CAMHS inpatient services are rated Good by the CQC

Following the CQC’s inspection of Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trusts (GMMH) child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) inpatient services in July 2024, they have confirmed that the overall rating for the service remains Good, with the Caring category remaining Outstanding.
The Safe, Effective, Responsive and Well-Led categories also remain Good.
In a report, published on Friday 20 December 2024, inspectors found:
- Young people said they felt safe, and that staff supported them when needed. They had the opportunities to be involved in planning their care and there were lots of activities available on and around the wards.
- Young people were involved in the development of their own care and they attended regular multi-disciplinary meetings with staff when they wanted to.
- During observations, inspectors found staff were engaging and responding to young people using the service and they had an excellent rapport. It was clear that staff knew the needs of each young person very well.
- There were sufficient staff on the wards, and they had received suitable inductions and training to enable them to carry out their roles effectively.
- Staff knew what incidents to report and reported them clearly and in line with trust policy.
Salli Midgley, Chief Nurse at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH), said:
“We welcomed the CQC to our child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) inpatient services in July 2024, and are pleased that they found the care and treatment we provide to be of a high standard in all areas; with the overall rating remaining Good, and remaining Outstanding for Caring.
“Our staff are extremely passionate about working collaboratively with young people to keep them safe, supported and help them build bright futures, and we are so pleased that this is the experience our service users have fed back.
“At GMMH, we are working on a Trust-wide improvement programme, and are absolutely committed to building upon areas of best practice to create better, safer, and more sustainable services for all our service users, carers and staff. We are very clear about what needs to be done, and are confident that we can create the changes needed to ensure everyone receives the high quality of care reflected in today’s CQC report.”
Here is a link to the CQC’s full press release: CQC publishes a report on Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust - Care Quality Commission Published 20 December 2024
Read the latest assessment report for Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust - HTML (Published 19 December 2024)