Statement in response to CQC Inspection Report of our services | News and Events

Statement in response to CQC Inspection Report of our services

Jan Ditheridge, recently appointed interim Chief Executive at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) said:

“We recognise and are very sorry for the failings reflected in these reports. We are most sorry to our service users and carers whose care and treatment has been affected by these failings. We know there is much work to do and we need to quickly restore confidence. There are some promising signs, and the CQC have recognised where there have been improvements. We are committed to keep progressing our Improvement Plan. 

“The inspections took place earlier this year and I can see even during my short time here that a tremendous amount of work has taken place and will continue, to make the required improvements. I have met many staff, service users and partners since I started and I'm confident we are all committed to making change happen. 

“The CQC has identified improvements at our secure forensic wards, our community-based mental health services for adults of working age, as well as in their separate, focused inspection on the safety of our wards for older people at Woodlands Hospital.  As a result, ratings for these have improved from ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Requires Improvement’. The CQC also observed an improvement in culture, and that staff were confident about how to raise concerns.

“We will continue to work hard to improve the experience of our service users and their carers and make GMMH a great place to work.” 


Read the full report here.

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