Useful Links for those in Bolton
Achieve: Drug & Alcohol Service |
01204 483090 |
Age UK Advice |
0800 169 8787 |
Alcoholics Anonymous |
0800 9177 650 |
01204 380643 |
Email: |
Bolton Homelessness |
01204 335 900 |
0800 58 58 58 |
Citizens Advice Bolton |
0300 330 9071 |
Cruse Bereavement |
0800 808 1677 |
Drinkline |
0300 123 1100 |
MhIST | 01204 527200 | Email: |
0300 123 3393 |
Narcotics Anonymous |
0300 999 1212 |
National Association for People Abused in Childhood |
0800 801 0331 |
National Debt Line |
0808 808 4000 |
National Dementia Helpline |
0300 222 1122 | national-dementia-helpline |
Refuge – Domestic Abuse Support For Women and Children |
0808 200 0247 |
Relate |
0300 100 1234 |
Rethink |
0300 500 0927 |
Safe and Well Visits |
0800 555 815 |
Samaritans |
0330 094 5717 |
Bolton Talking Therapies (self-referral) |
01204 483 101 |
Victim Support |
0808 1689111 |
XenZone | 0845 330 7090 | Email: |
Support for My Family
42nd Street |
0161 228 7321 |
CAMHS Young People Helpline |
Parents Helpline: |
Papyrus - under 35s |
0800 068 4141 |
Support to distressed young people and families: |