Achieve Bury Recovery Fund (BRF) – open for applications! | News and Events

Achieve Bury Recovery Fund (BRF) – open for applications!

Small grants for community projects that support recovery from addiction.

Grants of up to £1000 available for new or emerging groups and projects that support recovery from addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. The BRF is aimed  specifically at creating support within communities in the borough of Bury.

You do not need to be a constituted group; you could have an idea for a project and need some financial backing to get started.

For application form/guidance and ‘Meet The Funder’ invites BRF@GMMH.NHS.UK


'Meet The Funder' Events: Monday 7 February 13:30-15:00, Thursday 10 February 11:30-12:30

Closing date: Sunday 26th February 2022

Review, shortlisting: w/c 28th February 2022

Additional information (if requested) to be received: by 10th March 2022

Notifications of invite to panel sent: by 11th March 2022

BRF Award Panel sits: Monday 14th March 2022

Project Funding Agreement: by 21st March 2022


Download the application form here and send the completed form to BRF@GMMH.NHS.UK.

Guidance Notes for the application form can be found here

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust

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