Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log March 2019

FOI  Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in March 2019
D9160 - Digital Apps for Employee Wellbeing.pdf [pdf] 187KB 29.03.19 Digital Apps for Employee Wellbeing N/A N/A
D9161 - Deaths of Patients with Learning Disability 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 148KB 29.03.19 Deaths of Patients with Learning Disabilities 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9166 - Locked Rehab Wards 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 149KB 29.03.19 Locked Rehab Wards 2014-18 N/A N/A
D9168 - Remote Patient Monitoring System.pdf [pdf] 183KB 29.03.19 Remote Patient Monitoring System N/A N/A
D9170 - Out of Area Placements from Norfolk and Suffolk NHS FT.pdf [pdf] 184KB 29.03.19 Out of Area Placements from Norfolk and Suffolk NHS FT N/A N/A
D9177 - Body Worn Armour.pdf [pdf] 142KB 29.03.19 Body Worn Armour N/A N/A
D9179 - Right to Buy Scheme.pdf [pdf] 142KB 29.03.19 Right to Buy Scheme N/A N/A
D9152 - Telephony.pdf [pdf] 189KB 26.03.19 Telephony N/A N/A
D9172 - S132 Information for Children.pdf [pdf] 152KB 26.03.19 Section 132 Information for Children Informal Patient .pdf [pdf] 201KB Patients Admitted to Hospital from the Courts – Rights to Appeal.pdf [pdf] 123KB Patient Rights - Section 132.pdf [pdf] 72KB Section 2.pdf [pdf] 73KB Section 3.pdf [pdf] 75KB Section 4.pdf [pdf] 73KB Section 5-4.pdf [pdf] 102KB Section 5-2.pdf [pdf] 102KB Section 36.pdf [pdf] 66KB Section 37.pdf [pdf] 75KB Section 37-41.pdf [pdf] 72KB Section 38.pdf [pdf] 66KB Section 35.pdf [pdf] 98KB N/A
D9174 - Agency Nurse Spend 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 160KB 26.03.19 Agency Nurse Spend 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9143 - CAMHS Waiting Times.pdf [pdf] 157KB 22.03.19 CAMHS Waiting Times N/A N/A
D9153 - Haematology.pdf [pdf] 296KB 22.03.19 Haematology N/A N/A
D9163 - Service User Engagement and Volunteering Policies.pdf [pdf] 171KB 22.03.19 Service User Engagement and Volunteering Policies SU & Carer Engagement Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB Volunteering Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB N/A
D9169 - Assaults on Staff 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 193KB 22.03.19 Assaults on Staff 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9140 - CAMHS Waiting Times 2018.pdf [pdf] 149KB 20.03.19 CAMHS Waiting Times 2018 N/A N/A
D9144 - Psychotherapists and Counsellors 2012-19.pdf [pdf] 157KB 20.03.19 Psychotherapists and Counsellors 2012-19 N/A N/A
D9155 - Interpreting Services.pdf [pdf] 144KB 20.03.19 Interpreting Services N/A N/A
D9162 - PEPPOL.pdf [pdf] 184KB 20.03.19 PEPPOL N/A N/A
D9130 - Foods Containing Nitrates.pdf [pdf] 148KB 18.03.19 Foods Containing Nitrates Apetito cured meat nitrate statement_FINAL.pdf [pdf] 92KB Bidfoods Nitrates List.xlsx [xlsx] 73KB Tiffin Nitrates List.xlsx [xlsx] 14KB N/A
D9142 - Independent Mental Health Advocates.pdf [pdf] 151KB 18.03.19 Independent Mental Health Advocates CTO Part 2 Patients.doc [doc] 66KB CTO Part 3 patients.doc [doc] 66KB CTO recall.doc [doc] 56KB CTO revokation.doc [doc] 62KB CTO revokation section 3.doc [doc] 62KB ECT leaflet.doc [doc] 52KB Guardianship G37.doc [doc] 56KB Guardianship G7.doc [doc] 55KB Informal Patient .pdf [pdf] 201KB Patients Admitted to Hospital from the Courts – Rights to Appeal.pdf [pdf] 123KB Patient Rights - Section 132.pdf [pdf] 72KB Section 2.pdf [pdf] 73KB Section 3.pdf [pdf] 75KB Section 4.pdf [pdf] 73KB Section 5-2.pdf [pdf] 102KB Section 5-4.pdf [pdf] 102KB Section 35.pdf [pdf] 98KB Section 36.pdf [pdf] 66KB Section 37.pdf [pdf] 75KB Section 37 notional.doc [doc] 57KB Section 37-41.pdf [pdf] 72KB Section 38.pdf [pdf] 66KB Section 47.doc [doc] 58KB Section 47-49.doc [doc] 58KB Section 45A.doc [doc] 58KB Section 48.doc [doc] 64KB Section 136.doc [doc] 56KB Section 135.doc [doc] 56KB N/A
D9148 - Maternity Services.pdf [pdf] 231KB 15.03.19 Maternity Services N/A N/A
D9146 Autism Assessment times.pdf [pdf] 378KB 12.03.19 Autism Assessment Times N/A N/A
D9149 - Social Work Workforce.pdf [pdf] 389KB 12.03.19 Social Work Workforce N/A N/A
D9154 Diabetic Nurses.pdf [pdf] 309KB 12.03.19 Diabetic Nurses N/A N/A
D9138 - Cyber Security.pdf [pdf] 194KB 08.03.19 Cyber Security N/A N/A
D9145 - Depression and Anxiety Waiting Lists 2014-19.pdf [pdf] 146KB 08.03.19 Depression and Anxiety Waiting Lists 2014-19 N/A N/A
D9150 - Patient Transport.pdf[pdf] 180KB 08.03.19 Patient Transport N/A N/A
