Be part of our SmokeFree journey to prevent premature death and disease | News and Events

Be part of our SmokeFree journey to prevent premature death and disease

Members of our Executive team and Treating Tobacco Dependency team with their pledges

As part of our Trust wide campaign to support staff and service users to become smoke free, our Chair, Chief Finance Officer and Medical Director have  signed the NHS Smokefree Pledge.

As local health leaders, we acknowledge that Smoking is the leading cause of premature death, disease, and disability in our communities and smoking places a significant additional burden on health and social care services and undermines the future sustainability of the NHS.

Healthcare professionals have a key role to play in motivating smokers to try to quit and offering further support to quit successfully.

We pledge to:

  • Treat tobacco dependency among patients and staff who smoke in line with commitments in the NHS Long Term Plan and Tobacco Control Plan for England.

  • Ensure that smokers within the NHS have access to the medication they need to quit in line with NICE guidance on smoking in secondary care.

  • Create environments that support quitting through implementing smokefree policies as recommended by NICE.

  • Deliver consistent messages to smokers about harms from smoking and the opportunities and support available to quit in line with NICE guidance. 

  • Actively work with local authorities and other stakeholders to reduce smoking prevalence and health inequalities.

  • Protect tobacco control work from the commercial and vested interests of the tobacco industry.

  • Support Government action at national level.

  • Publicise this commitment to reducing smoking in our communities and join the Smokefree Action Coalition (SFAC), the alliance of organisations working to reduce the harm caused by tobacco.

We want all of our staff at GMMH to be part of our SmokeFree journey, by making their own pledge to support this important campaign and help to prevent premature mortality for our colleagues, service users and carers.

Read more about the work our Treating Tobacco Dependency Team are doing here.

For free, personalised support to stop smoking in Greater Manchester visit  or call the NHS Stop Smoking Helpline on 0300 123 1044.

Members of our Executive team and Treating Tobacco Dependency team with their pledges   Our Medical Director, Arasu Kuppuswamy, signing his pledge

Our Chief Finance Officer, Suzanne Robinson, signing her pledge   Our Chair, Tony Warne, signing his pledge

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust

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