Think Wellbeing service user embarks on walking challenge to raise awareness for mental health | News and Events

Think Wellbeing service user embarks on walking challenge to raise awareness for mental health

Gareth Smith is starting his walk from Keswick to Wigan to raise awareness for mental health. By sharing his story, he wants to let other people, who may have a similar story, know that they too can achieve their goals.

Gareth found himself struggling with depression and anxiety and referred himself to Wigan Talking Therapies for help. He spoke to a therapist who offered him some treatment options and he chose Silvercloud, a computerised Cognitive Behaviour Therapy programme that can be accessed from home, which suited Gareth “down to the ground”. He found it helpful that he didn’t have to travel every week to see someone face-to-face. Through the programme, Gareth was able to see that he wasn’t on his own, as other people had similar difficulties to him.

Individuals using Silvercloud also have the support of a therapist who can help users navigate the programme and offer additional support when needed.


“Use the programme, use the tools and it will get better.”


Silvercloud gave Gareth the tools to make changes to manage how he was feeling and he was able to set small, achievable goals to start to feel capable and worthy again.

Gareth has found being out in nature really helpful to his mental health, so has set his initial goal to get walking, with the eventual aim of getting out on a camping trip. Gareth has now set himself the challenge of walking from Keswick to Wigan, with the support of his friend, Stuart Edwards, who is joining him on this challenge.

If you would like to support Gareth, you can visit his Just Giving page where he is raising money for Andy’s Man Club, a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online.



How do I access Talking Therapies services?

It’s simple! If you're registered with a Wigan GP and think we can help, call us today on 01942 764449 or self-refer online at

Please note, we are a non-urgent service. If you need urgent help, please contact the GMMH 24/7 Mental Health Crisis helpline on 0800 953 0285 (freephone). 

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust

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