D9132 - Procurement of Telecoms and IT Services.pdf[pdf] 145KB 07.03.19 Procurement of Telecoms and IT Services N/A N/A
D9151 - Transactions over £25,000.pdf [pdf] 178KB 07.03.19 Transactions Over £25,000 N/A N/A
D9128 - Overseas Visitor charges.pdf [pdf] 146KB 06.03.19 Overseas Visitor Charges N/A N/A
D9134 - Agency Nursing Shifts Nov18-Jan19.pdf [pdf] 186KB 06.03.19 Agency Nursing Shifts Nov18-Jan19 N/A N/A
D9136 - Bowel Care.pdf [pdf] 184KB 04.03.19 Bowel Care N/A N/A
D9122 - HR and Finance Software Contract.pdf [pdf] 236KB 01.03.19 HR and Finance Software Contract N/A N/A
D9131 - Consultant Recruitment 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 157KB 01.03.19 Consultant Recruitment 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9133 - Policies re Gender, Trauma and Abuse.pdf [pdf] 212KB 01.03.19 Policies re Gender, Trauma and Abuse Domestic Violence and Abuse Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB Delivering Same Sex Accommodation v1.1.pdf [pdf] 1MB Induction and Mandatory Training Policy.pdf [pdf] 1020KB SG04 Supp1 V1 Think Child Think Family AMHS.pdf [pdf] 719KB Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB SG04 Supp2 V1 Think Child Think Family SMS.pdf [pdf] 1MB SG04 V1 Safeguarding Children Policy.pdf [pdf] 2MB N/A
D9147 - Assisted Suicide and Pallative Care.pdf [pdf] 176KB 01.03.19 Assisted Suicide and Pallative Care N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log March 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log February 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in February 2019
D9123 - SAR since GDPR 25.05.18.pdf [pdf] 144KB 26.02.19 Subject Access Requests since GDPR 25.05.18 N/A N/A
D9123 Internal Review - SAR since GDPR.pdf [pdf] 96KB 18.03.19 Internal Review of D9123 - Subject Access Requests since GDPR 25.05.18 N/A N/A
D9141 - Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.pdf [pdf] 144KB 26.02.19 Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism N/A N/A
D9117 - Thefts from Patients 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 147KB 22.02.19 Thefts From Patients 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9120 - IAPT Referral, Treatment, Recovery, Staff, 2015-18.pdf [pdf] 152KB 22.02.19 IAPT Referral, Treatment, Recovery, Staff 2015-18 N/A N/A
D9121 - Specialist Service Business Manager Job Description.pdf [pdf] 142KB 22.02.19 Specialist Service Business Manager Job Description Business Manager JD&PS.pdf [pdf] 175KB N/A
D9135 - Promotional Nappies.pdf [pdf] 145KB 22.02.19 Promotional Nappies N/A N/A
D9139 - Anaesthetic Agents.pdf [pdf] 143KB 22.02.19 Anaesthetic Agents N/A N/A
D9104 - Rostering Software.pdf [pdf] 143KB 19.02.19 Rostering Software D9104 Rostering FOI Questions.pdf [pdf] 72KB N/A
D9110 - Sexual Harassment Investigations 2013-18.pdf [pdf] 148KB 19.02.19 Sexual Harassment Investigations 2013-18 N/A N/A
D9111 - Wifi.pdf [pdf] 224KB 19.02.19 Wifi N/A N/A
D9115 - Children Smoking Cessation Treatments 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 153KB 19.02.19 Children Smoking Cessation Treatments 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9118 - Rehab Bed Types and Length of Stay.pdf[pdf] 199KB 19.02.19 Rehab Bed Types and Length of Stay  N/A N/A
D9119 - Prevention of Future Deaths Report 2016.pdf [pdf] 181KB 19.02.19 Prevention of Future Deaths Report 2016 N/A N/A
D9124 - Standard Aseptic Technique.pdf [pdf] 230KB 19.02.19 Standard Aseptic Technique N/A N/A
D9125 - Internet Gaming Addiction.pdf [pdf] 146KB 19.02.19 Internet Gaming Addiction N/A N/A
D9126 - Electronic Patient Record System (EPR).pdf[pdf] 152KB 19.02.19 Electronic Patient Record System (EPR) N/A N/A
D9127 - Companies Currently Providing Services.pdf [pdf] 160KB 19.02.19 Companies Currently Providing Services N/A N/A
D9129 - Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.pdf [pdf] 143KB 19.02.19 Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism N/A N/A
D9112 - Brexit Risk.pdf [pdf] 179KB 15.02.19 Brexit Risk N/A N/A
D9116 - Gas and Electricity Spend 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 144KB 15.02.19 Gas and Electricity Spend 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9097 - Docman Contract Details.pdf [pdf] 179KB 14.02.19 Docman Contract Details N/A N/A
D9100 - Data Breaches 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 144KB 14.02.19 Data Breaches 2014-18 Incident, Accident and Near Miss Policy.pdf [pdf] 2MB N/A
D9114 - New Nursing Associates Programme.pdf [pdf] 184KB 14.02.19 New Nursing Associates Programme N/A N/A
D9090 - Grievances by Trust Staff 2013-18.pdf [pdf] 163KB 12.02.19 Grievances by Trust Staff 2013-18 N/A N/A
D9094 - Service Developments re Autism and ADHD services.pdf [pdf] 151KB 12.02.19 Service Developments re Autism and ADHD Services N/A N/A
D9096 - Recruitment and Agency 2018.pdf[pdf] 202KB 08.02.19 Recruitment and Agency 2018 D9096 Q25-28 Agency spend.pdf[pdf] 89KB N/A
D9098 - Number of Volunteers and Employees.pdf[pdf] 146KB 08.02.19 Number of Volunteers and Employees N/A N/A
D9101 - Current Unfilled Vacancies.pdf [pdf] 150KB 07.02.19 Current Unfilled Vacancies N/A N/A
D9105 - EU Exit Preparation.pdf [pdf] 183KB 07.02.19 EU Exit Preparation N/A N/A
D9106 - Transactions over £25,000 Feb-Mar 2018.pdf [pdf] 143KB 07.02.19 Transactions over £25,000 Feb-Mar 2018 D9106 February 2018.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB D9106 March 2018.xlsx [xlsx] 17KB N/A
D9107 - Procurement transactions.pdf [pdf] 177KB 07.02.19 Procurement Transactions N/A N/A
D9108 - NHS Pension Scheme.pdf [pdf] 180KB 07.02.19 NHS Pension Scheme N/A N/A
D9109 - Computer Assisted Facilities Management System.pdf [pdf] 182KB 07.02.19 Computer Assisted Facilities Managment System N/A N/A
D9113 - Asthma.pdf [pdf] 186KB 07.02.19 Asthma N/A N/A
D9085 - Hospital Managers Appointment Processes.pdf [pdf] 183KB 04.02.19 Hospital Managers Appointment Processes D9085 Hospital Managers T&C letter.pdf [pdf] 285KB D9085 MHA Hospital Managers Policy.pdf [pdf] 826KB N/A
D9087 - Locum Agency Spend 2017-18 and Clinical Streaming in A&E.pdf [pdf] 146KB 04.02.19 Locum Agency Spend 2017-18 and Clinical Streaming in A&E N/A N/A
D9088 - Income Tax Assessments.pdf [pdf] 228KB 04.02.19 Income Tax Assessments N/A N/A
D9092 - AHP Agency Spend 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 195KB 04.02.19 AHP Agency Spend 2017-18 N/A N/A
D9095 - Transactions over £25,000 Jul-Dec 2018.pdf [pdf] 187KB 04.02.19 Transactions over £25,000 Jul-Dec 2018 N/A N/A
D9099 - Junior Doctors On Call Accommodation.pdf [pdf] 144KB 04.02.19 Junior Doctors On Call Accommodation N/A N/A
D9102 - Mental Health Support for Parents.pdf[pdf] 145KB 04.02.19 Mental Health Support For Parents N/A N/A
D9103 - Genetic Tests.pdf[pdf] 143KB 04.02.19 Genetic Tests N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log February 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log January 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in January 2019
D9062 - Bullying and Harassment Cases 2013-18.pdf [pdf] 392KB 25.01.19 Bullying and Harassment Cases 2013-18 N/A N/A
D9077 - Waiting Lists for Appointments.pdf [pdf] 302KB 25.01.19 Waiting Lists for Appointments N/A N/A
D9082 - Agency Pharmacy Spend 2018.pdf [pdf] 373KB 25.01.19 Agency Pharmacy Spend 2018 N/A N/A
D9083 - Compensation Claims 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 329KB 25.01.19 Compensation Claims 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9089 - Income Tax HMRC Letter.pdf [pdf] 393KB 25.01.19 Income Tax HMRC Letter N/A N/A
D9064 - Anorexia Patient Admissions 2014-18.pdf[pdf] 312KB 23.01.19 Anorexia Patient Admissions 2014-18 N/A N/A
D9070 - Serious Ligature Incidents 2015-18.pdf[pdf] 323KB 23.01.19 Serious Ligature Incidents 2015-18 N/A N/A
D9075 - Antenatal information.pdf [pdf] 397KB 23.01.19 Antenatal Information N/A N/A
D9086 - Vending Machine Income 2015-17.pdf [pdf] 302KB 23.01.19 Vending Machine Income N/A N/A
D9093 - Digital Dictation and Transcription Contracts.pdf [pdf] 364KB 23.01.19 Digital Dictation and Transcription Contracts N/A N/A
D9073 - Confidentiality.pdf [pdf] 406KB 21.01.19 Confidentiality Confidentiality Audit questions 2018.pdf [pdf] 270KB Confidentiality Audit Report 2018 blank.pdf [pdf] 156KB N/A
D9084 - Dermatology.pdf [pdf] 301KB 21.01.19 Dermatology N/A N/A
D9078 - EU Settlement Scheme.pdf[pdf] 471KB 14.01.19 EU Settlement Scheme N/A N/A
D9079 - Intensive Eating Disorder Outpatient Treatment.pdf [pdf] 456KB 14.01.19 Intensive Eating Disorder Outpatient Treatment N/A N/A
D9080 - Genital Operations.pdf [pdf] 376KB 14.01.19 Genital Operations N/A N/A
D9081 - Spider Bites.pdf [pdf] 301KB 14.01.19 Spider Bites N/A N/A
D9055 - Requests to Use Trust Data for Commercial or Research.pdf [pdf] 398KB 11.01.19 Requests to Use Trust Data for Commercial or Research Intellectual Property policy.pdf [pdf] 617KB N/A
D9072 - Unexpected Patient Deaths 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 303KB 11.01.19 Unexpected Patient Deaths 2017-18 N/A N/A
D9074 - Storage of Employee Records.pdf [pdf] 316KB 11.01.19 Storage of Employee Records N/A N/A
D9076 - Car Parking.pdf [pdf] 314KB 11.01.19 Car Parking N/A N/A
D9054 - Children Autism Waiting Time.pdf [pdf] 325KB 08.01.19 Children Autism Waiting Times Autism Diagnosis Pathway Guidance.pdf [pdf] 1MB Autism Diagnosis Pathway V5.pdf [pdf] 502KB N/A
D9069 - Staffing Structure of Voluntary Services Department.pdf [pdf] 303KB 08.01.19 Staffing Structure of Voluntary Services Department N/A N/A
D9063 - Printing Services.pdf [pdf] 315KB 04.01.19 Printing Services N/A N/A
D9067 - Cable Ties Used For Waste.pdf [pdf] 303KB 04.01.19 Cable Ties Used For Waster N/A N/A
D9071 - Settled Status Fees.pdf [pdf] 301KB 04.01.19 Settled Status Fees N/A N/A
D9058 - Staff with no Sickness Absence in 10 years.pdf[pdf] 300KB 03.01.19 Staff With No Sickness Absence in 10 years N/A N/A
D9061 - Cardiac Physiologists.pdf [pdf] 300KB 03.01.19 Cardiac Psychologists N/A N/A
D9065 - Children Sectioned under MHA 1983 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 305KB 03.01.19 Children Sectioned under MHA 1983 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9066 - Roles within IT Department.pdf[pdf] 305KB 03.01.19 Roles Within IT Department N/A N/A
D9068 - Mortuary Fridges.pdf [pdf] 300KB 03.01.19 Mortuary Fridges N/A N/A
D9057 - Clinical Systems Details and Contract Dates.pdf[pdf] 387KB 02.01.19 Clinical Systems Details and Contract Dates N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log January 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log December 2018

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in December 2018
D9048 - 5 Year RIDDOR Report.pdf [pdf] 300KB 28.12.18 RIDDOR reports 5 Year RIDDOR report.pdf [pdf] 5KB N/A
D9060 - Tier 4 Inpatient CAMHS Ward.pdf [pdf] 304KB 28.12.18 Tier 4 Inpatient CAMHS Ward N/A N/A
D9047 - Staff Injuries Due To Patients 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 322KB 27.12.18 Staff Injuries Due to Patients 2014-18 N/A N/A
D9052 - Incident Recording System.pdf [pdf] 304KB 27.12.18 Incident Recording System N/A N/A
D9038 - Psychological Therapies Treatment and Waiting Times 2012-18.pdf [pdf] 336KB 20.12.18 Psychological Therapies Treatment and Waiting Times 2012-18 D9038 Number Clients Psychological Therapies.pdf [pdf] 475KB N/A
D9042 - VAT Advisory Services.pdf [pdf] 319KB 20.12.18 VAT Advisory Services N/A N/A
D9046 - Perinatal Services for women who suffer loss of child.pdf [pdf] 317KB 20.12.18 Perinatal Services for Women who suffer loss of child N/A N/A
D9056 - Bids for STP capital funding.pdf [pdf] 387KB 20.12.18 Bids for STP Capital Funding N/A N/A
D9059 - GP out of hours services.pdf [pdf] 377KB 20.12.18 GP Out of Hours Services N/A N/A
D9030 - Nurse Employment 2018.pdf [pdf] 309KB 20.12.18 Nurse Employment 2018 N/A N/A
D9040 - Outsourcing Staff Bank.pdf [pdf] 301KB 18.12.18 Outsourcing Staff Bank N/A N/A
D9049 - Nurse Shifts 2015-18.pdf [pdf] 317KB 18.12.18 Nurse Shifts 2015-18 D9049 Nurse Shifts worked by Bank and Vacancies.pdf [pdf] 426KB N/A
D9018 - Number of Deaths 2014-16.pdf [pdf] 311KB 17.12.18 Number of Deaths 2014-16 N/A N/A
D9026 - Delayed Discharges 2015-18.pdf [pdf] 323KB 17.12.18 Delayed Discharges 2015-18 N/A N/A
D9034 - Gift and Hospitality Registers and External Events 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 315KB 17.12.18 Gift and Hospitality Registers and External Events 2014-18 Register of Gifts & Hospitality MMHSC April 2014 onwards.pdf [pdf] 37KB Register of Gifts & Hospitality MMHSC April 2013 onwards.pdf [pdf] 24KB Register of Gifts and Hospitality for 2013.pdf [pdf] 198KB Register of Gifts and Hospitality for 2014.pdf [pdf] 199KB Register of Gifts and Hospitality for 2016 17 (Combined Entity).pdf [pdf] 156KB Register-of-Gifts-and-Hospitality GMMH 2018-19-17.09.18.pdf [pdf] 92KB Register of Gifts and Hospitality GMMH 2017 18 17.04.18 v2.pdf [pdf] 94KB Register of Gifts and Hospitality GMW for 2015.pdf [pdf] 380KB N/A
D9041 - Rostering Software.pdf [pdf] 230KB 17.12.18 Rostering Software Rostering FOI Questions D9041.pdf[pdf] 516KB N/A
D9045 - Amount and Details of Healthcare Waste.pdf [pdf] 277KB 17.12.18 Amount and Details of Healthcare Waste N/A N/A
D9019 - Trust Crisis Telephone Lines.pdf[pdf] 401KB 12.12.18 Trust Crisis Telephone Lines N/A N/A
D9028 - Female Sanitary Products.pdf[pdf] 389KB 12.12.18 Female Sanitary Products N/A N/A
D9053 - Referrals to Alcohol Services in Salford 2015-18.pdf [pdf] 306KB 12.12.18 Referrals to Alcohol Services in Salford 2015-18 N/A N/A
D9022 - Largest Agency Payments 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 321KB 07.12.18 Largest Agency Payments 2017-18 N/A N/A
D9023 - Restrictive Interventions and Restraint Incidents 2017.pdf [pdf] 306KB 07.12.18 Restrictive Interventions and Restraint Incidents 2017 N/A N/A
D9037 - Never Events 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 376KB 07.12.18 Never Events 2014-18 N/A N/A
D9050 - Health Visitors.pdf [pdf] 303KB 07.12.18 Health Visitors N/A N/A
D9051 - Cases of Acanthamoeba Keratitis.pdf [pdf] 299KB 07.12.18 Cases of Acanthamoeba Keratitis N/A N/A
D9024 - Break Glass Escalated Agency Rates.pdf [pdf] 302KB 04.12.18 Break Glass Escalated Agency Rates N/A N/A
D9027 - Waiting Time for ADHD Assessment.pdf [pdf] 307KB 04.12.18 Waiting Time for ADHD Assessment N/A N/A
D9012 - Suicide and Death Rates 2013-18.pdf [pdf] 403KB 03.12.18 Suicide and Death Rates 2013-18 N/A N/A
D9021 - Civica Paris contract.pdf [pdf] 300KB 03.12.18 Civica Paris contract N/A N/A
D9029 - Electronic Patient Record.pdf [pdf] 379KB 03.12.18 Electronic Patient Record N/A N/A
D9033 - Compliance (DBS) and Reference Checks.pdf [pdf] 307KB 03.12.18 Compliance (DBS) and Reference Checks N/A N/A
D9035 - Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 315KB 03.12.18 Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2016-18 Register of Gifts and Hospitality for 2016 17 (Combined Entity) inc staff role.pdf [pdf] 156KB Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2017 18 17.04.18 v2 inc staff roles.pdf [pdf] 94KB N/A
D9044 - Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration.pdf [pdf] 367KB 03.12.18 Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log December 2018…

FOI Disclosure Log November 2018

FOI Date Released Information Requested Additional Attachments
FOI requests released in November 2018
D9032 - Champion of Flexible Training.pdf [pdf] 299KB 30.11.18 Champion of Flexible Training N/A
D9036 - ME and CFS Services.pdf [pdf] 301KB 30.11.18 ME and Cystic Fibrosis Services N/A
D9039 - Non-Stunned Meat Products.pdf [pdf] 370KB 30.11.18 Non-Stunned Meat Products N/A
D9010 - Brexit Committee, Risk Assessments and Correspondence.pdf [pdf] 398KB 28.11.18 Brexit Committee, Risk Assessments and Correspondence

08i. Govt_preparations_for_potential_no_deal_-_letter_to_health_and_care_sector.pdf [pdf] 361KB
08ii. EU exit NHS Trust Contract Review.pdf [pdf] 543KB
Brexit briefing - plan for medicines.pdf [pdf] 399KB
Brexit clinical trials final.pdf [pdf] 104KB
Item 07 - Chief Executive Brief Oct 18 v1.pdf [pdf] 692KB

D9013 - Digitisation of Patient Records.pdf [pdf] 382KB 28.11.18 Digitisation of Patient Records N/A
D9020 - Assessment and Treatment Units.pdf [pdf] 386KB 28.11.18 Assessment and Treatment Units N/A
D9031 - Software Systems in A&E.pdf [pdf] 308KB 28.11.18 Software Systems in A&E N/A
D8995 - Transactions over £25,000.pdf [pdf] 304KB 22.11.18 Transactions over £25,000 N/A
D9004 - Agency Healthcare Spend and Staffing July-Sep 2018.pdf [pdf] 344KB 22.11.18 Agency Healthcare Spend and Staffing July-Sep 2018 N/A
D9007 - Discharges between 11pm-6am 2010-18.pdf [pdf] 322KB 22.11.18 Discharges between 11pm-6am 2010-18 N/A
D9016 - Trust Spend 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 392KB 22.11.18 Trust Spend 2016-19 N/A
D8990 - CAMHS Referrals 2013-17.pdf [pdf] 304KB 20.11.18 CAMHS Referrals 2013-17 N/A
D8992 - GDPR.pdf [pdf] 276KB 20.11.18 GDPR N/A
D9002 - Number of Care Programme Co-ordinators for Adult and Older People Services.pdf [pdf] 319KB 20.11.18 Number of Care Programme Co-ordinators for Adult and Older People Services N/A
D9008 - Student Mental Health Issues While Studying.pdf [pdf] 232KB 20.11.18 Student Mental Health Issues While Studying N/A
D9011 - OPCS and HRG Codes for Zoledronic Acid.pdf [pdf] 231KB 20.11.18 OPCS and HRG Codes for Zoledronic Acid N/A
D9009 - Death in Service for Nursing Staff 2012-18.pdf [pdf] 307KB 19.11.18 Death in Service for Nursing Staff 2012-18 N/A
D9025 - Stolen Medical Equipment.pdf [pdf] 231KB 19.11.18 Stolen Medical Equipment N/A
D8989 - Director Spending 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 625KB 16.11.18 Director Spending 2016-18 N/A
D9003 - Agency Nurse and Doctor Spend Jan-Sep 2018.pdf [pdf] 315KB 16.11.18 Agency Nurse and Doctor Spend Jan-Sep 2018 N/A
D9014 - Clinical Trials on EU Registry.pdf [pdf] 305KB 16.11.18 Clinical Trials on EU Registry N/A
D8987 - Estates and Facilities Structure.pdf [pdf] 304KB 14.11.18 Estates and Facilities Structure Estates and Facilities Structure 2018.pdf [pdf] 51KB
D9000 - Agency Locum Doctor Spend.pdf [pdf] 316KB 14.11.18 Agency Locum Doctor Spend N/A
