FOI Disclosure Log September 2019 FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost FOI requests released in September 2019 D9353 - Registered Nurse Shifts Filled with Healthcare Assistants.pdf [pdf] 185KB 23.09.19 Registered Nurse Shiftsd Filled with Heathcare Assistants N/A N/A D9354 - Frontline Mental Health Staff Vacancies 2013-19.pdf [pdf] 184KB 23.09.19 Frontline Mental Health Staff Vacancies 2013-19 N/A N/A D9359 - Pension Fund Contributions.pdf [pdf] 145KB 23.09.19 Pension Fund Contributions N/A N/A D9373 - Letters from Chief Executive re Brexit.pdf [pdf] 177KB 23.09.19 Letters from Chief Executive re Brexit N/A N/A D9385 - International Recruitment.pdf [pdf] 144KB 23.09.19 International Recruitment N/A N/A D9387 - Abortions.pdf [pdf] 143KB 23.09.19 Abortions N/A N/A D9350 - CAMHS Inpatient Services.pdf [pdf] 161KB 17.09.19 CAMHS Inpatient Services FOI D9350 CAMHS Inpatient Services.xlsx [xlsx] 17KB N/A D9356 - External Consultants 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 151KB 17.09.19 External Consultants 2017-19 N/A N/A D9360 - Consultant Led Teams.pdf [pdf] 190KB 17.09.19 Consultant Led Teams FOI D9360 Q3 CurrentTeamList.pdf [pdf] 88KB N/A D9361 - Interpreter Spend 2014-19.pdf [pdf] 145KB 17.09.19 Interpreter Spend 2014-19 N/A N/A D9363 - Modern Slavery in Supply Chains.pdf [pdf] 196KB 17.09.19 Modern Slavery in Supply Chains N/A N/A D9365 - Clincal Coding for Neurological Disorders.pdf [pdf] 151KB 17.09.19 Clinical Coding for Neurological Disorders N/A N/A D9376 - SIRO, DPO and Caldicott Guardian.pdf [pdf] 145KB 17.09.19 SIRO, DPO and Caldicott Guardian N/A N/A D9378 - Non Clinical Temporary Staffing.pdf [pdf] 187KB 17.09.19 Non Clinical Temporary Staffing N/A N/A D9352 - Transactions over £25k Jul15-Mar17.pdf [pdf] 177KB 16.09.19 Transactions over £25k Jul15-Mar17 N/A N/A D9347 - Percentage of Adults Affected by Mental Health.pdf[pdf] 147KB 13.09.19 Percentage of Adults Affected by Mental Health N/A N/A D9355 - Referral to Treatment (RTT) Reporting.pdf [pdf] 143KB 13.09.19 Referral to Treatment (RTT) Reporting N/A N/A D9358 - Inductions of Labour.pdf [pdf] 180KB 13.09.19 Inductions of Labour N/A N/A D9362 - MFD Printing.pdf [pdf] 154KB 13.09.19 MFD Printing N/A N/A D9364 - Inductions of Labour.pdf [pdf] 145KB 13.09.19 Inductions of Labour N/A N/A D9346 - Domestic Violence and Abuse, Bolton Services.pdf [pdf] 151KB 11.09.19 Domestic Violence and Abuse Bolton Services N/A N/A D9349 - Digitisation of Health Records.pdf [pdf] 189KB 11.09.19 Digitisation of Health Records N/A N/A D9342 - Agency Nursing Costs 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 147KB 05.09.19 Agency Nursing Costs 2018-19 FOI D9342 Agency Spend by supplier 1819.pdf [pdf] 65KB N/A D9357 - Management Structure.pdf [pdf] 145KB 05.09.19 Management Structure FOI D9357 GMMH Organisational Chart July 2019.pdf [pdf] 420KB N/A D9343 - ICT Contracts.pdf [pdf] 205KB 04.09.19 ICT Contracts FOI D9343 spreadsheet.pdf [pdf] 99KB N/A D9351 - Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Services.pdf[pdf] 180KB 04.09.19 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Services N/A N/A