Greater Manchester Homeless Mental Health Conference
A conference to highlight and share best practice of psychological work from across UK.
Topics Include Psychologically Informed Environments, Street Outreach, Supporting people with Brain Injury, Housing First Initiative, developments of the Homeless Strategy in Manchester, Experiences of Commissioning Services, Peer Support working, Manchester Homeless Mental Health strategy development.
Free to attend but places are limited.
Please register via
Sharing best practice of psychological work from across UK
Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust are holding a conference on the 3rd October at the Methodist Central Buildings (09:00-16:30). The conference aims to share best practice and knowledge from across the UK on how best to engage and support homeless individuals and frontline homeless services. With speakers including clinical psychologists, commissioners, researchers and peer support workers we hope to provide a thought provoking day to support and better equip the city of Manchester to solve some of the major problems which lead to, and maintain homelessness.
The conference is aimed at all those engaged or wishing to engage; or working with homeless individuals in Greater Manchester (and beyond). The conference hopes to have in attendance NHS/council/voluntary/faith sector services; individuals with lived experience; commissioners; researchers, students and anyone else with an interest in solving the problems of rough sleeping and homelessness.
Speakers include:
Nigel Allmark – (Participative Action Researcher) Involved in and researcher of recent developments of the homeless services and the homeless strategy in Manchester.
Victoria Aseervatham – (Westminster vulnerable accommodation commissioner) - Instrumental in developing Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE) and Trauma Informed work in the Westminster Pathway.
Dr Suzanne Elliott – (Leicester Homeless Mental Health Service) Lead Psychologist in award winning homeless service and developing psychologically informed street outreach and a citywide PIE homeless environment.
Manchester Homeless Peer Support Network – Launch of new network to share ideas and experiences of peer support workers in Manchester.
Prof. Nicholas Pleace (Director of Social Policy; Centre for Housing Policy at University of York) -Researcher and expert in Housing First initiatives. Nicholas’s work focuses on the interrelationships between housing and inequality.
Dr Stephen Weatherhead (NeuroTriage, Liverpool) - Developing innovative neuropsychological assessment, training and support service specifically for homeless individuals/services in Liverpool.
Dr Emma Williamson (Psychologist in Hostel, Lambeth) - Clinical Lead of innovative PIE project which has demonstrated successful outcomes for homeless staff and residents.
Schedule: TBC