FOI Disclosure Log September 2018 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log September 2018

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in September 2018
D8921 - Staff Turnover, Time to Recruit and Vacancy Rates 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 324KB 26.09.18 Staff Turnover, Time to Recruit and Vacancy Rates 2016-18 N/A N/A
D8926 - Discrimination Complaints and Tribunals 2000-18.pdf [pdf] 324KB 26.09.18 Discrimination Complaints and Tribunals 200-18 N/A N/A
D8941 - Staff Numbers and Cost inc Agency 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 406KB 25.09.18 Staff Numbers and Cost inc Agency 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8933 - Ligature Incidents 2010-18.pdf [pdf] 302KB 21.09.18 Ligature Incidents 2010-18 N/A N/A
D8938 - Naloxone Trafford 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 313KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Trafford 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8939 - Naloxone Bolton 15.01.18-31.03.18.pdf [pdf] 314KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Bolton Jan-Mar 2018 N/A N/A
D8940 - Naloxone Salford 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 314KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Salford 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8944 - Naloxone Cumbria 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 239KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Cumbria 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8946 Recruitment of Director of Performance & Strategic Development.pdf [pdf] 321KB 21.09.18 Recruitment of Director of Performance and Strategic Development Tender waiver.pdf [pdf] 339KB N/A
D8951 - Naloxone Central Lancashire 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 314KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Central Lancashire 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8937 - Anti-slavery Officer.pdf [pdf] 302KB 19.09.18 Anti-slavery Officer Slavery-and-Human-Trafficking-Policy-Statement-2018---FINAL (1).pdf [pdf] 411KB N/A
D8942 - Daily living or walking aids.pdf [pdf] 374KB 19.09.18 Daily Living or Walking Aids N/A N/A
D8943 - Sepsis CQUIN figures.pdf [pdf] 381KB 19.09.18 Sepsis CQUIN Figures N/A N/A
D8932 - Digital Maturity Assessment 2016-17.pdf [pdf] 392KB 17.09.18 Digital Maturity Assessment 2016-17 FOI D8932.xlsx [xlsx] 11KB N/A
D8911 - List of GMMH Therapies.pdf [pdf] 346KB 14.09.18 List of GMMH Therapies N/A N/A
D8914 - Data Security Spending and Training.pdf [pdf] 306KB 13.09.18 Data Security Spending and Training N/A N/A
D8927 - Systems spend 2015-19.pdf [pdf] 380KB 13.09.18 Systems Spend 2015-19 FOI D8927 Systems spend.xlsx [xlsx] 19KB N/A
D8930 - Bolton Services Job Roles and Pay Grades.pdf [pdf] 443KB 13.09.18 Bolton Services Job Roles and Pay Grades Map of GMMH Bolton Mental Health Services.pdf [pdf] 510KB N/A
D8903 - Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT).pdf [pdf] 307KB 11.09.18 Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) FOI D8903 GMW ECT Policy.pdf[pdf] 352KB N/A
D8928 - NHS Wheelchair Services.pdf [pdf] 304KB 11.09.18 NHS Wheelchair Services N/A N/A
D8929 - Medical and Dental Agency Spend 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 303KB 11.09.18 Medical and Dental Agency Spend 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8931 - Deaths Under In-Patient Care.pdf [pdf] 304KB 11.09.18 Deaths Under In-Patient Care N/A N/A
D8934 - Brexit.pdf [pdf] 304KB 11.09.18 Brexit N/A N/A
D8918 - Non-UK EU nationals.pdf[pdf] 304KB 10.09.18 Non-UK EU Nationals FOI Request D8918.xlsx [xlsx] 27KB N/A
D8923 - Prestwich site information inc parking, library, wifi, food and drink.pdf [pdf] 384KB 10.09.18 Prestwich Site Information inc Parking, Library, WiFi, Food and Drink N/A N/A
D8922 - Babies born with drug dependencies.pdf [pdf] 303KB 07.09.18 Babies Born With Drug Dependencies N/A N/A
D8897 - Data losses or breaches 2017-18.pdf[pdf] 375KB 06.09.18 Data Losses or Breaches 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8893 - Details of Company Secretary.pdf[pdf] 304KB 05.09.18 Details of Company Secretary N/A N/A
D8900 - Incidents re Whatsapp.pdf [pdf] 306KB 05.09.18 Incidents Re WhatsApp N/A N/A
D8913 - Locum Agency Doctors 2017-18.pdf[pdf] 307KB 05.09.18 Locum Agency Doctors 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8915 - Transactions over £25,000 Feb-Jul 2018.pdf [pdf] 390KB 05.09.18 Transactions Over £25,000 Feb-Jul 2018 D8915 Transactions By Supplier.xlsx [xlsx] 24KB N/A
D8920 - District Nurses.pdf [pdf] 317KB 05.09.18 District Nurses N/A N/A
D8901 - Suicide Attempts for under 25s.pdf[pdf] 232KB 04.09.18 Suicide Attempts for Under 25s N/A N/A
D8916 - Rota System.pdf [pdf] 233KB 04.09.18 Rota System N/A N/A
D8919 - CAMHS Private Patients.pdf [pdf] 230KB 04.09.18 CAMHS Private Patients N/A N/A
D8925 - Mortuaries.pdf [pdf] 244KB 04.09.18 Mortuaries N/A N/A
D8910 - IT Spend 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 229KB 03.09.18 IT Spend 2016-19 D8910 FOI_Request - IT spend.xlsx [xlsx] 14KB N/A
D8917 - Acute Hospital Rotas.pdf [pdf] 235KB 03.09.18 Acute Hospital Rotas N/A N/A


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