FOI Disclosure Log November 2018 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log November 2018

FOI Date Released Information Requested Additional Attachments
FOI requests released in November 2018
D9032 - Champion of Flexible Training.pdf [pdf] 299KB 30.11.18 Champion of Flexible Training N/A
D9036 - ME and CFS Services.pdf [pdf] 301KB 30.11.18 ME and Cystic Fibrosis Services N/A
D9039 - Non-Stunned Meat Products.pdf [pdf] 370KB 30.11.18 Non-Stunned Meat Products N/A
D9010 - Brexit Committee, Risk Assessments and Correspondence.pdf [pdf] 398KB 28.11.18 Brexit Committee, Risk Assessments and Correspondence

08i. Govt_preparations_for_potential_no_deal_-_letter_to_health_and_care_sector.pdf [pdf] 361KB
08ii. EU exit NHS Trust Contract Review.pdf [pdf] 543KB
Brexit briefing - plan for medicines.pdf [pdf] 399KB
Brexit clinical trials final.pdf [pdf] 104KB
Item 07 - Chief Executive Brief Oct 18 v1.pdf [pdf] 692KB

D9013 - Digitisation of Patient Records.pdf [pdf] 382KB 28.11.18 Digitisation of Patient Records N/A
D9020 - Assessment and Treatment Units.pdf [pdf] 386KB 28.11.18 Assessment and Treatment Units N/A
D9031 - Software Systems in A&E.pdf [pdf] 308KB 28.11.18 Software Systems in A&E N/A
D8995 - Transactions over £25,000.pdf [pdf] 304KB 22.11.18 Transactions over £25,000 N/A
D9004 - Agency Healthcare Spend and Staffing July-Sep 2018.pdf [pdf] 344KB 22.11.18 Agency Healthcare Spend and Staffing July-Sep 2018 N/A
D9007 - Discharges between 11pm-6am 2010-18.pdf [pdf] 322KB 22.11.18 Discharges between 11pm-6am 2010-18 N/A
D9016 - Trust Spend 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 392KB 22.11.18 Trust Spend 2016-19 N/A
D8990 - CAMHS Referrals 2013-17.pdf [pdf] 304KB 20.11.18 CAMHS Referrals 2013-17 N/A
D8992 - GDPR.pdf [pdf] 276KB 20.11.18 GDPR N/A
D9002 - Number of Care Programme Co-ordinators for Adult and Older People Services.pdf [pdf] 319KB 20.11.18 Number of Care Programme Co-ordinators for Adult and Older People Services N/A
D9008 - Student Mental Health Issues While Studying.pdf [pdf] 232KB 20.11.18 Student Mental Health Issues While Studying N/A
D9011 - OPCS and HRG Codes for Zoledronic Acid.pdf [pdf] 231KB 20.11.18 OPCS and HRG Codes for Zoledronic Acid N/A
D9009 - Death in Service for Nursing Staff 2012-18.pdf [pdf] 307KB 19.11.18 Death in Service for Nursing Staff 2012-18 N/A
D9025 - Stolen Medical Equipment.pdf [pdf] 231KB 19.11.18 Stolen Medical Equipment N/A
D8989 - Director Spending 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 625KB 16.11.18 Director Spending 2016-18 N/A
D9003 - Agency Nurse and Doctor Spend Jan-Sep 2018.pdf [pdf] 315KB 16.11.18 Agency Nurse and Doctor Spend Jan-Sep 2018 N/A
D9014 - Clinical Trials on EU Registry.pdf [pdf] 305KB 16.11.18 Clinical Trials on EU Registry N/A
D8987 - Estates and Facilities Structure.pdf [pdf] 304KB 14.11.18 Estates and Facilities Structure Estates and Facilities Structure 2018.pdf [pdf] 51KB
D9000 - Agency Locum Doctor Spend.pdf [pdf] 316KB 14.11.18 Agency Locum Doctor Spend N/A
D9006 - School Nursing Staff.pdf [pdf] 303KB 14.11.18 School Nursing Staff N/A
D9015 - Executive Director Contact Details.pdf [pdf] 376KB 14.11.18 Executive Director Contact Details N/A
D8991 - Occupancy and Leave for Inpatient Wards in N Manchester & Wythenshawe Hospitals 2012-17.pdf [pdf] 303KB 12.11.18 Occupancy and Leave for Inpatient Wards in N Manchester & Wythenshawe Hospitals 2012-17 FOI D8991.pdf [pdf] 434KB
D8994 - Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 381KB 12.11.18 Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2016-18 GMMH Conflicts of Interest Policy Final v2.0.pdf [pdf] 1006KB
Register of Gifts and Hospitality for 2016 17 (Combined Entity) inc staff role.pdf [pdf] 156KB
Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2017 18 17.04.18 v2 inc staff roles.pdf [pdf] 94KB
D8996 - Building Contracts Awarded 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 304KB 12.11.18 Building Contracts Awarded 2017-18 N/A
D8997 - Clinical Waste Collection and Disposal Service.pdf [pdf] 366KB 12.11.18 Clinical Waste Collection and Disposal Service N/A
D8762 - Sexual Harrassment and Racial Discrimination Grievances and Payouts.pdf [pdf] 563KB 09.11.18 Sexual Harrassment and Racial Discrimination Grievances and Payouts N/A
D9005 - Medicines Management, Prescribing and Formulary Committees.pdf [pdf] 318KB 09.11.18 Medicines Management, Prescribing and Formulary Committees N/A
D8970 - Tonnage and Cost of Municipal and Clinical Waste 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 384KB 06.11.18 Tonnage and Cost of Municipal and Clinical Waste 2016-18 N/A
D8984 - Nurse Vaccines.pdf [pdf] 305KB 06.11.18 Nurse Vaccinnes N/A
D8999 - Agency Locum Doctor Supply 2018.pdf [pdf] 304KB 05.11.18 Agency Locum Doctor Supply 2018 N/A
D8981 - Hospital Manager Hearing Documents.pdf [pdf] 447KB 02.11.18 Hospital Manager Hearing Documents FOI D8981 - Hospital Managers Policy.pdf[pdf] 690KB
FOI D8981 - Patients rights policy 2018.pdf[pdf] 532KB
CTO revokation patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 125KB
CTO revokation section 3 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 139KB
CTO recall patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 115KB
CTO Part 2 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 219KB
Section 2 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 121KB
Section 3 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 123KB
Section 37 notional patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 123KB
Section 37 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 123KB
Section 47 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 124KB
Section 48 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 215KB
D8998 - Networks and Telephony.pdf [pdf] 387KB 02.11.18 Networks and Telephony N/A
D8977 - Clinical Excellence Awards.pdf [pdf] 304KB 01.11.18 Clinical Excellence Awards N/A


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