New Park House Development construction deal is signed | News and Events

New Park House Development construction deal is signed

The contract to start construction of our new mental health unit for adults at North Manchester General Hospital (NMGH) was signed in March (31 March 2022), which means we are contractually committed to building the much needed state-of the-art unit.

Signing the contract was Neil Thwaite, Chief Executive, Rupert Nichols, Chairman of GMMH, Suzanne Robinson, Director of Finance and IM&T and representatives of VINCI Construction UK and Integrated Health Projects, who are the project Principal Suppy Chain Partner and will physically constrict the new healthcare development.

There’s been progress on our proposed development site at NMGH with demolition work underway by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust in readiness for the handover to GMMH.

Construction of the new building was due to start in April 2022, but this will be delayed until August after asbestos was discovered in the NMGH Trust Headquarters prior to its demolition.

Removing asbestos contaminated materials and clearing the site completely must be completed safely by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust before it can legally transfer to GMMH to allow construction.

Photo of ongoing building work on site Despite this set back, staff will notice ongoing site activity preparing the site for the new development and installing construction safety hoardings to control access.

There is an opportunity for staff and service users to use new Virtual Reality (VR) headsets providing a VR experience of what the new unit will look like when it’s finished.

Book a slot to use this cutting-edge technology bringing our purpose-built unit to life by emailing or calling 0161 271 0055.

Transforming mental health care facilities in North Manchester for our service users and staff is part of our strategic vision for best care, every day. Despite the delay to construction, with the demolition phase underway real progress is already visible on site.

When complete, the new development will provide spacious, well-resourced and modern facilities for service users and staff across nine wards. The new building is expected to be completed in 2024.

You can find out more about this development on our website, by emailing or contacting the Project Team on Tel: 0161 271 0055.

For enquiries relating to the North Manchester General Hospital site redevelopment programme, please email

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