FOI Disclosure Log November 2019 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log November 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Addtional Attachments Cost
FOI Requests released in November 2019
D9401 - HR and Finance Structure and Non-Clinical Agency Spend 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 188KB 05/11/2019 HR and Finance Structure and Non-Clinical Agency Spend 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9403 - Budget and Spend on Patient Meals 2015-19.pdf [pdf] 163KB 05/11/2019 Budget and Spend on Patient Meals 2015-19 N/A N/A
D9407 - Bank and Agency Spend 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 201KB 05/11/2019 Bank and Agency Spend 2018-19 N/A N/A
  D9409 - Vending Machines 2015-19.pdf [pdf] 148KB 05/11/2019 Vending Machines 2015-19 N/A N/A
D9412 - Transactions over £25k Sep 2019.pdf [pdf] 178KB 05/11/2019 Transactions over £25K Sept 2019 N/A N/A
D9404 - Clozapine Training.pdf [pdf] 175KB 07/11/2019 Clozapine Training N/A N/A
D9414 - IR35 and NHSI Cap Compliance.pdf [pdf] 147KB 07/11/2019 IR35 and NHSI Cap Compliance N/A N/A
D9417 - Dieticians Uniforms.pdf [pdf] 144KB 07/11/2019 Dieticians Uniforms N/A N/A
D9421 - Independent Sector Mental Health Provision.pdf [pdf] 197KB 07/11/2019 Independent Sector Mental Health Provision N/A N/A
D9416 - Salford SMS Referrals and Re-presentation 2013-19.pdf [pdf] 145KB 11/11/2019 Salford SMS Referrals and Re-Presentation 2013-19 N/A N/A
D9413 - Staff Compensation Payments 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 147KB 13/11/2019 Staff Compensation Payments 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9415 - Telephony VOIP contract.pdf [pdf] 153KB 13/11/2019 Telephony VOIP Contract N/A N/A
D9420 - Voting for Service Users.pdf [pdf] 144KB 13/11/2019 Voting for Service Users N/A N/A
D9422 - Public Health Funerals.pdf [pdf] 145KB 13/11/2019 Public Health Funerals N/A N/A
D9418 - Restrictions Based on Smoking Status.pdf [pdf] 144KB 14/11/2019 Restrictions Based on Smoking Status N/A N/A
D9424 - Physical Assaults 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 213KB 14/11/2019 Physical Assaults 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9426 - Business Analysts.pdf [pdf] 146KB 14/11/2019 Business Analysts N/A N/A
D9428 - Estates Subcontractors.pdf [pdf] 147KB 14/11/2019 Estates Subcontractors N/A N/A
D9431 - Fatigue and Facilities Charter.pdf [pdf] 144KB 14/11/2019 Fatigue and Facilities Charter N/A N/A
D9433 - Endoscopy Equipment Maintenance.pdf [pdf] 145KB 14/11/2019 Endoscopy Equipment and Maintenance N/A N/A
D9445 - Cancer Nurses.pdf [pdf] 148KB 14/11/2019 Cancer Nurses N/A N/A
D9437 - Telecare Monitoring.pdf [pdf] 240KB 15/11/2019 Telecare Monitoring N/A N/A
D9451 - BME Deaf Service Users.pdf [pdf] 144KB 15/11/2019 BME Deaf Service Users N/A N/A
D9423 - Pharmacy Services.pdf [pdf] 206KB 22/11/2019 Pharmacy Services N/A N/A
D9425 - BAME Service Users in Trafford 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 174KB 22/11/2019 BAME Service Users In Trafford 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9427 - Transactions over £25,000 Oct16 and Mar17.pdf [pdf] 179KB 22/11/2019 Transactions over £25k Oct 16 and March 17 N/A N/A
D9429 - Violence Towards Staff 2014-19.pdf [pdf] 154KB 25/11/2019 Violence Towards Staff 2014-19 N/A N/A
D9430 - Drug and Alcohol-Related Addiction Referrals 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 153KB 25/11/2019 Drug and Alcohol Related Addiction Referrals 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9432 - Court Intervention for Critically Ill Child.pdf [pdf] 178KB 25/11/2019 Court Intervention for Critically ill Child N/A N/A
D9434 - Incidents re Sexual Assault and Harrassment 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 203KB 25/11/2019 Incidents re Sexual Assault and Harrassment 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9439 - Lone Worker Devices.pdf [pdf] 148KB 25/11/2019 Lone Worker Devices N/A N/A
D9441 - Incidents by Category 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 158KB 25/11/2019 Incidents by Category 2016-19    
D9442 - Temporary Nurse Spend and International Recruitment 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 153KB 25/11/2019 Temporary Nurse Spend and International Recruitment 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9443 - Wearable Devices.pdf [pdf] 235KB 25/11/2019 Wearable Devices  N/A N/A
D9444 - Non Clinical Temporary Staffing.pdf [pdf] 164KB 25/11/2019 Non Clinical Temporary Staffing N/A N/A
D9446 - Order Communications and Integrated Care Pathway.pdf [pdf] 184KB 25/11/2019 Order Communcations and Integrated Care Pathway N/A N/A
D9447 - Electronic Patient Record and Portal.pdf [pdf] 186KB 25/11/2019 Electronic Patient Record and Portal N/A N/A
D9449 - Clinical Decision Support Systems.pdf [pdf] 190KB 25/11/2019 Clinical Decision Support Systems N/A N/A


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