GMMH Gender Pay Gap Report

In line with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information Regulations 2017), Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust has undertaken gender pay gap reporting on the snapshot date of 31 March 2017.

Gender pay reporting is different to equal pay – equal pay deals with the pay differences between men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work or equal value. It is unlawful to not pay equal pay because of gender.

The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay between all men and women in a workforce. If a workforce has a particularly high gender pay gap, this can indicate there may be a number of issues to deal with, and the individual calculations may help to identify those issues.

The Trust must publish six calculations showing:

  • The average gender pay gap as a mean average
  • The average gender pay gap as a median average
  • The average bonus gender pay gap as a mean average
  • The average bonus gender pay gap as a median average
  • The proportion of males receiving a bonus payment and the proportion of females receiving a bonus payment
  • The proportion of males and females in each quartile pay band


The Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Gender Pay Gap Reports can be found below.

Year Report
2019 Gender Pay Gap Report 2019 
2018 Gender Pay Gap Report 2018


Please note, in the report provided the information used to consider `Bonus Pay’ relates to Clinical Excellence Award Payments for Consultants.  Clinical Excellence Awards recognise NHS consultants who perform ‘over and above’ the standard expected of their role. Awards are given for quality and excellence, acknowledging exceptional personal contributions.

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