Local Carer Groups

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Manchester Carer Groups

Manchester groups
Name Description Contact
Admiral Nurses Person-centred assessments of the needs of family carers and individuals with dementia - Psychological support - Information -  Practical advice - Helping family carers to develop and improve skills in care giving - Guidance about how to access appropriate services - Therapeutic, psycho-educational and social support groups for family carers - Referral to treatment and support services - End of life and bereavement support

0161 882 1063 (Admin hours 8.30am to 1pm except Wednesday)

Admiral Nurse Service, 11th Floor, Hexagon Tower, Crumpsall Vale, Blackley, Manchester M9 8GQ


African Caribbean Care Group

African Caribbean Care Group are the lead partners for Carers Manchester Central.

We offer:

Carers forums

Carers Respite

Parent Carer Support

Welfare Rights Service

Dementia Advisory Service

Day Care Service

Lunch Club

Delivered Meals

Community Grocers (15 items for £5)

Carers Activities and Events

Day Trips

Holistic Therapies

Contact Number: 0161 226 6334/ 07398414064

Email: cmc@accg.org.uk

Address: Claremont Centre, 2 Jarvis Road, M15 5FS


African and Caribbean Mental Health Services (ACMHS) Emotional support – Home visits – Benefits advice – Phone support – Advocacy – Information and advice – Carer voice

Telephone: 0161 226 9562

Email: carers@acmhs-blackmentalhealth.org.uk

Windrush Millennium Centre, 70 Alexandra Road, Moss side, Manchester, M16 7WD

Alzheimer’s Society Carers Information and Support Programme (CRISP) training – Range of information booklets and leaflets on dementia – Home visits – Appointments – Emotional support – Phone support

Telephone: 0161 962 4769

Email: manchester@alzheimers.org.uk

Website: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/

Autistic Spectrum - Carers Support Group

Do you care for an adult on the autistic spectrum and live in South Manchester?

Carers Manchester did a questionnaire with Carers AND you told us there was a gap in services for carers of adults on the autistic spectrum and felt isolated from other carers.

Would you like to meet up and share your experiences and have some lunch?

We hope we can make you welcome and comfortable and help you to share the great work you do.

Did you know that 80% of carers say they have felt lonely? It’s time you had a break…come and join us…

We want to support you as a Carer in developing this new group.

We will be meeting on the third Tuesday of every month starting Tuesday 18th January 2022 from 11.30am to 1pm held at the Dandelion Centre, Wythenshawe.

If you are interested, or you have any questions then please contact:

cms@manchestercarersforum.org.uk or call Steve on 07494097568.

Carers Manchester

Carers Manchester is a group of local organisations working together to improve services for carers. They have a Contact Point helpline, free online and face to face workshops and services in the community.

Contact: 0161 543 8000, Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm (except bank holidays) and 10am – 6pm on Wednesdays.

Email: contactpoint@carersmanchester.org.uk

Website: www.carersmanchester.org.uk

Twitter: @CarersMcr

St Wilfrid’s Enterprise Centre, 2 Birchvale Close, Manchester M15 5BJ.

Central Manchester
Service User & Carers’ Network

Do you use mental health services or care for someone who does? Why not come along and meet like-minded people?

We’d love to meet you and hear your experiences in a service user and carer led discussion group. 

Third Monday of every month 12.30 - 2.00pm

Brunswick Parish Church, Brunswick Street M13 9TQ

For more information please contact: Helen Rogers on 07776 212413

Connect (Career Connect)

Support for young people moving into education, employment and training;

Careers information, advice and guidance – Referrals to education and training courses - Job search support, CV writing, applications and interview preparation – One-to-one support – Home visits – Advocacy – Benefits and finance advice and support – Young carers wellbeing – liaison with schools and colleges.

Telephone: 0161 2327863

Email: eet@careerconnect.org.uk

Connect Support Home visits to offer emotional support - Information and practical help - Support Group Meetings (Central and South Manchester) - Social events - Mental health education programmes including ‘What is Mental Illness?’ and ‘Coping & Stress Management’.

