Chief Medical Officer’s report cites Manchester health masterplan | News and Events

Chief Medical Officer’s report cites Manchester health masterplan

North View

Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust's (GMMH) new state-of-the-art North View in-patient mental health hospital in North Manchester is referenced in the Chief Medical Officer for England’s Annual Report 2024: Health in Cities. 

The document, authored by Professor Chris Whitty, details the broad range of health opportunities and challenges for cities across the UK with Manchester cited as one of a number of case studies from across England. 

The reference to the “modern mental health inpatient unit” stems from its part in the North Manchester Strategy, as an example of the city’s rapidly developing economy and built environment and specifically its part in the North Manchester General Hospital masterplan for a new sustainable health campus.   

The report sets out that the North Manchester strategy describes the transformation of North Manchester with new housing, businesses,  jobs, better transport and a varied culture and leisure scene. 

The strategy’s goal, it says, “is to stimulate prosperity and civic regeneration through a placemaking approach to healthcare and housing investment that embeds health promotion in urban design, drives the social determinants of health and improves population health outcomes at scale.” 

It further states that at North Manchester General Hospital, the masterplan for a new sustainable health campus includes community-based health and wellbeing services, all embracing integration, innovation and technology as well as ‘a new best-in-class acute hospital and modern mental health inpatient unit.’  

North View Project Director Marc Reed said:

“We are delighted that the Chief Medical Officer has made specific reference to the mental health inpatient unit at North Manchester General Hospital.  We are proud that North View successfully opened in November; the most significant step towards the wider campus development to date.” 

Associate Director of Operations Deborah Goodman said:

“The development of North View has been an integral part of the North Manchester General Hospital Masterplan and is now a state-of-the-art inpatient facility. We are delighted that the Chief Medical Officer has chosen to include it in his 2024 annual report.” 

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