FOI Disclosure Log October 2020 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log October 2020

FOI Requests released in October 2020





Attachments Cost
FOI Response D9734 - Risk Management and Compliance IT systems.pdf [pdf] 161KB 1.10.2020 Risk Management & Compliance IT Systems N/A N/A
FOI Response D9735 - Second Opinions.pdf [pdf] 152KB 1.10.2020 Second Opinions N/A N/A
FOI Response D9736 - Reverse Mentoring.pdf [pdf] 175KB 2.10.2020 Reverse Mentoring N/A N/A
FOI Response D9738 - Clinical Waste Disposal .pdf [pdf] 160KB 6.10.2020 Clinical Wate Disposal N/A N/A
FOI Response D9740 - Equality and Diversity Training .pdf [pdf] 183KB 7.10.2020 Equality & Diversity Training N/A N/A
FOI Response D9725 - Access to CAMHS Services.pdf [pdf] 212KB 8.10.2020 Access to CAMHS Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D9716 - Catering & Vending Services.pdf [pdf] 261KB 9.10.2020 Catering & Vending Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D9742 - Self Harm-Suicide Acute Mental Health Wards.pdf [pdf] 146KB 9.10.2020 Self Harm-Suicide Acute Mental Health Wards N/A N/A
FOI Response D9743 - Staff Covid Numbers.pdf [pdf] 145KB 9.10.2020 Staff Covid Figures N/A N/A
FOI Response D9744 - Data Protection & DFM.pdf [pdf] 149KB 12.10.2020 Data Protection & Data Flow Mapping FOI D9744 Copy of 2020 IAR Example.xlsx [xlsx] 21KB FOI D9744 IGSG Agenda 01.2020.pdf [pdf] 170KB Copy of DFM Example.xlsx [xlsx] 363KB  
FOI Response D9745 - Binge Eating Disorder.pdf [pdf] 224KB 15.10.2020 Binge Eating Disorder N/A N/A
FOI Response D9746 - Digital Dictation System.pdf [pdf] 185KB 16.10.2020 Digital Dictation System N/A N/A
FOI Response D9747 - IG Compliance.pdf [pdf] 154KB 19.10.2020 IG Compliance N/A N/A
FOI Response D9749 - Endoscopy Services.pdf [pdf] 147KB 20.10.2020 Endoscopy Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D9753 - Trafford Aim Service Manager.pdf [pdf] 144KB 20.10.2020 Trafford Aim Service Manager N/A N/A
FOI Response D9755 - Denied Annual Leave Requests.pdf [pdf] 152KB 20.10.2020 Denied Annual Leave Requests FOI Response D9755 - Annual Leave rejections by role 01.05.2019 - 31.08.2019 and 01.05.2020 -31.08.2020.xlsx [xlsx] 41KB N/A
FOI Response D9737 - Patient Statistics 2010-2020..pdf [pdf] 144KB 22.10.2020 Patient Statistics 2010-2020 FOI Response D9737 - Patient Statistics 2010-2020.pdf [pdf] 123KB N/A
FOI Response D9750 - Agency Spend for Trust Drs Jan-Aug 2020.pdf [pdf] 258KB 22.10.2020 Agency Spend for Trust Drs Jan-Aug 2020 N/A N/A
FOI Response D9748. - Agency spend for Nurses Jan-Aug 2020.pdf [pdf] 212KB 23.10.2020 Agency Spend for Nurses Jan-Aug 2020 N/A N/A
FOI Response D9752.- Agency spend for Nurses Jan-Aug 2020.pdf [pdf] 211KB 23.10.2020 Agency Spend for Nurses Jan-Aug 2020 N/A N/A
FOI Response D9756 - Use of identifiable uniforms within Trusts.pdf [pdf] 818KB 23.10.2020 Use of Identifiable uniforms within Trusts FOI Response D9756 - CL44 Dress Standard Policy.pdf [pdf] 834KB N/A
FOI Response D9758 Wheelchair Services.pdf [pdf] 190KB 26.10.2020 Wheelchair Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D9761 - Staff List.pdf [pdf] 185KB 27.10.2020 Staff List N/A N/A
FOI Response D9764 - Learning Disability Services.pdf [pdf] 144KB 27.10.2020 Learning Disability Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D9760 - Coronavirus Transmission in Hospital.pdf [pdf] 143KB 28.10.2020 Coronavirus Transmission in Hospital N/A N/A
FOI Response D9765 - Secure Patient Transport Services.pdf [pdf] 164KB 28.10.2020 Secure Patient Transport Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D9763 - Resourcing of Clinical Staff.pdf [pdf] 152KB 30.10.2020 Resourcing of Clinical Staff N/A N/A


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