FOI Disclosure Log September 2021 | Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log September 2021

FOI Requests released September 2021
FOI Date Released Information Released Addtional Attachments Cost
FOI Response D10140 - Recruitment & Staffing.pdf [pdf] 184KB 029/2021 Recruitment and Staffing Information N/A N/A
FOI Response D10143 - Translation Service Spend.pdf [pdf] 147KB 06/09/2021 Translation Services Spend N/A N/A
FOI Response D10145 - EPR System.pdf [pdf] 145KB 06/09/2021 EPR System N/A N/A
FOI Response D10146 - Legal Funding at Inquest.pdf [pdf] 204KB 09/09/2021 Legal Funding at Inquest N/A N/A
FOI Response D10147 - Robotic Process Automation.pdf [pdf] 147KB 09/09/2021 Robotic Process Automation N/A N/A
FOI Response D10148 - AI Radiology.pdf [pdf] 146KB 09/09/2021 AI Radiology N/A N/A
FOI Response D10131 - Domestic Homicide Review Recommendations.pdf [pdf] 199KB 10/09/2021 Domestic Homicide Recommendations N/A N/A
FOI Response D10150 - Employment tribunal claims - settlement agreements.pdf [pdf] 153KB 13/09/2021 Employment Tribunal Claims N/A N/A
FOI Response D10153 - Courier Services.pdf [pdf] 144KB 13/09/2021 Courier Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D10154 - Numbers of referrals of Higher Education Students .pdf [pdf] 196KB 14/09/2021 Referrals of Higher Education Students N/A N/A
FOI Response D10157 - Cancer Pathways.pdf [pdf] 144KB 14/09/2021 Cancer Pathways N/A N/A
FOI Response D10158 - Payments made to Charities and Third sector organisations.pdf [pdf] 156KB 14/09/2021 Payments made to Charities N/A N/A
FOI Response D10159 - Staff and Agency information request 20-21 FY.pdf [pdf] 203KB 16/09/2021 Staff and Agency Information N/A N/A
FOI Response D10160 - Managed Print Service.pdf [pdf] 182KB 17/09/2021 Managed Print Service N/A N/A
FOI Response D10161 - Fertility Clinics.pdf [pdf] 150KB 17/09/2021 Fertility Clinics N/A N/A
FOI Response D10162 - Patient Meals & Menus.pdf [pdf] 188KB 17/09/2021 Patient Meals and Menus N/A N/A
FOI Response D10156 - CAHMS Waiting List Data.pdf [pdf] 274KB 20/09/2021 CAHMS Waitling Lists N/A N/A
FOI Response D10166 - Treatment of Schizophrenia.pdf [pdf] 172KB 20/09/2021 Treatment of Schizophrenia N/A N/A
FOI Response D10168 - Data Breaches 2016-2021.pdf [pdf] 145KB 24/09/2021 Data Breaches N/A N/A
FOI Response D10169 - Medical Appraisal & Revalidation Software Supply.pdf [pdf] 144KB 21/09/2021 Medical Appraisal Software N/A N/A
FOI Response D10172 - Investigations under The Children's Act.pdf [pdf] 162KB 28/09/2021 Investigations under The Children's Act N/A N/A
FOI Response D10173 - Ransomware Incidents and Data Back up.pdf [pdf] 198KB 28/09/2021 Ransomware Incidents N/A N/A
FOI Response D10174 - Prosthetic and orthotic service provision.pdf [pdf] 149KB 27/09/2021 Prosthetic and Orthotic Provision N/A N/A
FOI Response D10176 - RIDDOR Reporting of Covid-19.pdf [pdf] 143KB 30/09/2021 Reporting of Covid N/A N/A


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