Policies re Gender, Trauma and Abuse Domestic Violence and Abuse Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB Delivering Same Sex Accommodation v1.1.pdf [pdf] 1MB Induction and Mandatory Training Policy.pdf [pdf] 1020KB SG04 Supp1 V1 Think Child Think Family AMHS.pdf [pdf] 719KB Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB SG04 Supp2 V1 Think Child Think Family SMS.pdf [pdf] 1MB SG04 V1 Safeguarding Children Policy.pdf [pdf] 2MB N/A D9147 - Assisted Suicide and Pallative Care.pdf [pdf] 176KB 01.03.19 Assisted Suicide and Pallative Care N/A N/A