New Park House Development mock-up bedroom open | News and Events

New Park House Development mock-up bedroom open

Our plans to construct a new, fit for purpose, mental health inpatient unit to replace the current Park House inpatient mental health unit at North Manchester General Hospital are on track with work on the building expected to start next year.

A replica of a single en-suite bedroom is now available to view at the Park House Project Office.

We are really keen for staff, patients and carers to view the mock-up bedroom and give us your thoughts and feedback.

To view the mock-up bedroom, please book in with the Project Team, so we can maintain social distancing.

To book a viewing slot, please email: or contact Avril Fitton on Tel: 0161 271 0055.

The Project Office for the New Park House Development is located on the Ground Floor, Park House, behind the Tribunal suite.

Photo showing a mock up of a patient bathroom with a toilet and sink

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