Where to find food banks in Greater Manchester

This map below shows food providers currently working in Greater Manchester and is provided by Greater Together Manchester. The food provider lists are provided by Niall Love, working to support people in our community affected by homelessness & poverty. Follow the community on Twitter and Facebook.

This map does not include projects that will deliver across a wide area - links to these projects can be found below the map. 

A key of the icons shown on the map:

map key

Where to find foodbanks in Greater Manchester

Humans MCR

Food parcel delivery service across Bury, Manchester, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport and Trafford

0161 243 0171

Referrals online by referral agency - email info@humansmcr.org for more information



Porch Boxes (Bury)

Crisis packs available across Bury

0161 761 5908

Work via agencies across Bury



Storehouse Foodbank - Urban Outreach’s Foodbank (Bolton)

Across Bolton

Enquiries: 01204 385848 (option 1)




Helping Hand (Rochdale)

Emergency food parcel delivery across Rochdale

Enquiries: 07766 367086 (text only)


Brick Food Community (Wigan)

Open 10am-3pm Mon – Fri (closed Wednesday & Weekends)

Enquiries: 01942 318004 or email enquiries@thebrick.org.uk 


As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust