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Building social connections with the help of 'Digital Buddies'

Digital Buddies is a new ‘social connection’ and support project organised by Salford Foundation in Salford and Trafford as part of their COVID-19 response. We are linking people in these communities to trained young people to help with any digital and tech issues they may be having, as well as to have a chat and form a friendship in these isolating times.

Read Building social connections with the help of 'Digital Buddies'…

buzz’s Physical Activity Referral Service delivers 30+ online exercise classes a week

buzz Manchester Health & Wellbeing Service’s Physical Activity Referral Service (PARS) are currently delivering over 30 online exercise classes a week through Microsoft Teams. In normal times all exercise classes are delivered out in the community, but since the start of the pandemic the team have quickly adapted to the challenging situation and moved all classes online.

Read buzz’s Physical Activity Referral Service delivers 30+ online exercise classes a week…

Calling all Recovery Academy Students!

During lockdown and while we remain unable to meet each face to face, we want to do all we can to support you to access as much as you can online.  We appreciate this requires resources such as laptops which are expensive.  Nevertheless, we do not want this current situation to hold back the fantastic work you were doing in maximising your potential to access courses and resources.

Read Calling all Recovery Academy Students!…

Half a million pounds awarded to evaluate new NHS mental health and wellbeing services, ‘Resilience Hubs’

The Resilience Hub model, which was originally developed to support those affected by the Manchester Arena bombing, is now being rolled out to provide mental health and wellbeing support to healthcare, social care and emergency service workers who have been affected by COVID-19 in multiple UK regions.The Resilience Hub model, which was originally developed to support those affected by the Manchester Arena bombing, is now being rolled out to provide mental health and wellbeing support to healthcare, social care and emergency service workers who have been affected by COVID-19 in multiple UK regions.

Read Half a million pounds awarded to evaluate new NHS mental health and wellbeing services, ‘Resilience Hubs’…
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