New feedback forums to help shape local mental health services | News and Events

New feedback forums to help shape local mental health services

GMMH's Head of Operations for Wigan, Caroline Cain (left) and Carer, Patricia Maxwell

Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) have set up a new Mental health feedback forum, with the aim to include service users and carers in the development and co-delivery of mental health services. 

The Trust is committed to working with and engaging the local community, to help create and shape better mental health services for people living in Wigan and Leigh. 

GMMH values working together to meet the needs of people accessing services, recognising those using services are best placed to help design and influence it. 

Three successful feedback forums have already taken place, allowing staff to collate useful feedback from service users and carers. 

In July, GMMH also co-facilitated the Mental Health Feedback Forum with Healthwatch Wigan and Leigh and shared the Mental Health Project Report 2023-2024 titled, ‘Walking in their shoes’.  

A carer who attended a forum said: 

“It was really helpful to have the opportunity to go through this report as these are not the shoes I have walked in, it’s his, but now I have experience, it’s my journey too."

A service user who attended a forum said:

“The staff at GMMH always go above and beyond to support us, go out of their way to make us feel heard and to help us in all aspects of our lives."

Another service user said:

“The forums are an opportunity for us to feel listened to when we aren’t feeling heard.” 

Charlotte Stowell, GMMH Operational Manager said:

“These forums allow us a valuable opportunity to connect with people who use our services and hear the experiences of service users, carers, family and friends."

Mental health feedback forums provide the opportunity to share what is happening across GMMH’s mental health teams and services, including what is going well and improvements in progress. 

Future focus will be on how to increase co-delivery of services; including volunteer and engagement opportunities for interview panels, delivering training with lived experience, and working towards paid peer roles which are valued across GMMH’s teams.

 Atherleigh Park, a modern building with large windows and angled roof lines, featuring wood and brick exterior finishes, photographed at dusk with lights on inside.The next Mental Health Feedback Forum is on Tuesday 17 September 2024, between 2 - 4pm at Atherleigh Park Hospital, Atherleigh Way, Leigh, WN7 1YN. 

The topic will be ‘Engagement and volunteer opportunities across inpatient and community mental health services’.  

We are looking for people to join the monthly forum. Free parking is available. No booking is required. There is also an option to attend the forum virtually. GMMH welcomes people from a range of backgrounds and lived experiences to get involved. 

If you would like further information, or have any questions, please contact Charlotte Stowell, Wigan and Leigh Service User and Carer Engagement Lead:

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust

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