Calling all creative types and those who want to get creative! | News and Events

Calling all creative types and those who want to get creative!

Help us design the new mental health inpatient unit at North Manchester General Hospital by joining our creative sessions exploring colour, form and mood using your own experiences to inspire and influence themes for this exciting development.

Our planned replacement of Park House at the hospital site in Crumpsall was granted full planning permission on Thursday 28 January by the local planning authority, Manchester City Council.

Park House is an inpatient unit providing assessment and treatment for adults and older people with mental health needs, and patients are currently accommodated across male and female wards, in mainly dormitory-style hospital accommodation.

The planning consent obtained allows GMMH to continue with its ambitious plans to construct a new, fit for purpose, mental health inpatient unit.

As part of the development, proposals will significantly improve patient privacy and dignity, providing service users with spacious single bedrooms with private ensuite bathrooms in single-sex wards. The new facility will also include a variety of internal activity areas and multiple outside garden spaces, specifically designed to enhance the environment, and aid

Therefore, the Recovery Academy is facilitating two sessions aimed at developing creative
elements to be integrated into the new development.

We want people with lived experience, including staff members, to help us by joining in this creative session. Don’t worry if you don’t think you’re ‘artistic’. Everyone’s ideas are a valued influence.

The sessions will be co facilitated by artist Stella, whose design company specialises in projects around health and wellbeing, and Avril, a service user volunteer from the Recovery Academy.

An image of a colourful collage

Come and join these creative sessions exploring colour, form and mood using your own experiences to inspire and influence themes for this new and exciting development.

We will send you a creative pack to use in the sessions, which includes various papers, a glue stick, and scissors - although you may want to use some of your own materials, for example magazines or newspapers or anything you consider to be creative! Included will be a prepaid addressed envelope to send in your final image.

• 9 April 2021
• 12 April 2021
10am until 11.30am via Microsoft Teams.

You can join in one session or both, it’s your choice.

Register by emailing your details to or calling 0161 358 1771

Please register by 31 March 2021

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust

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