FOI Disclosure Log October 2021 FOI Requests Released October 2021 FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost FOI Response D10151 - Expenditure on Private Mental Health Services.pdf [pdf] 145KB 05/10/2021 Expenditure on Private MH Services N/A N/A FOI Response D10152 - Number of appointments and treatments.pdf [pdf] 154KB 08/10/2021 Number of appointments and Treatments N/A N/A FOI Response D10163 - Waste Disposal.pdf [pdf] 144KB 19/10/2021 Waste Disposal N/A N/A FOI Response D10175 - CAMHS Wait Times 2018-2021.pdf [pdf] 424KB 11/10/2021 CAHMS Wait Times N/A N/A FOI Response D10177 - Applicant Tracking System.pdf [pdf] 143KB 01/10/2021 Applicant Tracking System N/A N/A FOI Response D10178 V2 - CAMHS Neurodevelopmental Pathway Waiting List by Month.pdf [pdf] 284KB 08/10/2021 CAHMS Neurodevelopmental Pathway N/A N/A FOI Response D10179 - Facilities & Cleaning Staff.pdf [pdf] 200KB 20/10/2021 Facilities and Cleaning Staff N/A N/A FOI Response D10180 - Information Asset Owners & Risk Assessments.pdf [pdf] 188KB 05/10/2021 IAO'S and Risk Assessments N/A N/A FOI Response D10181 - Protocols and policies regarding the care of transgender people.pdf [pdf] 170KB 05/10/2021 Policies re: care of transgender people FOI Response D10181 - Delivering-Same-Sex-Accommodation-v1.1.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI Response D10181 - Equality Diversity Inclusion in Employment Policy.pdf [pdf] 277KB N/A FOI Response D10183 - Data Management and medicines usage in Secondary Care.pdf [pdf] 395KB 07/10/2021 Data Management and medicines usage N/A N/A FOI Response D10184 - Trust spending on unlicensed medicine.pdf [pdf] 147KB 07/10/2021 Trust spend on unlicensed medicine N/A N/A FOI Response D10185 - PAS-EPR.pdf [pdf] 144KB 06/10/2021 PAS-EPR N/A N/A FOI Response D10186 - Patient Flow Software.pdf [pdf] 144KB 06/10/2021 Patient Flow Software N/A N/A FOI Response D10187 - Stranded Patients.pdf [pdf] 178KB 08/10/2021 Stranded Patients N/A N/A FOI Response D10188 - Information relating to Patient Feeding and Retail Catering.pdf [pdf] 168KB 14/10/2021 Patient Feeding and Retail Catering N/A N/A FOI Response D10189 - Social Media related mental health.pdf [pdf] 186KB 13/10/2021 Social media related MH N/A N/A FOI Response D10191 - SELR Exemption and MTI Route.pdf [pdf] 145KB 13/10/2021 SELR Exemption and MIT Route N/A N/A FOI Response D10192 - Facilities Management.pdf [pdf] 197KB 15/10/2021 Facilities Management N/A N/A FOI Response D10194. - Artwork owned by the Trust.pdf [pdf] 152KB 15/10/2021 Artwork owned by the Trust N/A N/A FOI Response D10195 - Estates & Facilities Contacts.pdf [pdf] 145KB 15/10/2021 Estates and Facilities contracts N/A N/A FOI Response D10195 - CEF Structure March 2021.pdf [pdf] 628KB 15/10/2021 CEF Structure N/A N/A FOI Response D10196 - Patient Deaths.pdf [pdf] 152KB 15/10/2021 Patient Deaths N/A N/A FOI Response D10197 - IT Main Contacts.pdf [pdf] 151KB 18/10/2021 IT Main Contacts N/A N/A FOI Response D10198 - Digital Dictation Solution.pdf [pdf] 179KB 18/10/2021 Digital Dictation Solution N/A N/A FOI Response D10199 - Recruitment and Retention Premia (RRP) and its application to Estates Staff.pdf [pdf] 146KB 19/10/2021 RRP N/A N/A FOI Response D10201 - Insourcing Providers.pdf [pdf] 183KB 21/10/2021 Insourcing Providers N/A N/A FOI Response D10203 - Incidences of Carbapenemases.pdf [pdf] 212KB 21/10/2021 Incidences of Carbapenemases N/A N/A FOI Response D10204 - Hospital-acquired Covid-19 .pdf [pdf] 145KB 21/10/2021 Hospital acquired Covid N/A N/A FOI Response D10205 - Mouth Cancer.pdf [pdf] 171KB 21/10/2021 Mouth Cancer N/A N/A FOI Response D10206 - Accessible Information.pdf [pdf] 210KB 22/10/2021 Accessible Information N/A N/A FOI Response D10207 - UK University death by suicide.pdf [pdf] 145KB 25/10/2021 UK University Deaths by Suicide N/A N/A FOI Response D10210 - Employment & Funding of LXPs in NHS.pdf [pdf] 146KB 26/10/2021 LXP's in NHS N/A N/A FOI Response D10211 - Private and Overseas Healthcare Information.pdf [pdf] 200KB 27/10/2021 Private and Overseas Healthcare Information N/A N/A FOI Response D10215 - Clinical Waste Disposal.pdf [pdf] 145KB 28/10/2021 Clinical Waste Disposal N/A N/A FOI Response D10216 - Staff Suicides in the Trust.pdf [pdf] 144KB 29/10/2021 Staff Suicides N/A N/A