D9006 - School Nursing Staff.pdf [pdf] 303KB 14.11.18 School Nursing Staff N/A
D9015 - Executive Director Contact Details.pdf [pdf] 376KB 14.11.18 Executive Director Contact Details N/A
D8991 - Occupancy and Leave for Inpatient Wards in N Manchester & Wythenshawe Hospitals 2012-17.pdf [pdf] 303KB 12.11.18 Occupancy and Leave for Inpatient Wards in N Manchester & Wythenshawe Hospitals 2012-17 FOI D8991.pdf [pdf] 434KB
D8994 - Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 381KB 12.11.18 Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2016-18 GMMH Conflicts of Interest Policy Final v2.0.pdf [pdf] 1006KB
Register of Gifts and Hospitality for 2016 17 (Combined Entity) inc staff role.pdf [pdf] 156KB
Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2017 18 17.04.18 v2 inc staff roles.pdf [pdf] 94KB
D8996 - Building Contracts Awarded 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 304KB 12.11.18 Building Contracts Awarded 2017-18 N/A
D8997 - Clinical Waste Collection and Disposal Service.pdf [pdf] 366KB 12.11.18 Clinical Waste Collection and Disposal Service N/A
D8762 - Sexual Harrassment and Racial Discrimination Grievances and Payouts.pdf [pdf] 563KB 09.11.18 Sexual Harrassment and Racial Discrimination Grievances and Payouts N/A
D9005 - Medicines Management, Prescribing and Formulary Committees.pdf [pdf] 318KB 09.11.18 Medicines Management, Prescribing and Formulary Committees N/A
D8970 - Tonnage and Cost of Municipal and Clinical Waste 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 384KB 06.11.18 Tonnage and Cost of Municipal and Clinical Waste 2016-18 N/A
D8984 - Nurse Vaccines.pdf [pdf] 305KB 06.11.18 Nurse Vaccinnes N/A
D8999 - Agency Locum Doctor Supply 2018.pdf [pdf] 304KB 05.11.18 Agency Locum Doctor Supply 2018 N/A
D8981 - Hospital Manager Hearing Documents.pdf [pdf] 447KB 02.11.18 Hospital Manager Hearing Documents FOI D8981 - Hospital Managers Policy.pdf[pdf] 690KB
FOI D8981 - Patients rights policy 2018.pdf[pdf] 532KB
CTO revokation patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 125KB
CTO revokation section 3 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 139KB
CTO recall patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 115KB
CTO Part 2 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 219KB
Section 2 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 121KB
Section 3 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 123KB
Section 37 notional patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 123KB
Section 37 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 123KB
Section 47 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 124KB
Section 48 patient info leaflet.pdf [pdf] 215KB
D8998 - Networks and Telephony.pdf [pdf] 387KB 02.11.18 Networks and Telephony N/A
D8977 - Clinical Excellence Awards.pdf [pdf] 304KB 01.11.18 Clinical Excellence Awards N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log November 2018…

FOI Disclosure Log October 2018

FOI requests released in October 2018
FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
D8980 - Number of Hospital Manager Hearings.pdf[pdf] 315KB 30.10.18 Number of Hospital Manager Hearings N/A N/A
D8983 - Sexual Assault Referral Centres.pdf [pdf] 311KB 30.10.18 Sexual Assault Referral Centres N/A N/A
D8993 - Electronic Medical Record System.pdf [pdf] 304KB 30.10.18 Electronic Medical Record System N/A N/A
D8974 - Admissions and Completed Stays for Inpatients with Major Depressive Disorder 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 391KB 26.10.18 Admissions and Completed Stays for Inpatients with Major Depressive Disorder N/A N/A
D8975 - Female Sanitary Products.pdf [pdf] 566KB 26.10.18 Female Sanitary Products N/A N/A
D8988 - Systems Holding Patient Clinical Records.pdf [pdf] 386KB 26.10.18 Systems Holding Patient Clinical Records N/A N/A
D8961 - Homeless Services and Number of Patients 2013-18.pdf [pdf] 398KB 23.10.18 Homeless Services and Number of Patients 2013-18 N/A N/A
D8972 - Restraint Training and Prone Restraint Incidents 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 386KB 23.10.18 Restraint Training and Prone Restraint Incidents 2014-18 D8972 - submission.xlsx [xlsx] 2MB N/A
D8982 - Names of Directors.pdf [pdf] 306KB 23.10.18 Names of Directors N/A N/A
D8985 - Payment by Results Contracts.pdf [pdf] 305KB 23.10.18 Payments by Results Contracts N/A N/A
D8986 - Electrical Supplier Spend 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 323KB 23.10.18 Electrical Supplier Spend 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8976 - Tax Relief re Widening Access Training Scheme.pdf [pdf] 303KB 19.10.18 Tax Relief re Widening Access Training Scheme D8976 NHS Widening Access letter .pdf [pdf] 377KB N/A
D8979 - Procurement Department.pdf [pdf] 305KB 19.10.18 Procurement Department N/A N/A
D8968 - Recording Calls and Encounters.pdf [pdf] 381KB 18.10.18 Recording Calls and Encounters D8968 Customer Care Policy and Procedure for Managing Complaints, Concerns, Comments and Compliments.pdf [pdf] 978KB N/A
D8973 - Salary Loans, Advances and Sacrifice Schemes.pdf [pdf] 315KB 18.10.18 Salary Loans, Advances and Sacrifice Schemes N/A N/A
D8978 - Naloxone Salford 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 241KB 18.10.18 Naloxone Salford 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8957 - Eating Disorder Referrals 2012-18.pdf [pdf] 335KB 17.10.18 Eating Disorder Referrals 2012-18 N/A N/A
D8959 - NICE Guidance CG26 For PTSD.pdf [pdf] 303KB 15.10.18 NICE Guidance CG26 for PTSD N/A N/A
D8964 - Finance and Procurement Structure Charts.pdf [pdf] 305KB 15.10.18 Finance and Procurement Structure Charts D8964 Finance Procurement Structure October 2018.xlsx [xlsx] 215KB N/A
D8966 - Substance Misuse Clinical System.pdf [pdf] 303KB 15.10.18 Substance Misuse Clinical System N/A N/A
D8967 - Eating Disorder Patients Detained Under S3 MHA 1983 2016-17.pdf [pdf] 317KB 15.10.18 Eating Disorder Patient Detained under S3 MHA 2016-17 N/A N/A
D8969 - Pharmacy (Glycopyrronium Bromide and Scopoderm).pdf [pdf] 519KB 15.10.18 Pharmacy  (Glycopyrronium Bromide and Scopoderm) N/A N/A
D8971 - Microsoft Software Licences.pdf [pdf] 305KB 15.10.18 Microsoft Software Licences N/A N/A
D8947 - Number of Suicides 2010-18.pdf [pdf] 313KB 10.10.18 Number of Suicides 2010-18 N/A N/A
D8963 - Serious Incident Criteria.pdf [pdf] 370KB 10.10.18 Serious Incident Criteria Incident, Accident and Near Miss Policy and Procedure.pdf [pdf] 2MB N/A
D8965 - Operating Theatres, Endoscopy Suites & Central Sterilisation Services.pdf [pdf] 303KB 10.10.18 Operating Theatres, Endoscopy Suites & Central Sterilisation Services N/A N/A
D8952 - Clinical Systems.pdf [pdf] 325KB 09.10.18 Clinical Systems IMT Structure Jun16.pdf [pdf] 224KB N/A
D8958 - Dual Diagnosis of mental illness and substance use disorders.pdf [pdf] 304KB 08.10.18 Dual Diagnosis of Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders N/A N/A
D8960 - Community Treatment Orders 2008-18.pdf [pdf] 307KB 08.10.18 Community Treatment Orders N/A N/A
D8962 - Motor Neurone Disease Services.pdf [pdf] 405KB 08.10.18 Motor Neurone Disease Services N/A N/A
D8945 - Adult Community Eating Disorders Services.pdf [pdf] 244KB 03.10.18 Adult Community Eating Disorder Services N/A N/A
D8955 - Estates and Facilities Team.pdf [pdf] 303KB 03.10.18 Estates and Facilities Team D8955 - Estates and Facilities Team questions.pdf [pdf] 24KB N/A
D8948 - Interpreting Services Spend 2017 and Providers.pdf [pdf] 405KB 02.10.18 Interpreting Services Spend 2017 and Providers N/A N/A
D8950 - Uniform Spend 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 396KB 02.10.18 Uniform Spend 2016-18 N/A N/A
D8935 - Admissions, Seclusions and Restraints Apr2016-Mar2017.pdf [pdf] 304KB 01.10.18 Admissions, Seculsions and Restraints 2016-17 D8935 - ASR figures.pdf [pdf] 209KB N/A
D8936 - DBS Charges.pdf [pdf] 302KB 01.10.18 DBS Charges D8936 - DBS Charges sheet.pdf [pdf] 397KB N/A
D8949 - Smoking and Vaping Policy.pdf [pdf] 395KB 01.10.18 Smoking and Vaping Policy GMMH Smoke Free Policy V1.pdf [pdf] 1MB N/A
D8953 - Software Used to Manage Complaints, FOI and SAR.pdf [pdf] 307KB 01.10.18 Software Used to Manage Complaints, FOI and SAR N/A N/A
D8954 - Staff from EEA Countries and Risks of a No Deal Brexit.pdf [pdf] 306KB 01.10.18 Staff from EEA Countries and Risks of a No Deal Brexit N/A N/A
D8956 - Headache and Migraine Clincs.pdf [pdf] 319KB 01.10.18 Headache and Migraine Clinics N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log October 2018…

FOI Disclosure Log September 2018

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in September 2018
D8921 - Staff Turnover, Time to Recruit and Vacancy Rates 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 324KB 26.09.18 Staff Turnover, Time to Recruit and Vacancy Rates 2016-18 N/A N/A
D8926 - Discrimination Complaints and Tribunals 2000-18.pdf [pdf] 324KB 26.09.18 Discrimination Complaints and Tribunals 200-18 N/A N/A
D8941 - Staff Numbers and Cost inc Agency 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 406KB 25.09.18 Staff Numbers and Cost inc Agency 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8933 - Ligature Incidents 2010-18.pdf [pdf] 302KB 21.09.18 Ligature Incidents 2010-18 N/A N/A
D8938 - Naloxone Trafford 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 313KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Trafford 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8939 - Naloxone Bolton 15.01.18-31.03.18.pdf [pdf] 314KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Bolton Jan-Mar 2018 N/A N/A
D8940 - Naloxone Salford 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 314KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Salford 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8944 - Naloxone Cumbria 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 239KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Cumbria 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8946 Recruitment of Director of Performance & Strategic Development.pdf [pdf] 321KB 21.09.18 Recruitment of Director of Performance and Strategic Development Tender waiver.pdf [pdf] 339KB N/A
D8951 - Naloxone Central Lancashire 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 314KB 21.09.18 Naloxone Central Lancashire 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8937 - Anti-slavery Officer.pdf [pdf] 302KB 19.09.18 Anti-slavery Officer Slavery-and-Human-Trafficking-Policy-Statement-2018---FINAL (1).pdf [pdf] 411KB N/A
D8942 - Daily living or walking aids.pdf [pdf] 374KB 19.09.18 Daily Living or Walking Aids N/A N/A
D8943 - Sepsis CQUIN figures.pdf [pdf] 381KB 19.09.18 Sepsis CQUIN Figures N/A N/A
D8932 - Digital Maturity Assessment 2016-17.pdf [pdf] 392KB 17.09.18 Digital Maturity Assessment 2016-17 FOI D8932.xlsx [xlsx] 11KB N/A
D8911 - List of GMMH Therapies.pdf [pdf] 346KB 14.09.18 List of GMMH Therapies N/A N/A
D8914 - Data Security Spending and Training.pdf [pdf] 306KB 13.09.18 Data Security Spending and Training N/A N/A
D8927 - Systems spend 2015-19.pdf [pdf] 380KB 13.09.18 Systems Spend 2015-19 FOI D8927 Systems spend.xlsx [xlsx] 19KB N/A
D8930 - Bolton Services Job Roles and Pay Grades.pdf [pdf] 443KB 13.09.18 Bolton Services Job Roles and Pay Grades Map of GMMH Bolton Mental Health Services.pdf [pdf] 510KB N/A
D8903 - Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT).pdf [pdf] 307KB 11.09.18 Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) FOI D8903 GMW ECT Policy.pdf[pdf] 352KB N/A
D8928 - NHS Wheelchair Services.pdf [pdf] 304KB 11.09.18 NHS Wheelchair Services N/A N/A
D8929 - Medical and Dental Agency Spend 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 303KB 11.09.18 Medical and Dental Agency Spend 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8931 - Deaths Under In-Patient Care.pdf [pdf] 304KB 11.09.18 Deaths Under In-Patient Care N/A N/A
D8934 - Brexit.pdf [pdf] 304KB 11.09.18 Brexit N/A N/A
D8918 - Non-UK EU nationals.pdf[pdf] 304KB 10.09.18 Non-UK EU Nationals FOI Request D8918.xlsx [xlsx] 27KB N/A
D8923 - Prestwich site information inc parking, library, wifi, food and drink.pdf [pdf] 384KB 10.09.18 Prestwich Site Information inc Parking, Library, WiFi, Food and Drink N/A N/A
D8922 - Babies born with drug dependencies.pdf [pdf] 303KB 07.09.18 Babies Born With Drug Dependencies N/A N/A
D8897 - Data losses or breaches 2017-18.pdf[pdf] 375KB 06.09.18 Data Losses or Breaches 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8893 - Details of Company Secretary.pdf[pdf] 304KB 05.09.18 Details of Company Secretary N/A N/A
D8900 - Incidents re Whatsapp.pdf [pdf] 306KB 05.09.18 Incidents Re WhatsApp N/A N/A
D8913 - Locum Agency Doctors 2017-18.pdf[pdf] 307KB 05.09.18 Locum Agency Doctors 2017-18 N/A N/A
D8915 - Transactions over £25,000 Feb-Jul 2018.pdf [pdf] 390KB 05.09.18 Transactions Over £25,000 Feb-Jul 2018 D8915 Transactions By Supplier.xlsx [xlsx] 24KB N/A
D8920 - District Nurses.pdf [pdf] 317KB 05.09.18 District Nurses N/A N/A
D8901 - Suicide Attempts for under 25s.pdf[pdf] 232KB 04.09.18 Suicide Attempts for Under 25s N/A N/A
D8916 - Rota System.pdf [pdf] 233KB 04.09.18 Rota System N/A N/A
D8919 - CAMHS Private Patients.pdf [pdf] 230KB 04.09.18 CAMHS Private Patients N/A N/A
D8925 - Mortuaries.pdf [pdf] 244KB 04.09.18 Mortuaries N/A N/A
D8910 - IT Spend 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 229KB 03.09.18 IT Spend 2016-19 D8910 FOI_Request - IT spend.xlsx [xlsx] 14KB N/A
D8917 - Acute Hospital Rotas.pdf [pdf] 235KB 03.09.18 Acute Hospital Rotas N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log September 2018…
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