JUICE: Youth mental health
JUICE’s vision is to use high-quality research to empower every young person to live happy and healthy lives, despite the challenges that they face. Their work is aimed at reducing young people’s distress and improving the autonomy and dignity of those affected and their loved ones.
The JUICE Youth Mental Health Research Unit, set up by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH), is dedicated to improving the mental well-being of young people. Established in 2018 by Professor Alison Yung and Dr Heather Law, JUICE Youth Mental Health Research Unit is now headed up by renowned Clinical Psychologist, Professor Sophie Parker.
It has grown to the point where there are multiple staff working across numerous clinical trials (both single site and multi-centre) and other innovative, ground breaking research.
This group of highly skilled researchers work tirelessly to advance our understanding of mental health issues such as psychosis, bipolar disorder, and related health concerns for young people.
Our Team includes service user researchers, and a Youth Service User Reference Group that provides a crucial perspective on our research efforts.
Our Research at Juice Mental Health Research Unit is focused on early intervention, prevention of long-term mental health problems, reducing stigma and discrimination, and improving psychosocial interventions.

Unit Director: Professor Sophie Parker
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, GMMH