Telephone: 0161 945 5044

Website: www.connectsupport.org.uk

Benchill Community Centre, Benchill Road, Manchester M22 8EJ

Himmat Classes in fitness, health awareness, sewing, English - Health action plans - Over 60’s swimming classes and walking groups - Emotional support - Help with form filling – Home visits – Benefits advice – Carers newsletter – Phone support 

Telephone: 0161 224 7250

Email: info@himmat.org.uk

Website: www.himmat.org.uk

Midway Business Centre, 703 Stockport Road, Longsight, Manchester M12 4QN

Indian Senior Citizens Centre Day support services, social and recreational activities - Luncheon club and meals on wheels – Carers’ drop-in sessions - Information, advice and interpretation service - IT suite – Gym – Phone support – Home visits – Help with form filling - Prevention and well-being services - Weekly yoga and exercise classes

Telephone: 0161 232 0999 / 0161 232 7994

Email: iscc@talk21.com

Website: www.iscc-manchester.org 

Indian Senior Citizens Centre, 16/18 Whalley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester M16 8AB

Larkhill Dementia Cafe

Specifically for both "Carer's" and their "Cared For"  to maintain community contact, social inclusion, support, signposting and entertainment. We are open twice a month 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am to 12.  Cost £3 pp. 
Clients from any area are made most welcome. 
Phone: 07708430887

The Larkhill Centre, Thorley Lane Timperley, WA15 7AZ.

Later Life Living Adult Day Club


Open Monday to Friday 10am - 3-30pm, where we offer small group activities, memory games, snooker, table tennis, art and crafts, gardening, board games, singing. We work for passion not profit for people over 50 who may want to increase their confidence, social interaction, our clients live with various illnesses, Dementia, Parkinsons Disease, loneliness, isolation, depression and other long term illnesses. Cost is only £36.00 per day (10am - 1.00pm is £26 and 1pm - 3.30pm is £23).  

Free half day trial.


Phone:   07731795418

Email   Laterlifeliving@gmail.com

Web.    Laterlifeliving.co.uk

Lifted Carers Centre

Elevating parent carers of children and adults with special learning needs. They are a user led organisation based in Wythenshawe, Manchester, but would be happy to support parents and carers in Greater Manchester.

Tel: 0161 498 0312

Mob: 07385 568990 (Emma)

07384 784262 (Sue)

Website: liftedcarerscentre.org.uk

LMCP Care Link Emotional and practical support - Asian Carers' Group and drop-ins - Monthly support group - Introduction to care-related work -  Information and advice - Training

Telephone: 0161 226 4632

Email: lmcpcarelink@btconnect.com

Website: www.lmcpcarelink.co.uk

The Pastoral Centre, 95A Princess Road, Manchester M14 4TH

Manchester Carers Centre

Manchester Carers Centre offer a range of practical and emotional support services to Carers in Manchester including; social and peer activities to improve Carers’ health and well-being, Young Adult Carers support (age 16-25), and help with accessing information and advice via our Reception Signposting and Referrals Line. For more information and to register with us visit www.manchestercarers.org.uk.

Telephone: 0161 272 7270

Email: admin@manchestercarers.org.uk

Website: www.manchestercarers.org.uk

Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Manchester M4 7HR

Manchester Carers Forum

 One to one and group support for any adult carer - telephone support line - trips - volunteering - carer awareness

Telephone: 0161 819 2226

Email: info@manchestercarersforum.org.uk

Website: www.manchestercarersforum.org.uk

Gaddum House, 6 Great Jackson Street, Manchester, M15 4AX

Manchester Jewish Federation Carers’ assessments - Carers’ groups (including male carers group) - Carer breaks – Training – Annual calendar of carers events – Home visits – Information and advice – Respite provision – Phone support – Volunteering

Telephone: 0161 772 4800 (press option 2)

Email: Carers@thefed.org.uk

Website: http://www.thefed.org.uk/services/adult-social-care-services/carers-support/
(Currently undergoing maintenance as of June 2017)

Heathlands Drive, Prestwich, Manchester M25 9SB

Moodswings One to one support - Recovery work – Confidence-building groups - Workshops and courses - One to one support to make changes, manage mental health symptoms and reach goals - Friends and family social group – Helpline -  Information, advice and support in person, over the phone or video chat

Telephone: 0161 832 3736

Email: info@moodswings.org.uk

Website: www.moodswings.org.uk

36 New Mount St, Manchester M4 4DE

Neesa Well Women

Support and advice for isolated women -  Drop in - Coffee mornings

- Older women’s luncheon club - Stay & play - Library - Home visits
- Outreach - English and sewing classes - Health seminars - Pamper sessions - Day trips - One to one support - Information and advice -Volunteer training - Chair based exercise

Telephone: 0161 740 2995

Email: neesa01@tiscali.co.uk

Woodville Resource Centre, Shirley Road, Manchester M8 0NE

North Manchester Black Health Forum

A user led forum that works with vulnerable adults from marginalised communities living with long-term health conditions, poverty & economic pressures.

Tel: 0161 720 9974

Mobile: 07914350602

Ruqia's (Chief Officer) Twitter: twitter.com/nmbhf2010ruqia

Rethink Mental Illness Group


The Rethink Mental Illness Manchester Group is a group for people severely affected by mental illness to come together to share information and support with each other. The group meet every Thursday evening. Please contact the group for information about accessing the meetings. The group takes place online (via Zoom) and in-person and can be accessed by service users and carers across Greater Manchester.


(M) 07816 754032 (Mary Patel)


Stroke Association

Helpline - Information and emotional support - Training for professionals - Stroke cafes – Information leaflets on website

Providing emotional and practical help, advice and support to both stroke survivor and their carers.

Helen Gilbertson - Stoke Association Support Coordinator – Tel: 0161 742 7482. National Helpline - Tel: 0303 3033 100

Email: helen.gilbertson@stroke.org.uk 07983 343003

Website: www.stroke.org.uk

Substance Misuse -  Carers Support Group

Do you support and help an adult with substance misuse issues?  

Would you like to meet with other carers to share your experiences and have some lunch?

We hope we can make you welcome and comfortable and help you to share the great work you do.

Did you know that 80% of carers say they have felt lonely? It’s time you had a break…come and join us…

We believe you should have the opportunity to meet in a safe place to talk openly without being judged about the person you care for.

We will be meeting on the fourth Thursday of every month starting Thursday 27th January 2022 from 11.30am to 1pm at the Withington Methodist Church.

If you are interested, or you have any questions then please contact:

cms@manchestercarersforum.org.uk or call Steve on 07494097568.

Talbot House Emotional support - Training - Information – Advice on money and benefits – Carers breaks – Advocacy - Pamper service including nails, reflexology, massage and beauty – Emergency planning – Home visits – Phone support

Telephone: 0161 203 4095

Email: admin@talbot-house.org.uk

Website: www.talbot-house.org.uk

Twitter: @talbothousemcr

Talbot House Support Centre, 1 High Peak Street, Newton Heath, Manchester M40 3AT

Together Dementia Support in Manchester

Together Dementia Support offer advice, guidance and training for carers of people living with Dementia and memory related conditions. This includes free training courses for carers, social meetups such as evening meals and afternoon teas, Zoom clubs, Dementia Cafés, and over the phone signposting and support. There is a monthly Walk & Talk group for carers that takes place on Thursday evenings.

Email admin@togetherdementiasupport.org

Phone 0161 226 7186

Website www.togetherdementiasupport.or

Wai Yin Society Advice and information – Interpreting Chinese and other languages - Luncheon club - Welfare advice - Carers Breaks and activities daily – Training - Outdoor sessions - Home visits - Hospital visits

Telephone: 0161 833 0377

Email: info@waiyin.org.uk

Website: http://www.waiyin.org.uk/

Twitter: @waiyincws

Sheung Lok Centre, Justin Close, Manchester M13 9UB

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust