Management and Supervision Tool (MaST) research project
Important information about a research study taking place in Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs).
About this project
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) and the University of Manchester are working together on a research project called ‘Understanding Artificial Intelligence to support care decisions for Community Mental Health services in Greater Manchester’.
This research study is examining the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) software that NHS staff use to help make treatment decisions. This software is called Management and Supervision Tool (MaST) . It is already being used in adult Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) in Bolton, Salford, Trafford and Manchester.
We will do the study by speaking to and observing staff in adult CMHTs that are a part of GMMH.
To find out more, please click on the below questions to reveal the answers.
Why is this study important?
Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) staff manage work with many patients and have limited time to recognise when someone is at the highest risk of having a mental health crisis. Recent research has shown that AI technologies can be used to assist decision-making in mental healthcare. This might significantly help staff and improve the management of mental health crises, which could improve the quality of care we provide.
We want to evaluate how MaST is being used by staff in CMHTs at GMMH and understand how effective it is. It will also let us share good practice of using MaST and adopting similar technologies in mental health services, which we can share with other NHS Trusts in England.
What does this study involve?
We will be interviewing CMHT staff about how they use MaST. We will also watch them using MaST, and watch how it is used in supervision meetings and larger meetings that include the whole CMHT. Watching staff using MaST is called ‘observing’ or an ‘observation’, and it also involves looking at information from the electronic records of patients under the care of GMMH staff.
We will be able to see and hear private and confidential information about patients like you in these observation sessions, but we will not keep any record of any patient’s name, address, or date of birth. We will not ask for your agreement to see and hear the private confidential information about you that staff discuss, but you can tell us if you don’t want your information discussed by ‘opting out’.
How can I opt out?
If you do not want the staff from the CMHT to mention your name, address, or date of birth in front of our researchers, please let your CMHT know this. You can also email or call us using the contact information below.
If you contact us directly, we will ask you to give your full name and one other piece of information such as address, date of birth, or NHS number so we can update our records. We will keep this information for the duration of the study to make sure we follow your request to not be included. When the study ends your information will be destroyed. A member of our research team will also add a note to your mental health and social care record to say that you have ‘opted out’ of this study.

Get in touch
John Sainsbury, Innovation Manager at GMMH
Email: john.sainsbury@gmmh.nhs.uk
Phone: 0161 358 1824