UPDATE - Mental Health Nursing Research Unit virtual launch and personal stories
GMMH has recently established a Mental Health Nursing Research Unit (MHNRU). The aim of the MHNRU is to conduct research that improves the health and wellbeing of people using mental health services and their families. It also aims to conduct research that advances the practice of mental health nursing.
The MHNRU is led by Dr Robert Griffiths (Clinical Research Fellow in Mental Health Nursing) in collaboration with Professor Karina Lovell and Professor John Keady, who are based at the University of Manchester.
Launch Event
A virtual launch event took place on 16 July. It was an opportunity to learn more about the aims of the MHNRU and our plans to support the development of research skills and knowledge amongst mental health nurses. We also took the opportunity to learn more about what service users, carers, relatives, health professionals, academics and students think the priorities of the MHNRU should be and how we can support nurses to become more actively involved in research.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all our speakers and to everyone who attended on the day. We hope that it provided insight into the Mental Health Nursing Research Unit and how nurses can become more actively involved in research. As we embark upon this exciting journey, we hope that you will continue to engage with us to help us shape and develop the research unit.
If you were unable to attend, you can view the recording of the launch event here (we have included timestamps of all speaker slots below):
- Welcome and introductions – Dr Robert Griffiths, Clinical Research Fellow in Mental Health Nursing - 0:00:00 – 00:03:26
- Opening the event – Gill Green, Director of Nursing – 00:03:26 to 00:06:26
- Background to the MHNRU – Dr Robert Griffiths, Clinical Research Fellow in Mental Health Nursing - 00:06:26 to 00:20: 13
- The MHNRU and GMMH’s R&I Strategy – Sarah Leo, Head of Research and Innovation – 00:20:13 to 00:31:42
- Pathways into research for mental health nurses – Jonothan Orson, Clinical Research Fellow in Mental Health Nursing – 00:31:42 to 00:44:07
- NIHR Fellowships – one route into research - Dr Robert Griffiths, Clinical Research Fellow in Mental Health Nursing –00:44:30 to 00:55:13
- My journey into research – Professor John Keady, Professor of Mental Health Nursing and Older People – 00:55:23 to 01:07:03
- Patient and public involvement in research – Professor Karina Lovell, Professor of Mental Health and Director of Research - 01:18:47 to 01:33:50
- Mental health nursing career development opportunities - Dr Robert Griffiths, Clinical Research Fellow in Mental Health Nursing - 01:33:50 to 01:38:11
- MHNRU logo and branding ideas – 01:38:11 to 01:40:29
- Q&A and next steps – 01:40:53 to end.
You can also access all speaker slides here: MHNRU launch event all slides.pptx
A survey will be sent round to all who attended, to gain insights on what you think the priorities for the MHNRU should be.
If you have any questions or suggestions (or if you didn’t attend and would like to take part in the survey) please contact ResearchOffice@gmmh.nhs.uk.
Personal stories
In advance of the launch event, we shared over social media some quotes from individuals who are involved in the MHNRU, speaking of the importance of involving nurses in clinical research.
You can see these here: