Cumbria Alcohol and Drugs Treatment and Recovery Services Survey

Cumbria County Council recognises the importance of preventing and reducing drug and alcohol related harm. Effective alcohol and drug treatment and recovery services have a wide range of positive results, including improved health and wellbeing of individuals and families, safer communities, and a reduction in drug and alcohol related hospital admissions and deaths.
To help achieve these results, the Council has a contract with Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to provide the Unity drug and alcohol treatment and recovery service. This contract comes to an end on 30 September 2021.
We would like people to tell us about their experiences and views of the Unity service.
We would like to hear from carers, professionals from statutory and voluntary & community organisations, and most importantly, people that have received or need drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services.
We will use what people tell us to determine what we can do to improve the service that starts in October 2021.
The first part of this engagement took place in 2019 when the Council and Unity held a number of conversation cafes around Cumbria. We spoke to over 100 people from statutory, voluntary and community organisations and those with lived experience of alcohol and drug misuse, treatment and recovery about ‘Recovery’.
This survey is the next part of our engagement and will be followed by focus groups and discussions with stakeholders, including service users and professionals. You will have chance to sign up for a focus group as part of the survey.
It usually takes about 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. Please note, the survey will close at midnight on Sunday 1 November 2020.
The information, views and experiences you enter into the survey will be kept confidential and used by the Council to consider how the alcohol and drug support treatment and recovery services can be improved.
For more information about the survey, please contact
Thank you so much for your time and for sharing your views on how services can further improve the health and wellbeing of local people.
Please click the following link to complete the survey: