Time for Tea - An exhibition celebrating creativity and inclusivity | News and Events

Time for Tea - An exhibition celebrating creativity and inclusivity

ceramic teapot with artistic nature-inspired design

“Remembering my youth has been such a cathartic experience. It’s been so interesting to connect with my younger self again…especially knowing what I know now and having the opportunity to tell my story and have it heard” (Course participant)

“What’s been nice about this course is having the opportunity to share a bit of my life story, and listen to other people’s stories sharing our experiences” (Course Participant)

“What I have enjoyed is how connected I’ve felt being part of this project. When I was a young man, just coming out I felt very isolated. It was illegal back then. In my later years that sense of isolation has returned. This project has been so important to me on so many levels, meeting others, sharing our experiences and stories. I’ve made some very positive friendships that I know will continue after the course has finished”. (Course Participant)

Recovery Pathways in partnership with Age UK Manchester held an Exhibition at Brunswick Village on the 2nd and 3rd October.

The work exhibited was the result of an Arts for Good Health Course run by Stephen Davis, Lead Wellbeing Artist START and Harriet Brabbin Recovery Pathways Ceramic Tutor. The course was aimed at 50+ members of the LGBTQ Community.

Participants involved in the project used image, shape, colour and texture to hand make and design their own individual teapot, inspired by stories, memories, references to LGBTQ heroes, culture and history from the 1960s,1970s and 1980s, decades which saw much change and turbulence for the LGBTQ Community with each teapot displayed telling its own unique story.

Teapots were used as inspiration for the project as prior to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967.The term “Tea party” was used to describe safe spaces where the LGBTQ community could meet and connect with each other. They were very much underground, held in secret places and locations to avoid any detection and often raided by the police resulting in prosecution for anyone attending.

The teapots are still on display in the Bistro at Brunswick Village until the 6th November 2023.

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